\|WinNETEA TALK] Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, Illinois. Entered as second class matcer March 8, 1912, at the post office at Winnetka, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $2.00 a year. VOL. XVII, NO. 14 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, APRIL 21, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS DESIGNATE PERIOD FOR VILLAGE WIDE CLEAN-UP April 30 to May 25 Set as "Clean- Up-Month"; Civic Bodies Ask Co-operation Editor's Note: The following statement relating to the period observed annually in Winnetka as 'Clean-up-Month" was issued this week by Village President Henry F. Tenney. The period from April 30 to May 25 has been designated by the Village as "Clean-up-Month" during which the Village organization will haul away, free of charge, all rubbish placed in containers on the parkway. The regular rubbish service rendered by the Village throughout the year is limited to ordinary household rub- bish such as tin cans, bottles, etc. During the "Clean-up-Month," how- ever, the Village will haul away rub- bish of any description, excepting ma- terial from building remodeling jobs, brush, leaves, grass cuttings and arti- cles too bulky or heavy for easy handling. The schedule of collections is as follows : East of the Tracks April 30 and May 14--South limits to Orchard lane. May 1 and May 15--Orchard lane to Elm street. May 2 and May 16--ElIm street to Tower road. except Foxdale ave- nue and Lincoln avenue to Hum- boldt. May 3 and May 17--Tower road to north limits, including Foxdale avenue and Lincoln avenue to Humboldt. West of the Tracks May 4 and May 18--Willow road to south limits. May 7 and May 21--Willow road to Cherry street. May 8 and May 22--Cherry street to Elm street. May 9 and May 23--EIm street to Pine street, including Blackthorn road, Walden road and Center street. May 10 and May 24--Pine street to Tower road, except Black- thorn road, Walden road and Center street. May 11 and May 25--Tower road to North limits. Please preserve this schedule for ref- erence and remember that your ac- cumulation must be in containers on the parkway in front of your property early on the morning of the days specified above. It is urged that all residents co-oper- ate in cleaning up vacant lots, the own- ers of which do not live in Winnetka. (Signed) Village Council, Henry F. Tenney, President. Village Improvement Association, Charles H Coffin, President. Hubbard Woods Improvement As- sociation, Erskine Wilder, Presi- dent. Indian Hill Improvement Associa- tion, William S. Nordburg, Presi- dent. Winnetka Has Busy Half Month in Way of Building Activities Building permits for seven new resi- dences were issued in Winnetka dur- ing the first half of the month, ranging in price from $9,000 to $15,000. There was a total of 25, authorizing building improvements amounting to almost $100,000, the exact figure being $99,275. In addition to the seven for new residences, there were 12 for private garages, costing $7400 and 6 for alterations costing $7,875. Two of the new residences are to be built on Asbury, one by Joseph Wolli, a two story seven room frame build- ing, with enclosed heated porch, cost- ing $9,000 and the other, by Howard Bowen, a one and one-half story frame and stone veneer building, of eight rooms and attached garage, costing $14,000. Mr. Bowen is also building another residence, on Ash street, a two story six room house of frame and brick veneer, costing $11,000, and Mr. Wolf is building a two story nine room frame house, with attached garage, at 681 Garland avenue, cost- ing $15,000. One of the permits was issued to Robert Darrow for a two story seven room house of frame and brick veneer, with attached garage, on Vine street, to cost $12,000. A. Kloepfer will build a six room house of frame and brick veneer, with heated porch and attached garage, at 1039 Oak street, costing $11,000 A new residence is being built on Cherry street by Ed Sidja, costing $12,000. It will be a two story frame and brick veneer structure, with at- tached garage. FOOD SALE SUCCESS Despite the very unfavorable wea- ther last Saturday, the sale conducted by the Camp Fire Girls at Community Hcuse was a success from a financial point of view, and sufficient funds were realized to defray their expenses for the next few months. printing ink is just ink until it's combined with an idea: then it begins to bring you profit! just call WILMETTE 4300 ee the Talk? Well, Read This One Several hundred Winnetka school children attended classes with reluctance last Monday while twice that number (figure it out yourself) played just plain "hook- ey." The cause of this unseemly ate titude upon the part of our young hopefuls reposed in an announce- ment in last Saturday's WINNETKA Tak which advised the restless childhood of our fair village that the public schools would be closed Monday to permit the teachers to attend a conference at Waukegan. While WinneErka TALK sincerely regrets this apparent faux pas-- surely the youngsters didn't--it makes bold to state that