February 4, 1928 WINNETKA TALK ar 63 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES 96 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES HEAR HORACE BRIDGES ROOMS IN THE NORTH SHORE |HIGH CLASS STURES, OFFICES AND WE HAVE A BUYER FOR A HOUSE Montessori School. 761 Cherry St, apartments in Franklin Building, Win- with six or more bedrooms and three Winnetka. Suitable for classes or eve- netka. ; ; ning entertainments. Apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. . 66T46-tfc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping roor . 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc FOR RENT--SUNNY ROOM WITH beautiful view. 1 block from N. W. Wilmette 3000. 66LTN19-1tc ROOM FOR RENT NEAR TRANSPOR- tation. Phone Winnetka 898. 66T48-1tc FURN. ROOM FOR RENT NEAR HUB- bard Woods station. Phone Winnetka 2478. 66T48-1tc LARGE, FURNISHED ROOM, ALMOST Station. opposite depot. Double or single. 458 Ridge Ave. 66 TN48-1tc LARGE AND WARM ROOM, JUST decorated, private entrance and cheap. Phone Winnetka 2889. 66T48-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, 882 PINE St. Phone Winnetka 1549. 66T48-tfc PLEASANT ROOM. 3 BLOCKS TO STA- tion. Winnetka 415. 66LTN19-1tc ROOM FOR RENT AT 934 ELM ST. 66T48-1tp FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 67 New Apartments Now Ready 2 ROOMS--LIVING ROOM WITH ROLL- away bed, kitchenette, bedroom and bath with shower, $77.50. 3 rooms--Iliving rooms with roll-away bed. dinette and kitchenette, bedroom and bath, $87.50 and $90.00. rooms--$125.00. All have large light rooms, good closet space, elec. refrigera- tion furnished. : SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 67T18-tfc FOR RENT--FEB. 1ST, 5 RM. APT. 1062 Gage St., Hubbard Woods. 2nd Fl. Will decorate to suit, $75 ner mo. Frank A. Reid, 954 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. 67TN47-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67TLTN2-tfc 3 ROOMS, HOT WATER HEAT. CALL Glencoe 1328, 67TTN48-3tc FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--MODERN STUCCO HSE., rms., sun parlor, sleeping porch and breakfast rm., hot water heat, 2 car garage, 2 blocks N. W. & N. S. Con- cession. Tel. Wilmette 2844. 69LTN19-1tp FOR RENT--SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH sleeping porch, also glazed in porch with south exposure. Located on east side in Indian Hill Dist. Available at once. Call at 310 Myrtle St. for keys. or 69 Possession May 1st. 526 Center St. Phone Winnetka 382. T3LTN19-1te FOR SALE--HOUSES GLENCOE PERFECT SMALL HOUSE. NEW ENG- lish Cottage BRICK and TIMBER. High wooded lot 50x220 with fine out- tks look. NEAR THE LAKE. 8 rms. 3 baths, 2-car garage. Billiard room. Sun parlor. MAHOGANY TRIM. FINEST FIXTURES, including electric refrigeration, dishwasher, ventilator, cedar closets, latest plumbing equip- ment. plate glass windows, roll screens. recessed radiators, gas heat, ete. Price under $40,000. Hokanson & Jenks, 513 Davis St. Gr. 1617 TTTN48-1tc A Home An Investment BOTH OF THESE FEATURES ARE OF- fered in the modern English Type resi- dence just listed. The first floor has Re- ception Hall--Living Room--Den--Din- ing Room--Lav. and Toilet--Kitchen. Second floor--four chambers--excellent closet space and three baths. Third floor--2 bedrms. and bath. The lot is 171x150 ft. generously wooded with extraordinary trees. This ground will be worth far more than its present valuation. The extreme convenience is what makes the investment. McGUIRE & ORR 541 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 672 7 $2,500 CASH WILL HANDLE 6 RM. DUTCH CO- lonial in S. E. Winnetka, nr. all schools and trans. 3 bedrooms. sun- room, 2 extra lavatories, wooded lot, garage. Price $16,000. BE. BE STULTS REALTY 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winn. 1800 TTLTN19-1te A: CORRECT DESCRIPTION OF THIS home, its location, 3 baths. ete. would read like a $45,000 value which it is not. But it is a real buy at $30,000. ILet us show it to you-- Dudley Bradstreet 522 Center St. Evanston Winnetka 806-875 T7T48-1te FOR SALE--7 RM. HOUSE, GLAZED heated slp. and brk. rms. Excep. high class and well built. Many unusual features. Built by owner 5 yrs. ago for a home, not for speculation. Beautiful- ly landscaped grounds. 