66 May 12, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES 78 FOR SALE--VACANT 100 FOR SALE--HSEHOLD GOODS ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED 6 RM house ; sleeping porch, sun porch; nr transp. and golf course. Rent from June 1 to Oct. or Nov. 1. Tel. Winn 1267. T0LTN33-1tp FURN. 6 RM. HSE. SLEEPING PRCH., 2 car garage, 3 blks. to transp.; nr. golf course; June 15-Sept. 15. Tel. 'Winn. 1929. TOLTN33-1tc FOR RENT--JUNE 1ST. FURN. 7 rm. house. Ph. Wilmette 1074. T0LTN33-1tc 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. T3LTN8-tfc FOR RENT--2ND FL. OFFICE; CENT. loc. ; reasonable. Winn. 545. 73LT33-2tc FOR SALE--HOUSES WE RECOMMEND Charming 6 rm. stucco; steam ht. ; choicest n. e. sec. ; very well con- 7 structed; 50x160 foot lot nice- wooded ".....0. LL enis a Sa ps tee delere 12,500 Attractive 7 rm. stucco; tile rf.; 2 baths; h. w. heat; gar att. .. 18,500 Wonderful value in brick home; 3 lge. master bdrms. and maid's rm., 3 baths 2nd flr.; toilet and lavatory 1st; gar. attached Beaut. 7 rm. brick; 2 baths; ex- tra lavatory and toilet; sun and 23,500 slp. pchs.; bkfst. room; h. w. heat; attached, htd. gar.; north- east section .........ci0000nnn. 28,500 True American Col. ; brick; tile rf. ; 5 bdrms.; 3 tile baths; toi-lav.; sun rm.; 2 car gar.; choice east section i', a 0 VE TN ANE 35,000 Owner gone west offers Kenilworth home with 5 bdrms. ; 2 baths; sun and sleeping porches; extra la- vatory ; all ceilings canvased ; hot water oil heat; 2 car gar. ; superb grounds, 115x175 wonderful trees. Reduced from $42,500 to 37,500 Ideal home; 6 bdrms.; 3 baths; large sun and sleeping porches; Newport heat; Frigidaire; al- most 1% acre in choicest east sec- tion 40,000 Heinsen Realty Company 720 Elm Street, Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 TTLTN33-1te Deerfield New Seven Room Cape Cod Brick Home FIRST FLR. HAS LARGE LIV. RM. with fireplace and bookcases; opening from this is a large screened porch overlooking garden. Dining rm., kitchen and encl. porch for refriger- ator., lav. Second fir. has three large bdrms. with ample closet rm. Bath with shower and tub. The house is insulated, and all outside openings are copper weatherstripped. Two car brk., garage, lawn land- scaped with trees, shrubbery and per- ennials. A Bargain at $18,500 We also have homes in Deerfield, Highland Park, Libertyville and Lake Forest ranging in price from $6,000 to $50,000. Building lots priced from $10 per ft. up . ._. . and some real bargains in small farms. Charles C. Kapschull 7TTLTN33-1tc EXCEPTIONAL. VALUE NEW TAPESTRY BRICK, NOW ready; very high class section on well- wooded lot; 2 master bedrooms, with tile bath en suite; 2 additional spacious bedrooms and additional bath; large living room, dining room, breakfast room, large screened porch, well-ar- ranged kitchen with Frigidaire, extra lavatory, H. W. heat (oil fuel if pre- ferred) ; 2-car brick garage to match house; liberal terms. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phones Winnetka 2032-2033 TTLTN33-1tc FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE FIVE room cottage; choice location four blocks from lake on Elmwood ave., Wilmette; 50-foot wooded lot; alone worth asking price; gas-hot water heat; 2-car garage; price $12,500; call owner Wilmette 1282. T7TLTN33-1tp FOR SALE OR TRADE--ATTRACTIVE 6 rm. frame col.; sun rm.; H. W. ht.; 50 ft. lot. Want 7 or 8 rm. home in good location, price not to exceed $35,000. Write Winnetka Talk A-6. 77TLTN33-1tc Mrs. Fuller Offers For Sale VERY ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL BRK. orrington Avenue. 9 rms. 2 tile baths, 4 bed rooms, slpg. pch., sun parlor, H. W. heat-oil, Lovekin H. W. htr. 1- car attached. 17 trees on lot 65x150. Reasonable terms, or will trade for 6 to 7 rm. house--brick or frame around $30,000--Wilmette, Kenilworth, or Winnetka. J. S. Lewis. Mrs. Fuller, Homes 522 Davis St. Univ. 8240 TTLT33-1te Winnetka Home A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON STREET 1 block long, insuring quietness and priv- acy, near Indian Hill Club. Brick Colonial, 8 rms., 3 baths, 2 sun pches., hot water heat, oil burner. 2 car ga- rage. Charmingly landscaped lot, 80x231. House just reduced to $40,- 000 owing to owner having left town. