April 28, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Elm Street at Chestnut A Beautiful Smocked Crepe de Chine Coat will be given away to some customer who has purchased merchandise in the Baby Sec- Z1CK'S "The Store on the Corner' Phone Winnetka 930 tion during the week to the amount of $1.00 or more. Will you be the one to receive this lovely gift? The garment will be given away Friday, May 4th, at three o'clock. Arrange to be here. Cotton Vests Long or short sleeves 50¢ Madeira Pillow Cases Beautifully wrought, Bonnets In crepe de chine, organ- dy and net are selling from 98c 75c to $3.25 Baby's Gays Dresses For swabbing, 1 doz. to Crepe de chine dresses, the box smocked at neck and sleeves. Peach, white, 25¢ pink or blue. Only 3 : Carriage Clamps $3.59 Something new, per pair Sweaters 75¢ .:Good Shepherd, hand made silk .and wool sweaters in all the wanted shades, at' $2.50 Boxed Vatita Towels and wash cloth sets, consisting of one towel, and two wash {Fé cloths cutely ar- Philippine Dresses ranged to represent Hand made - Philippine dolls, $1 value dresses $1.59 doz. Re Also slips, 75c to $1.48 We have put forth every BABY WEEK FEATURES Coveralls to protect baby's clothes. Peg top with animal ap- pliqued on pocket. Are now shown at 79¢ Diapers Hem med birds eye drapes. 27x27. Special price $1.00 to $4.25 Tiny Shoes In white elk -- tan or black patent leather -- strap or button." $1.25 to $2.00 Creepers _A very attractive assort- ment. ;. The styles "and prices «we know will please you. a Rubber Sheeting 36 inch rubber sheet- . ing 'extra heavy-- guaranteed water = proof--$1.25 grade ~ may be had for 7) 89¢ i q Baby Hose Mercerized white lisle 35¢ quality -- for one week only, 3 prs 73c Blankets Cotton blankets 27x36. Pink or blue plaid--these have sold at 75c per pair --uwhile they last 49c¢ pair Safety Pins Stewart's Duplex Safety pins..1 doz. on a card-- any 'size--6 cards for 47¢ Talcum Powder Mennen's Borated Tal- cum powder--25¢ size-- 18¢ Rubber Pants Our regular 39c garment is offered-- 2 for 49¢ £0 effort to obtain the things you will want for "BABY" and feel confident that our selections will meet with your approval. 47 Our baby department stocks are complete, well ordered and dainty. 'The sort of place to which any woman should like to buy the dainty things for baby.