300 ft. from lake. Nr. school and transp. Unusual opp. Owner must sell. Ph. Winnetka 1919. TTLTN16-tfc FOR SALE IN HUBBARD WOODS choice location, 6 rm. brick bungalow, sun parlor and screen porch, wooded lot and garage. Reasonable for quick 69T48-1te sale. Phone Winnetka 1646. 7T7TN48-1tc FOR RENT--8 RM. HOUSE. H. W.|718 FOR SALE--VACANT heat. 2 glazed porches. Wood burning fireplace. 3 blocks to transpor. and | FOR SALE--60x160 FT. LOT, RAVINIA schools. $125 a month. Immediate pos- Terrace. Winnetka 1334. T78LTN19-1tp session. Winn. 2185. 69LTN19-1tc 85 WANTED TO RENT ROOMS FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE, 130 WOOD- : - lawn Ave. Immediate possession. | WANTED--IN WINNETKA OR HUB- Phone Winnetka 1805. 69TN48-1tc bard Woods room with adjoining pri- 70 TOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES vate bath. Wish privacy. Out most of time. Write Talk, B-587. 85T48-1tc Central East Winnetka COL. BRICK HOME, AVAILABLE FOR 1 yr. 3 master bedrms., 2 baths, 2 Srepsiie rh 2 Se pches., maid's rm. ¢ bath, ttached 2-c inspection call EA ex Hokanson & Jenks 513 Davis St., Evanston Gr. 1617 70T48-1tc ------ FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--GARAGE WITH CON- crete drive and turn-around at 426 Maple Ave., $10. Phone 2021. 72T48-1te 72 88 WTD. TO RENT--FURN APTS. 2 RMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. $35.00. 513 Main St., 2nd fl. 88LT19-1tc §9 WTD. TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED--TO RENT HOUSE IN WIN- netka, May 1st¢ 4 bedrooms, near school and transportation. Reasonable rent. Ph. Winn. 817. 89T46-4tc HOUSE FOR RENT--5 RMS, FUR- nace heat. Hot and cold water. $50. Tel. Wil. 159, Barges Bros. 635 Main St. 89LT19-1tc ------ 96 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES SPACE IN 2-CAR GARAGE. - lent location, 1271 Asbury Ar netka 1756. T2LTN19-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE, 1040 PIN Phone Winnetka 752. OTs 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFI y G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 65. UES T3LTNS-tfc PRIVATE PARTY WANTS SIX OR seven room residence. Must have two baths and lavatories. Will consider either Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka or Glencoe and must be in good neigh- borhood, close to school and steam transportation. Would prefer paying $20,000, however, will go as high as $25,000 and am in position to pay all cash. Give description, name, address, telephone number and price. Write Wil- mette Life B-581. 96LTN19-1tc or more baths. Must have a large lot and good location, need not be a new house but must be good. If you have such a property you wish to sell, com- municate with us. W. G. Stacey & Co. 336 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 308 96LTN19-1tc 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS RADIATOR COVERS--REASONABLY priced, beautiful baked enamel finish.Ar- tistically constructed with built-in hu- midifiers. 42256 W. Kinzie. Ph. Ked. 3351. 100L'TN18-5tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY DAY BED with back, box springs, opens to full bed. Splendid cond. Ph. Wil. 3557. 100L'TN19-1te FOR SALE--1 upholstered blue velour chair, 2 sets of sectional bookcases, 1 refrigerator. 791 Foxdale Ave. Win- netka 1248. 100T48-1tc FOR SALE 2 PC. LIVING ROOM SET $40.00. In care of 844 Spruce St., Win- netka. 100TN48-1tc BRASS FULL-SIZE BED, UPHOL- Winn. 2632. 100LTN19-1tp GAS RANGE, 2 YEARS OLD. HAS heat regulator and lighter. Rug 9x12. Call Winn. 2291. 100LTN19-1tc KURDISTAN HALL RUNNER, GOOD condition. $50. 11x3 ft. Winn. 1568. 100L/TN19-1tp stered box springs. 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- ton, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 101TN5-tfe 102 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--HOOVER SWEEPER. $20: Vanity case mirror, $2. Tel. Kenilworth 1212. 102L'TN19-1te 103 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WANTED--USED TYPEWRITER DESK. Must be strong, of fairly good finish and reasonable price. Write Wilmette Life B-586. 103LTN19-1tp WANTED TO BUY FAIRBANKS BAL- anced baby scales. Phone Winnetka 537TRX. 103TN48-1tc WANTED--CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave... Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp 105 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCED TRAVELER, ORGAN- izing student trip abroad, requires a few more members. Group limited to 10. Moderate in price. Address Talk B-585. 