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. Winnetka 1617 77T10-1te FOR SALE--1537 WASHINGTON AVE. cor. 16th St., Wilmette. 9 rm. frame house, steam heat, all improvements, 3-car brick garage, lot 50x160. Place enclosed with cyclone fence, fine lawn, shade trees, shrubs, fruit trees, garden, all assessments in and paid for, re- cently refinanced, terms to responsible people. Price $17,000. 50 ft. lot adjoin- ing for sale clear price $5,000. Might exchange one or both for smaller house. Owner on premises. TTLTN31-3tp GLENCOE Overlooking Skokie NINETY-EIGHT FOOT FRONTAGE improved with two small homes. This property is suitable for remodeling and is in the center of one of Glen- coe's exclusive sections. Price $22,500. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Phone Glencoe 702 TTLTN33-1tc DIAMOND LAKE FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL LAKE LOTS on bluff overlooking lake. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reas. prices. 'Write Wilmette Life A-4. : T8LTN33-1te FOR SALE--60X130 VACANT IN DE- sirable location in Golf, Tl. Write Wilmette Life A-T. T8LTN33-1tc 80 BUSINESS PROPERTIES THE LEONARD SHOPPE--INFANTS' wear offers an established and grow- ing business to one or two women de- sirous of earnings on a small invest- BARGAIN--PLAYER PIANO, MAHOG. case, 100 rolls music. No reas. offer ref. Also child's desk, doll bed, etc. Tel. Winn. 1654. 100L/TN33-1te MAHOG. COLONIAL DINING RM. furn.--round table, antique, and 8 chairs. Good cond. Price $65. Call Winn. 685. 100L'TN32-2te FOR SALE--VICTROLA IN SPLENDID condition, davenport, etc. 836 Oak St. Ph. Winnetka 1559. 100T10-1te WHITE ENAMELED ICE BOX, 1 blue rug 6x9, 2 rolled top desks. Ph. 'Winnetka 729. 100T10-1tc COAL STOVE FOR HEATING WA- WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. Hotel $3 per day, American cottages for light housekeeping $35 per mo. Swim- ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. B. Stitzer, Mgr. 82L/TN33-14tp DIAMOND LAKE FOR SALE 5 ROOM COTTAGE, GOOD condition, on the water front. For ap- pointment call Wilmette 824-R. 82LTN33-1tc 83 WINTER RESORTS FOR RENT -- COUNTRY HOUSE -- Oconomowac Lake. All conveniences, beautifully situated regarding golf course, train accommodations, ete. 5 bedrooms, 3 sleeping porches, 2 baths. $1,200 for season. F. G. Crosby, 333 South Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 83LTN33-1tc 84 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 84T10-1tc 85 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS ROOM WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR services, gardening, clerical, etc. First class refs. Write Wilmette Life A-3. 85LTN33-1tn SPECIAL NEW BRICK HOME, TII.E ROOF, UN- usually large living room, breakfast room; 4 large bedroms, 2 colored tile baths, extra lavatory, large attached garage; oil burner, wooded lot, choice location near transportation. Liberal terms; immediate occupancy. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phones Winnetka 2032-2033 TTLTN33-1tc FOR SALE--ONE STORY BUILDING of heavy frame construction about 20x25 ft. Useful for two or three car garage or small residence. Low price to one who will move from present location just within west limits of Winnetka. Also heavy single doors and garage doors. Address Talk A-9 77T10-1tc FOR SALE--8 RM. STUCCO HOUSE, 2 baths, gar., wooded lot, oil heater. 260 Fairview Ave. Inquire of Mrs. Timmins, 71 Warwick Rd., Ph. Win- netka 2910. TTLTN33-1tc 5 RMS. AND SUNROOM, REAL FIRE- place, H. W. heat, 2 car gar. 100 ft. frontage, newly landscaped, N. S. and N. W. Sta. and car line. Phone Wil- mette 1326 evenings. TTLN32-1tp HOME HARMONIOUS Tribune prize home; Eng. cottage type; 3 bedrms.; Irge. htd. slp. porch. Best res. sec., conv. to transp. and schls. $14,500. Glencoe 1330. TTTN10-1tp FOR SALE--6 RM. HOUSE, BATH AND sun parlor. $11,000, terms. 325 Wash- ington Ave. Ph. Glencoe 1227. TTTN10-1te FOR SALE AT REAS. PRICE, EXCEP- tionally att. new 5 rm. bungalow. H. 'W. heat, located at Northbrook. Tel. 'Winn. 1160. 7T7TN10-1tc 5 ROOM HOUSE 50 FT. LOT. NEAR transportation and schools. H. W. ht. Price $10,500. Phone Winn. 265. TILTN30-tfc Hf ------ 78 FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--VACANT LOT. DESIRA- ble location, 3 blks. from depot and 2 blks. from town. Ph. Winnetka 2468 -or Glencoe 1555 after 6 P. M. T8TNL10-1tc 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES SMALL FAMILY WISHES TO RENT FURN. HSE. OF about 8 rms. for year. Would be very desirable tenants. Tel. Winn. 2551. 