20 WINNETKA TALK April 28, 1928 DIM THE DASHLIGHTS Night drivers in the fog or rain should keep their dashlights dim, ad- vises the Accident Prevention depart- ment of the Chicago Motor club. A bright dashlight will impair vision by causing a glare which affects the vision of the road. It also produces eye-strain which is tiring on a long night trip. : NOW AT ORRINGTON Mr. and Mrs. William F. Babcock, Miss Jane Babcock, and Richard Babcock, 566 Ash street, moved to the Orrington hotel, Evanston, last Wed- nesday. The Babcocks have rented their home for a year to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rich of Chicago while Mrs. Babcock, Jane and Richard are in Europe. They expect to sail the last of June to spend the winter in Paris. The overwhelming preference for FRIGIDAIRE zs based on proven performance Health protection--beauty and utility--quiet, economical, dependable performance--low price--all have played important parts in winning Frigidaire's unquestioned leadership. Visit our display room for a demonstra- tion. Easy monthly terms can be arranged. Chicago--Stover Co., 313 N. Michigan Ave., Whitehall 4955 Hubbard Woods--Stover Co., 956 Linden Ave., Winnetka 1512 Highland Park--Stover Co., 382 Central Ave., Highland Park 150 Evanston--Stover Co., 1631 Sherman Ave., Greenleaf 4480 Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois--At all their offices PRODUCT OF - GENERAL MOTORS Rathbone Wants Congress to Limit Primary Gifts Henry R. Rathbone, of Kenilworth, Congressman-at-large for Illinois, has just introduced a Joint Resolution for a Constitutional Amendment giving power to Congress to limit and regu- late contributions and expenditures in Primary elections. In this connection Rathbone said in part: "That there is a vital and pressing need for the adoption of such a Con- stitutional Amendment can scarcely be questioned. At the time of the adop- tion of the Constitution the party sys- tem was unknown. It has since de- veloped to immense proportions and dominates American politics. Party nominations have become in all states of great importance and in many states of greater importance than the elec- tions which follow. There is a real menace to the public welfare in ex- cessive expenditures by candidates seeking party nominations, In many instances, especially of recent years, the lavish, and sometimes corrupt, use of money in primary, as well as general elections, has become nothing less than a national scandal. "All thinking persons realize that if campaign expenditures are permitted to continue to be unlimited and un- controlled, it will be practically im- possible for a man or woman of limited means to run for public office. As an inevitable result all elective positions of importance will be held by those who possess great wealth or who, by one means or another, can obtain the vast sums necessary to secure nomina- tion and election." Congressman Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. P. Elmer, 639 Spruce street, returned last week after spending ten days in the East. Mr. Elmer was in New York on business and Mrs. Elmer visited in Princeton, N. J., where she formerly resided. BR The Wilmette Town Club is giving an informal dance tomorrow evening. Vassar House Board Entertains at Tea and Art Exhibition Members of the board of directors of Vassar House entertained Vassar alumnae and friends Thursday after- noon, at a tea and exhibit of paintings by Miss Olive Rush at the new Aller- ton galleries at the Allerton House, 701 N. Michigan avenue. Miss Rush has on view some thirty and more oils and water colors, and the exhibit will hang in the Allerton galleries until May 5. The Vassar group was present between 3:30 and 5:30 o'clock. Officers of Vassar House are Mrs. Charles Fabens Kelley, president; Mrs, W. Gordon McKelden, vice-president; Mrs. Eugene Talbot, Jr., secretary; Mrs. Ferdinand Bartelme, assistant secretary; Mrs. Hallet W. Thorne, treasurer, and Miss Dorothy Clark, as- sistant treasurer. The board of directors includes among its members Frederick S. Col- burn of Evanston; Miss Jeanette Hig- gins, north side; Mrs. Donald Jeffris, Winnetka; Mrs. Rufus Jeffris, south side; Mrs. Philip Merrill, Evanston: Mrs. Clayton Seaman, west side; Mrs. Talbot, north side; Mrs. Harold Leo- pold, north side; Mrs. Hallett Thorne, Indian Hill; Mrs. Heirce Ward, Win- netka; Mrs. Harry Lord Wells, Hub- bard Woods; Mrs. Daniels H. Burn- ham, Jr., Hubbard Woods; Mrs. F. E. Bartelme, Winnetka; Mrs. A. D. Wel- ton, north side; Mrs. Percival Hart and Mrs. J. P. Gibson, Jr, Winnetka. Miss Rush's work has been exhibit- ed in numerous museums throughout the country, including the Chicago Art institute, and her present group at the Allerton is considered some of the finest work she has yet done. Mr. and Mrs. William D. McKenzie, and their little daughter, Roxanna, of 1185 Laurel avenue, left last Wednes- day for New York, to sail for Europe. They expect to be away from the north shore for about six weeks. Clean Odorless Eckart Hardware, 735 Elm St. Now! Have Easy to Apply Nels Anderson, 1108 Ash St. F. C. Broderick, 1020 Spruce St. Finer Flowers Science now shows the way to secure what you have always wanted --velvety lawns, crisp, succulent vegetables, beautiful flowers, luxuriant shrubs and trees. For such results plants must be properly fed. Vigoro, scientifically prepared, is a com- plete plant food. It is surprisingly inexpensive --only 10c to 20c for every 100 square feet. And so easy to apply! You simply sow by hand, like grass seed. VIGORO Specially prepared plant food A Swift & Company Product Indian Hill Auto & Electric Supply Co., 462 Winnetka Avenue Courtesy Home Service, 411 Linden Ave. Henry Ilg, 845 Pine St. Winnetka Landscape Company, 882 Pine St. Central Hardware Store, 895 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Hubbard Woods Electric & Hdwe. Co., 902 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Frank Mueller, 90 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Economical Practical Effective E. B. Taylor & Co. 546 Center St. Frank Krenn, 1036 Oak St. Julius Runnfeldt, 1026 Spruce St.