105LTN19-1te | Camp Fire Sparks The Oececa group of Camp Fire girls, Mrs. Isador Lang and Mrs. Robert Meleney, guardians, held a ceremonial Camp Fire meeting, Thurs- day afternoon, February 2, in the Camp Fire room of Community House. The following girls received honor beads for successful efforts in the different crafts: Eleanor Foreman, Eleanor Erickson, Helen Maistrovitch. Miriam Barber, Eleanor Chichester, Elizabeth Buchen, Elizabeth Barden, Virginia Lang, Joy Stover, Betty Brown, Miriam Fetcher, Frances Koch. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT "Spirit" will be the subject at the service of the First Church of Christ Scientist, in Winnetka, Sunday morn- ing, February 5, at 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hubert Allen, 1405 Edgewood lane, leave next Monday on a motor trip to California of a number of weeks' duration. They will visit Mrs. Allen's brother. Mrs, Allen's two aunts, the Misses Downs of Chicago, will occupy their home in their ab- sence. Wilmette Sunday Evening Club Se- cures Famous Lecturer for Meeting February 5; Quartet to Sing Dr. Horace Bridges, well known author and lecturer, will speak before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club on "The Life of Dickens" Sunday, February 5. This will be a most timely address inasmuch as Dickens' birthday anniversary comes on Febru- ary 7. The music of the evening will be furnished by the Chicago Treble Clef quartet. from the Apollo club. Dr. Bridges was born in England, his early education being in St. John's school, Kensington, London. He later studied at Cator Street school, and still later took special courses in Lon- don university, While in London he was associate leader with Stanton Coit of the West London Ethical society from 1905 to 1912. He has been the leader of the Chicago Ethical society since April, 1913. Dr. Bridges has been president of Booth House Social settlement: Ur- ban league, Chicago; member of the Unitarian Fellowship, and vice presi- dent of the Chicago chapter of the English Speaking Union. He was editor of "The Ethical Movement--Its Principles and Aims," in 1911; with second edition in 1912; also of "Eras- mus in Praise of Folly," in 1925. He is the author of "Criticism of Life--Studies in _ Faith, Hope and Despair," "The Religion cf Experi- ence," "Our Fellow Shakespeare," "On Becoming an American," "As I Was Saying," "The God of Fundamental- ism and Other Studies." Dr. Bridges has been an occasional lecturer in extension courses at the University of Chicago, Columbia uni- versity, Brooklyn Institute, Philadel- phia University Extension society and Philadelphia Forum. Rollin Pease is Soloist at Sacred Concert Sunday A sacred concert will be given by the combined choirs of St. John's Lu- theran church, Wilmette, Sunday eve- ning, February 5, at 7:45 o'clock. Rol- lin Pease, well known Evanston bari- tone, will be the soloist and Miss Electa Austin, organist of the church, will preside at the console. Works of Bach. Mendelssohn, Gounod, Roberts, and Schuecker will be rendered. 1. Prelude. 2. Opening Prayer and Scripture Read- ing. 3. A rale--rWadHet auf, ruft uns die Stimme ae es Bach 4, Organ a. Chorale Prelude--Wachet auf, ruft NINE nie HOO isle of void Bach b. Prelude and Fugue in F major .. aN RN ABT, ABH JU Bach 5. Anthem--Seek Ye the Lord . Roberts 6. Male Quartet--We Bow, O Almighty ey IE Barnby 7. Vocal solo--It Is Enough--from the SEBldahcs: edna, Mendelssohn 8. Anthems 4 a. Lift Thine Eyes--from the "Elijah" AORN AREY Mendelssohn b.'1 Waited for the Lord ........... vinis o peel gh afisd or STs hes 8 Mendelssohn 9. Chorale--Vater unser im Himmel- relly SMa oon a Bach 10. Organ--Sonata VI ...... Mendelssohn a. Chorale b. Andante Sostenuto c. Allegro 11. Choir ; a. Sanctus. i.....o. tials cis eK Gounod Db. Benedjetus i... sips Gounod 12. Vocal Solo . a. The Ninety and Nine ..Campion b. There Is No! Death .....i...u.. POPP SAR TT Geoffrey O'Hara 12. Offertory 14. Organ--Chant de Bonheur ..Lemare 15. Choir--My Faith Looks Up to Thee PR 'Schnecker 16. "Organ--Adoration' .......... .. ... ses AR LREAN RE Borowski-Whiting 17. Doxology 18. The Lord's Prayer 19. Postlude Mrs. J. P. Oleson of 240 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, has been confined to her home for the past ten days, with a very severe infection in her back.