May 5, 1928 WINNETKA TALK The Holiday Shops (Contributed) The Holiday Shops are ready to announce the various committees in charge of booths and other arrange- ments, together with the co-chairmen presiding over each. Although the beloved and efficient general chairman, Mrs. William C. Boyden, has been called away, the Holiday Shops will carry on. The as- sistant general chairman, Mrs. Frank T. Crawford, is at present directing the enterprise. She is confident that every woman concerned will feel a strong incentive to carry to a suc- cessful outcome the plans so care- fully and completely arranged by Mrs. Boyden. Achieving an outstanding suc- cess would only be a fitting expression of appreciation for Mrs. Boyden's initial contribution to the undertaking. The committees, with their chair- men, are as follows: Boudoir: Mrs. Morris Wilson, Mrs. Edmund Bartlett. Country House: Mrs. Scott, Mrs. John Scott. Children's Table: Mrs. J. M. Wins- cott, Mrs. Warren Agry. Fancy Work : Mrs. Percy Bradstreet, Mrs. Landon Hoyt. Aprons and Utilities: Mrs. Laster, Mrs. Dudley French. Dolls: Mrs. Stephen Foster, Wm. Ayer McKinney. Bags and Baskets: Matz. Travelling Accessories: Mrs. Arthur Barrett, Mrs. William Truesdale. Books and Cards: Mrs. Austin Jen- kins, Mrs. Sherman Aldrich. Fancy Boxes: Mrs. Montague Ferry, Mrs. John Cadmus. Candy: Mrs. Frank Ferry, Mrs. John Montgomery. Frederick David Mrs. Mrs. Rudolph Pictures: Mrs. J. W. F. Davies, Mrs. William E. Davis. Stop and Shop: Mrs. D. W. Poff. Grab Bag: Mrs. Lee Adams, Mrs. William F. Groene. Booths and Decorating: Mrs. Louis A. Sherman. Children's Entertainment : Mrs. Fletcher Marsh, Mrs. Sidney Bartlett. Dinner: Mrs. James White, Mrs. John I. Hamilton. Luncheons: Mrs. Royal Hoagland, Mrs. Robert Smith. Tea Room: Mrs. Heber Smith, Mrs. I. B. Connor. Publicity: Mrs. Edwin E. Brown, Mrs. Albert Smith. Information as to the plans and scope of each "Shop" will be pub- lished from time to time. The dates for the event are November 20 and 21. It is to be held at Community House. Hold Try-Outs; Select Cast for Senior Play Try-outs for the annual senior play at New Trier were held on Monday, April 30, and the cast selected by a committee composed of Miss Elizabeth Stanwood, Miss Clarissa Bell, Gordon Van Kirk, and Miss Olive Grover. The play is to be given late in May. The following were chosen as mem- bers of the cast: Betty Brown, Frances Weld, Evelyn Lauritson, Alice Dona- hue, Cecilia Baldwin, Virginia Pier- son, Steve Harwood, George Pearse, Dean Vail, Bill Hughes, Towner Web- ster, Alta Dee Belshe, Madelon Beall, Lois Johnson, Pauline McCoy, Howard Bleser, Bob Cochran, Clifton Darling, Bill Larkin, Wallace Miller, Drake Older, and Arthur Van Deursen. The Ace of Clubs, a club of New Trier girls, is spending the week-end at a house party at "Terra Cotta," at the summer home of the Neil Gates, 434 Willow road, Winnetka. The girls are the guests of Miss Betty Gates. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR DAILY SPECIALS HITT T= OTHER DAY a customer told us she'd been advised to come here for her meat to assure the success of a very important dinner party she was giving. Ever since, she's been entertaining friend husband and the fam- ily with an important dinner party every night. She buys all her meat here now! JosePH H. TARRANT, Proprietor The best you can buy is usually the most economical after all. And when the best costs no more -- that IS economy! S02 Elm Street Telephone Winnetka 655 wn DELIVERIES DAILY ATIONAL MARKET Winnetka will reveal. Beautiful Tub Silks are ar- riving, that we are to offer at prices as low as ..$18.50 Sleeveless dresses for tennis of Tub Silks and Linens. They'se a real bargain at 2 dresses for To Make Room for QUISADSANSADSAPSANSNCANGAN SAN SANSANSAN SANGIN CAN CAL CAD CAL CAD SAN SAN CANAD GAN SANSANSAN SANSA CLS SCSI SAIC AIAN SND SANS SANSA PANGAN CAB CAN CAN ALCAN SANGALO CLEARANCE OF EARLY SPRING DRESSES MID-SUMMER WEAR | There is a "feminine" decorativeness about the new summer things that is charming. And their individual variations are almost infinite . . . . as your visit to our shor Knit Wear for sports is now being displayed and popularly priced at $16.25 up Cnr as ax Hee re $15.00 A beautiful selection of HATS in pastel shades : The Pauline Shop = 915 LINDEN AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS