April 14, 1928 WINNETKA TALK COMMUNITY PLAYERS GIVE FINE PROGRAM Present Three One-Act Plays in Effective Manner at Matz Hall Last Week by Critic A varied evening of entertainment was offered by the Community Players of the Commuaity Drama club in its bill of three one-act plays, presented at Matz hall on Wednesday and Thursday, April 11 and 12. The evening opened on a note of sparkling gaiety in "Dolly's Little Bills" by Henry Ar- thur Jones, charmingly presented by Mrs. William Gold Hibbard III, Law- rence Norem and Alfred Freeman. The play is in two scenes, the first scene disclosing a quarrel between husband and wife over his wife's bills. There is a tender reconciliation and the wife promises to reform her extrava- gant nature. The scene a year later depicts with good natured satire a repetition of these events, quarrel. reconciliation and promise of reforma- tion. This play was directed by Mrs. Merritt Lum. The second play, "Judge Lynch," by a young American dramatist, John William Rogers, Jr., sounds a note of deepest tragedy--the tragedy inherent in the passions and prejudices of two races who have mot learned to under- stand each other and live together in mutual trust. A young Southern farm- er comes home to tell his wife and mother of the lynching of a negro by a mob of which he was a member. During the course of the action it is subtly and grippingly brought out to the audience--although not to the actors--that the negro had been inno- cent and that the crime had been com- mitted by a passing stranger. The four characters in this play were ex- cellently portrayed by Mrs. John Mar- shall, Helen English, Charles Eastman and John H. Jameson. The play was directed by Mrs. Taliaferro Milton. Enter Play in Tourney "Judge Lynch" has been entered by the Community Drama club in the Little Theater tournament at the Goodman theater on the afternoons of May 7, 8 9, 10. The Winnetka Players appear on Wednesday after- noon, May 9. and all their friends who are interested may secure tickets from Mrs. Davies Lazear. 892 Oak street. "The Trysting Place" by Booth Tarkington, directed by Mrs. Sherman Goble, proved a delightful climax and sent the audience home chuckling over the difficulties of three couples in their vain attempts to find a secluded spot in a hotel in which to carry on their love-making. One of the characters is the typical Tarkington adolescent and this part was played to the life by Stanford Sherman who brought out all the ridiculousness, the pathos and the lovableness of the genus Boy," as Tarkington depicts him. The other characters, each of whom was played with charm and spirit and a keen sense of comedy values, were Mrs. Jack Anderson, Mrs. Louis Sher- man, Miss Vivian Ratcliffe, Henry Hoehn and George Bartlett. : Stage Settings Praised The stage settings under the direc- tion of Mrs. William Wersted were most artistic and showed in an effec- tive manner the variations to which a cyclorama may be adapted. The properties were taken care of by Mrs. Gross Williams, the costumes by Mrs. Harry Craig, the lighting by Dr. Davies Lazear, the make-up by Miss Rebecca Mitchell and the hard-work- ing and efficient stage crew was under the leadership of O. E. Fox. This ends a most successful season for the Community Drama club. Tt is the earnest hope of the members of the organization that they may do even bigger and better things next season, There were nearly eight hun- dred "Players" this year and it is hoped that there will be a thousand next Fall. N. S. Congregation Israel Sisterhood Holds Meeting The Sisterhood of the North Shore Congregation Israel will have a busi- ness meeting on Wednesday, April 18, at the temple. There will be sewing in the morning at 9 o'clock followed by a luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. The business meeting will be held in the afternoon with reports from the chair- men of committees and election of officers for the coming year. Mrs. J. F. Dammann, Jr., 853 Pros- pect place, and Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Jr, 960 Sheridan road, returned on Saturday, April 7, from a month's visit in the Bermudas. NGA AAA LLLLLALLLLLLLLAALL LL LA 2 $ Telechron The Correct New Timekeeper You and your friends can now enjoy regulated observatory time from regular electric light wires. TELECHRONS operate directly from any electric light outlet. You merely set to correct time and the regulated electric impulses from the power station will keep it correct. It is never necessary to wind, reg- ulate, clean or oil a Telechron, and they keep correct time and cost no more than the old fashioned, spring-driven clocks. Electricity cost is trivial--about six cents a month--you won't notice it. There are many beautiful Tele- chrons for homes, and numerous types are available for business uses --for walls, desks, etc. You will never regret buying a Telechron. It is the perfected MODERN TIMEKEEPER. Porter's NortH SHORE Erectric Snop Telephone 44 Winnetka 797 Elm Street LAST ASSISTS ISIS SLITS SIS I SSI LSS SSS SSIS SSSI SSS ASS S SSS 7 772d ddd ddd eld ddd blll dll dldddddddildidilddddddd LLL zz 7777720077077 7700. RE A TT 2 2 A E PO ETT > WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR DAILY SPECIALS Most FOLKS RUTHIN DELIVERIES DAILY prefer to do business with the man who knows more about his "line" than he does about mere salesmanship, know good meats--and we believe that selling only that kind is our first and last rule of success. JOSEPH H. TARRANT, Proprietor Usually you'll find that the hostess who 'sets a good table" and the one who buys at the Na- tional are one and the same! NATIONAL MARKET S02 Elm Street Telephone Winnetka We do Winnetka 541 Chestnut Street The efficient, prompt, and satisfying work has given us an enviable repu- tation, and we especially pride our- selves in our ability to clean the most delicate things that the ordinary cleaner prefers to avoid. Acquaint yourself with "the woman who knows" ELSE LE COMTE RAN TIES "Service and Satisfaction" Phone Winnetka 410 |