WINNETKA TALK April 28, 1928 ee ee ee ae aoa oo a a oa a a a a a a A ha a a a a a a a a oo Exclusive Yet Home-Like RESIDENCE that com- mands respect, an exclusive environment, a luxurious home where a trained and courteous staff attends your every want. Why not an Orrington home this Spring and Summer? Single rooms or suites--some furnished and with kitchenettes. A few are available, now, delightfully cozy and home-like. University 8700 SS ee a a a eee ee eee le eee Ba a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a eS a a a a a a POO OO OOOO OOOO OOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO DOOD OVO OOOO DOOD OOOO OOOO OO OOOO WWW WWW Ww. North Shore Gatdcn Service HOME GARDENS TENNIS COURTS FLAGSTONE SIDEWALKS near Waukegan Road--GLENVIEW Building and Construction of PARKS Specialty: Black Soil $7.00 truckload delivered. Telephones: GLENVIEW 181J-1 and 141-J VALLEY VIEW FARM--West Lake Ave., PLAYGROUNDS GOLF COURSES DRIVEWAYS, ETC. DOVENMUEHLE, Inc. bh LEYTE Wo ET LY TEFL) - UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE €O- of Cincinnati -- 73 Years of Safety "Phone Central 6393 interest for loans on homes Our loans are purchased by Combined Assets $330,000,000 BANKERS LIFE €O. of Des Moines Commerce Students Have Awards for Proficiency The Board of Education of New Trier High school has recently ac- cepted the offer of the Wilmette State bank of three prizes to be awarded each year for the purpose of encourag- ing proficiency in business subjects at New Trier. The awards--in gold--will be pre- sented each year to the senior stu- dents of the Commerce department of New Trier who rank the highest in scholarship and in other qualities de- sirable among young men and women, particularly in the field of banking. To be eligible a student must have at- tended New Trier five or more semes- ters. The winners of the prizes, which will be awarded some time in May, will be selected by the five teachers in the Commerce department. Prizes have been offered for some time by several residents of the town- ship to encourage good work in various departments of the school. This is the first offer, however, from a town- ship business organization. EXHIBIT HOUSE MODELS During this week and next the at- tractive house and garden models made by Mrs. Jone Lind of Kenilworth for the New York Garden show and Chi- cago's Second Annual Flower and Garden show at the Hotel Sherman are on exhibit at Lord's store in Evanston. Mrs. Lind, whose home is at 316 Rich- mond road, is embarking upon a career as landscape designer and consultant on garden accessories. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Call Highland Park 686 and our Estimetor will call at your conven- ence. FULSANG & ROTH Res. Phone 3397 BUY EVANSTON HOTEL Alfred B. Andrews and Frederick Bulley Take Over Hostelry The Evanston hotel, pioneer in mod- ern hostelry in this city at the time of its completion, has just been pur- chased by Alfred B. Andrews of Ev- anston and Frederick Bulley of Kenil- worth. Negotiations, which have been pending for several months, were com- pleted after the court on April 18 had entered a decree authorizing F. C. Williams of New York City, trustee of the estate of Frank C. Lewin, to consummate the sale to the two men. Mr. Lewin was the builder of the hotel twelve years ago and its. original owner. Purchase of the hotel by Mr. An- drews and Mr. Bulley keeps it in the hands of men acquainted with north shore standards, as both have been residents of their respective homes for twenty years. Mr. Andrews, one of the purchasers of the hotel, has large property inter- ests in Evanston which he spends his time operating. He was the framer of the first setback ordinance of build- ing lines which proved workable and effective in Illinois. Mr. Bulley, the other purchaser, is the controlling owner of the contracting company, Bulley & Andrews, with which Mr. Andrews was connected at one time. Mr. Bulley is an officer of the Village of Kenilworth, director of the Union League club and an officer in the As- sociated Builders' organization. Mr. and Mrs. Justus Arnold Benson of 211 Franklin road, Glencoe, are being congratulated upon the birth of a son, Robert Alfred Benson, at the Evanston hospital. Before her mar- riage, Mrs. Benson was Miss Susan Perkins of Memphis, Tenn. a The North Shore Oberlin Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Marshall Galloway, 810 Ingleside Place, Evans- ton, Monday, April 30, at 2:30 o'clock. IREDALE Agents for ALLIED VAN LINES Long Distance Movers Winnetka 1332 STORAGE 514% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 mean much to the buyer. 514 DAVIS STREET LAST WEEK OF BARRY'S REMOVAL SALE After May 1st, we will move to our new store, 806-810 Grove Street. . BUY FLOOR COVERING NOW This is a real removal sale, where QUALITY and PRICE DAVID G. BARRY Cleaning and Rrepairing UNIVERSITY 5712 SS IO OT A A A TT TT Im ol YT TT ree ro Hoy AMPLE FUNDS TO LOAN 515% --6% CONSTRUCTION -- REFINANCING RESIDENCES, STORES, APARTMENTS KUHNS, DITTUS & KUHNS Safeguarded Investments 11 South La Salle Street, Chicago--Central 2990 Highland Park Address R. F. Kuhns, 827 Lincoln Ave., H. P. 1860 SAFEGUARDED INVESTMENTS a HUHNS.DITTUS & KUHNS a | S A F| E T \ = =