90T10-1tp SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, 3 BED- rms., for month of June, around $90. Address Talk A-10. 90T10-1tp 99 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES JUST ARRIVED. NEW SELECTION of Early American Antiques. Chests, chairs, tables, in Walnut, Mahogany, and Maple. Corner cupboard, side board, sets of chairs, glass bric-a-brac, ete. 808 WASHINGTON ST. Evanston 1 block South of Main St. 99LTN33-1tc 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS HOUSEHOLD FURN. INCLUDING DIN. set, beds, dressers, laundry stove, wash boiler, gas stove, garden hose, lawn mower and rugs. Must be sold at once. Information ph. Highland Park 1686 after 12:30 P. M. 100L'TN31-1tp LARGE REFRIGERATOR, KITCHEN appliances and range, Oriental rugs, dining table, chairs and china closet, chiffonier and bedrm. sets. 1036 For- est Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2736. 100LT33-1tp FOR SALE--GREY AND GOLD WICK- er day bed, blue Oriental rug slight- ly worn 8x10, white enameled bed and chiffonier. Ph. Glencoe 662. 100TN10-1tc 3 OVERSTUFFED CHAIRS, MAH. library table, Tan fAresser 108 maid's h wt Phy mette A mtr 100LL.TN33-1tc FOR SALE--LEONARD PORCELAIN lined ice box, 200 1b. capacity. Very . Winnetka 403. reasonable. Ph Ye T10-1te ment. Good reason for selling. Apply s ble b bi ith hai at- to 795 Elm St, Winnetlsa, SOFNLI0-Tte | Lor} double brass bed with Ral mais 82 SUMMER RESORTS RUGS; DRESSING TABLE; ELECT. washer ; bed; dining rm. furn.; lamps, etc. Tel. Winn. 630. 100TN10-1te 100 LB. OAK LEONARD ICE BOX, pore. lined. Exc. cond. Tel. Glencoe 8306. 100TN10-1te FOR SALE--PORCELAIN LINED ICE- box, 150 1b. capacity, in good condition, $25. Ph. Glencoe 254. 100T10-1te FOR SALE--OAK BUFFET, 48 IN, splendid condition. Price $10. -Ph. Wilmette 3798. 100LT33-1tp FOR SALE--GAS STOVE IN GOOD cond., also new piano bench. Tel. Winn. 1009. 100L'TN33-1te 18 GOBLETS, 12 DESSERT, IN BLUE glass. $12. Tel. Winn. 2170. 100L/TN33-1tp 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GDS. WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc 102 FOR SALE--MISC. 2 SEATS FOR MAY FESTIVAL. PH. Wilmette 4262. 102LT33-1te BABY BUGGY; GAS STOVE; ASH sifter. Tel. Winn. 1613. 102TN10-1tp 103 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WANTED--CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 1l0c per 1b. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp FORD SEDAN IN GUARANTEED, exc. cond. Cash. Tel. Kuhn, Wilmette 3587 evenings. 103T10-1tp ATTRACTIVE 8 PC. WALNUT DINING i 3 h. Winnetka 3146. set, like new P 8 ao 104 EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE $800 EQUITY IN Deerfield for lot 60x136, 3 blocks to transp. What have you? Write Wil- - mette Life B-681. 104LTN31-tfe Discover New Case of Rabies in Kenilworth Enforcement of the new ordinance making it rigidly compulsory for all dogs running at large in the Village of Kenilworth to be muzzled was given new impetus this week when an animal, preliminary examination of which revealed distinct indications of rabies, was captured. The dog has been placed under the care of a vetenarian for observation and dispo- sition in case it is proven that it is suffering from the disease. Since the inauguration of the or- dinance in the Village conditions have shown a decided improvement, it is declared, dogs of all types having largely - disappeared from the streets and those still remaining at large for the most part being equipped with the proper type of muzzle. Those that are still at large in violation of the or- dinance are being picked up and the owners notified, and, in case they are unclaimed, disposed of. THREE ACT PLAY "The Boughten Bridegroom," a play in three acts written by Mrs. Charlotte Chorpenning of the faculty of the School of Speech, Northwestern uni- versity, is having production this week at the theater there. "It is a Scotch play and was given Wednesday eve- ning for students and will be repeated for them tomorrow evening. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings it was pre- sented for the Theater guild and play- writing classes of the Drama club.