58 WINNETKA TALK May 19, 1928 THE FINER WAY TO LIVE-- A series of Messages to North Shore People Who Might Like to Improve T heir Living Arrangements HERE ARE BUT 40 OF THE ADVANTAGES OF THE GEORGIAN Symbol - of Quality and Service One rental includes all these and other advantages . SERVICE 24 HOURS . MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION . NOISELESS VENTILATION | RUNNING ICE WATER GOOD LIGHTING . BEAUTIFUL OUTLOOKS HOW . GAS FURNISHED 5 . HEAT FURNISHED MUCH . ICE AND ELECTRICITY to. MAID SERVICE SEE © ON ANH WR MORE 11. LAUNDRY OF LINENS i 12. IN-A-DOR BEDS BESIDES ROOM THE BEDS 13. TILE BATHS SAME 14. SHOWERS, IN-BUILT FIXTURES oN 15. WELL PLANNED ROOM ONEY ANGEMENTS 16. AS MANY BATHROOMS AS YOU C A N WANT 17. LARGE AND MANY CLOSETS BUY 18. SUNLIT, AIRY ROOMS 19. LIVING ROOMS 14x20 FT. 20. DINING ROOMS, 1ox1x FT. HERE; 21. KITCHENS, 8%xo FT. 22. BEDROOMS, 12x21 FT. MANY 23. LARGE DOWNSTAIRS ROOMS 24. MAIN DINING ROOMS OF THE 25. FOUNTAIN TEA ROOM 26. DRAWING ROOM ITEMS 27. GREAT LIVING ROOM 28. LIBRARY ARE 29. TWO WRITING ROOMS 30. VALENCIAN BALLROOM r 31. ROOF GARDEN FOUND 32. CHILDREN'S PLAY ROOM ONLY 33. CIGARS, CIGARETTE SERVICE 34. NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL AT THE §7avD - 35. CATERING SERVICE 36. NOVELTIES, SOUVENIRS, CANDIES GEORGIAN 3. VALET SERVICE 38. BEAUTY SERVICE 39. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH 40. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES the (georgian An Address of Distinction DAV!S AT HINMAN -- EVANSTON -- GREENLEAF 4100 Draft of New Code for Winnetka Now Being Considered The first draft of the new municipal code which has been in course of preparation for several weeks, by Thomas A. Mathews, attorney for the Illinois Municipal league, has been re- ceived by the Village. At the meeting of the Village coun- cil Tuesday evening, the document was referred to Village Attorney Frederick Dickinson and Trustee William B. Moulton, chairman of the Judiciary committee, for consideration, with the exception, it is said, that it will be introduced for passage at the next meeting of the council. The new code will contain a number of new ordinances, in order to meet present day conditions, including a complete new building and plumbing ordinance; a revised traffic ordinance; ordinances regulating the storage and use of inflamable liquids, and the in- stallation of oil burning equipment. After passage, the code will be print- ed for distribution. The Village code was last revised and printed in 1915, OR the Coming Graduation, Wed- ding and Anniversary Gifts for the man, the woman--for the boy or girl. For Graduation, the Wedding, for the Bride, the Groom, the best man, the Ushers, the Bridesmaids, in fact -- GIFTS FOR ANYSSPECLFIC OCCASION! We offer you a service, a personal attention service, that you will appreciate. Consult us early. GIFTS THAT LAST Lee NeLsoN| Jeweler New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (New Hahn Building) University 461 Business Property Owners Would Aid Test of Zoning Law The Winnetka Business Property Owners' association, organized several months ago during the. controversy re- sulting in the amendment of the Vil- lage Zoning ordinance relative to buildings in "C" Commercial zoned area, is making a permanent organiza- tion of the association, it is said, and preparing to extend financial and other aid to whosoever desires to test the amended ordinance. That such an opportunity may come soon, is said to be quite probable, but until that time, the association, at its meeting Friday evening of last week, decided to dismiss any other plans of operation. : The new ordinance provides that buildings, henceforth, erected in "C" Commercial areas, shall be on a basis of only 36 families per acre, as against 72, the former provision of the ord- inance. Business property owners felt the change was too drastic, and termed it "confiscatory in its nature." Plans for a building exceeding the provisions of the amended ordinance are said to be under way by an indi- vidual who, upon refusal of a permit for its erection, by the village, may proceed with court action, to test the ordinance, in which event the asso- ciation, it is said, stands ready to ex- tend financial and other aid, if desired. Max Woldenberg of 1168 Asbury avenue, Hubbard Woods, who has spent the past few weeks in Chicago, until the return of his family, returned to his home last Thursday, May 14. Mr. Woldenberg's family, after spend- ing the winter in Phoenix, Ariz., re- turned to Hubbard Woods at that time. Soothes and Refreshes Motorists' Eyes Eyes strained by hours at the wheel and irritated by exposure to sun, wind and dust are instant- ly relieved by Murine. It soothes away the tired, burning feeling; clears up the bloodshot condition. Carry it with you on motor trips to refresh and protect your eyes. Also keep a bottle of Murine in your locker at the country club for use after golf, tennis, swim- ming and other sports. A month's supply of this beneficial lotion costs but 6oc. Try it! Write Murine Co., Chicago, for FREE books on Eye Beauty and Eye Care MURINE, EYES