the "no school Monday" announcement was based upon reliable authority, since the Lake Shore Division of the Il- linois State Teachers' association-- convened at Waukegan last Mon- day--confidently expected Winnet- ka's contingent of instructors to at- tend the sessions. The schools of Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Glencoe were closed throughout the day. But, then, as the wide world knows, Winnetka has a unique school sys- tem. Don't mention it, dear chil- dren. Rotary-Anns Will Dominate Meeting of Chicago Club Mrs. John N. VanderVries of Win- netka is chairman of a luncheon of the Chicago Rotary club to be held Tuesday noon, April 24, in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Sherman and which is designated "Feminist or Self- Expression Day" at the regular club meeting. The meeting will be entirely in the hands of the Rotary-Anns, a term applied to the wife, daughter, mother and sister of a Rotarian. Miss Harriet Taylor Upton, Republi- can National Committee-woman from Ohio, will be the principal speaker. The reservations announcement sent out to the Rotary-Anns reads: "Dear Mrs, Van: I will personally deliver my husband 'on the spot' at the Feminists' Day Luncheon of the Rotary club of Chicago, Tuesday noon, April 24, in the Grand Ballroom, Hotel Sherman, or know the reason why, and guarantee we'll be there from 12:10 to 1:45 P. M." John N. VanderVries is president of the Chicago Rotary club. Square Club to Hold Boxing Show April 24 A fine boxing card of seven fast bouts has been arranged for Tuesday evening, April 24, by the Square club of Winnetka Masonic temple to be held in the temple at 708 Elm street. Boxers from Great Lakes and Ft. Sheridan will participate, and because of the intense rivalry between the two training stations an unusually good show is promised. Fach bout will consist of three rounds, and in case of a draw a fourth round will decide the winner. Tickets can be obtained from various members and at Adams and Community Pharm- acies in Winnetka. ARRANGE FINE PROGRAM [FOR BETTER HOMES WEEK Authoritative Speakers to Talk on Topics Pertaining to Building of Homes (Contributed) All normal men and women dream sooner or later of owning their own home; of sitting by their own fire- side; of the joy of planning and build- ing. The Winnetka Better Homes committee wishes to help make that dream come true, by offering during the coming week speakers who are authorities in their line, and who will discuss different phases of the home. In considering the building of a new home or the re-building of an old one, a thousand questions arise: how to finance the venture; what type of house is best suited to the needs of the family, and yet will be the most attrac- tive and the most fitting in its environ- ment; building materials; landscaping; interior furnishings; all these, and many others, call for careful consid- eration and as much expert advice as it is possible to obtain. Sometimes the prospective builder is most bewildered by the multiplicity of things on which he has to make decisions, and about which he knows so little. And the knowledge that on these decisions de- pends much that is important to the convenience, satisfaction and happi- ness of the family increases his long- ing to know what is the best, and where to turn for information. Hold Open Forum It is with these needs in mind that the local committee on Better Homes Week has arranged for the observance of Better Homes week in Winnetka, and is offering to the public an op- portunity to hear what authorities in these different lines have to say. All will have a chance to take part in the discussions following the talks which will be given each evening in Com- munity House. The churches have been asked to observe the occasion in some way from the pulpit, and, insofar as they are able, have arranged to do so. The five o'clock Vesper service in the Con- gregational church on Sunday, April 22, will be arranged with this in mind. Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will preach on "What Makes a Home?" Mrs. Walter Benson is to speak on Better Homes before the Young Woman's Guild of the Congregational church on April 25 at the home of Mrs. Yates. Information Bureau "A Bureau of Information to help. those who are considering building a home has been arranged for with the Public Library. The committee feels that such a bureau, having impartial,' non-commercial and up-to-date reli- able information on financing, building materials, plans, construction, acces- sories and fixtures, furnishings and landscaping, can be of especial value and interest to young people who are considering building moderate-priced homes. Earl Weinstock is chairman of the committee having this in charge, and is planning to have this informa- tion in shape in the library soon. In addition to the speakers who have already spoken to -the- various organizations at the request of the Better Homes committee the obsery- ance of "Better Homes Week" has been arranged for in the following (Continued on Page 8)