Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 May 1928, p. 63

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62 WINNETKA TALK May 19, 1928 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HSES. reg e-- 102 FOR SALE--MISC. Winnetka 7 RM., 3 BATH, BRICK RESID. FINEST insulated construction, brand new and most beautifully equipped. Attractive grounds, 2-car garage. Ideally located for public and high schools, transp. and lake. Excep. beaut. liv. rm. with re- cessed book-cases. $38,500. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm Street, Winnetka Winnetka 1617 TIT11-1te FOR SALE EXCELLENT BUYS IN 7 TO 10 ROOM homes in Winnetka's exclusive S. W. section. Let us show them to you be- fore you buy elsewhere. DUDLEY BRADSTREET 522 Center St. Phone Winnetka 806-875 77T11-1te FOR SALE--JUST COMPLETED BRICK and stone residence. Several bedrms.; 3 baths, large sunparlor and living room, recreation room, serving room and breakfast nook. Frigidaire, at- tached 2-car garage. Choicest loca- tion. $50,000. 229 Park Ave., Glencoe. TTLT34-2tc FOR SALE AT REAS. PRICE, EXCEP- tionally att. new 5 rm. bungalow. H. W. heat, located at Northbrook. Tel. Winn. 1160. TTTN11-1tp 5 ROOM HOUSE 50 FT. LOT. NEAR transportation and schools. H. W. ht. Price $10,500. Phone Winn. 265. TILTN30-tfc 8 FOR SALE--VACANT VACANT BARGAINS CHOICE 50 FOOT LOT ON SCOTT AVE- nue, east of Greenwood, $125 per foot. Beautiful building site 80x167 in Kenil- worth Community development $8,000. Choice 72 foot lot on beautiful Walden Road $11,000. Choice 50 foot lot on Asbury Avenue, east of Vernon, at $130 per foot. 1 acre lot at Indian Hill Estates at $9,000; nothing like it anywhere. Heinsen Realty Co. 720 Elm St. Winnetka 254 T8LTN34-1tc Winnetka Manor Bargain OWNER FROM NEW YORK HERE TO dispose of her 65 feet east of Berkley. Must be sold this week. Price $4,500. Hill & Stone Winnetka 1544 T8LTN34-1te INDIAN HILL ACREAGE Subject to prior sale we are in position to deliver a choice 3-acre homesite in near vicinity of Indian Hill at 25% under market value. Prompt action necessary. FRED'K B. THOMAS & CO. 526 Center Street Winnetka 2850 T8TN11-1tc LOTS FOR SALE BY OWNER, HAPP road, 1 mile north of Northfield sta- tion. Tel. Wil. 895-Y-3. T8L'TN34-2tp HOME-SEEKERS BARGAIN Lot in best location in Winn. $90 per ft. E. Z. terms. For inform. call Winn. 542. T8LTN34-1te 50x135 VACANT, DES." LOCATION, improvements. Western Springs, IIL Reas. Address Talk A-15. 78TN11-1tp FURN. HOUSE WITH 3 OR 4 BED- rooms for month of June. Tel. Winn. 536-M. 90TN11-1te 96 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED--NEAR THE LAKE IN WIN- netka or Kenilworth a modern 8 to 10 room home, large grounds. The best $40,000 to $50,000 will purchase. 96T11-1tc WANTED TO BUY--A GOOD SMALL hse., with gar., on well-located lot at least 100 ft. Tel. Winn. 1438. 96T11-1te RADIOLA--6 TUBES, MAH. CONSOLE, built in speaker and loop. Complete $70, cost $435 few months ago, perfect condition. Ph. Wilmette 1815. 102LTN34-1tp FOR SALE--MAPLE SYRUP DIRECT from Vermont $3.50 per gallon. IL. L. Johnston, 1124 Tower Rd., Hubbard Woods. 102LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--BOCK LAUNDRY DRYER, reasonable. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 1021. TN34-1tp 103 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. 97 WANTED TO BUY--VACANT ACREAGE WANTED WE HAVE A CLIENT FOR 180 OR 200 acres, well located, not particular about buildings, Will pay cash. Phone or write CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phone Winnetka 2032 97LTN34-1tc WANTED TO BUY--BICYCLE FOR 1% yr. child, girl or boy. Ph. Wilmette 3730. 103LTN34-1tc WANTED--CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp WANTED TO BUY--A SET OF BOOK house. Ph. Glencoe 1325. 103LTN34-1tc 104 EXCHANGE 99 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES JUST ARRIVED. NEW SELECTION of Early American Antiques. Chests, chairs, tables, in Walnut, Mahogany, and Maple. Corner cupboard, side board, sets of chairs, glass bric-a-brac, c 808 WASHINGTON ST. Evanston 1 block South of Main St. 99LTN34-1tec 100 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS NEW ENGLAND WRITING DESK, lib. table, 2 Oriental rugs, din. table, chairs and China closet, gas range, Kit. utensils. Also large 8-rm. modern hse. for rent. 1036 Forest Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2736. 100LTN34-1tp POLYCHROME MIRROR, ELECTRIC wired $12; walnut china cabinet $20; oil painting, subject "Fountain Girl," $5; velvet Wilton rug, 9x12, like new, $40 ; must sell, leaving city. Ph. Win- netka 2565. 100LTN34-1tp FOR SALE--VOSE PLAYER PIANO and Senora talking machine, in good condition. Ph. Wilmette 2438. . 100LTN34-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY STEINWAY upright piano; unusually fine tone; ex- cellent condition; $200. Phone Win- netka 1245. LTN34-1tc MAHOG. COLONIAL DINING RM. furn.--round table and 8 chairs. cond. Price $50. Good Call Winn. 685. 100LTN34-1tc 5-PIECE PAINTED BRKFST. PORCH set; walnut tea cart; mahog. rocker, leather upholst. Tel. Winn. 760. 100TN11-1te GREAT BARGAIN--6 PRS. TAFFETA drapes, antique cherry drop-leaf table, fumed oak side board and dining room table. Ph. Winnetka 261. 100T11-1te 8x10 RAG RUG; 3x6 ORIENTAL; BLUE glassware; Chinese screen. Tel. Winn. 2170, 337 Sheridan rd. 100TN11-1tc CHILD'S BED; DOUBLE 4 POSTER; chiffonier. Tel. Winn. 553-R. 100TN11-1te GAS STOVE, ICE BOX, BOX COUCH, chiff., chairs, table and rug, 9x12. Wil. 3651. 100LTN34-1tc MAHOGANY DINING TABLE AND 6 chairs, serving table; good cond. Tel. Winn. 396. 100LTN34-1tc 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GDS. WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfe 82 SUMMER RESORTS WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for light housekeeping $35 per mo. Swim- ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. B. Stitzer, Mgr. 82LTN33-14tp COUNSELLOR AT EXCLUSIVE GIRLS' camp on Wis. peninsula would like to take a few girls from North Shore. Tel. Winn. 2030. 82TN11-1tc 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HSES. WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FURN- ished cottage near Skokie Country Club for summer. Three adults. W. S. M 505 Kensington Ave., Chicago. 90LTN34-1tc 102 FOR SALE--MISC. 1 GATELEG TABLE, 4 CHRS. TO match, exec. cond., colors French gray with Italian blue and rose design, $18; 1 walnut Victor victrola, exc. cond., 50 records, $50; 1 mattress, almost new, full size, $3; 1 6x9 rose congoleum rug, new, $3; pr. rose velour drapes, $3; floor lamp base, $1.50; 3 dresses, 1 formal, black and silver, size 16, $5; 1 navy spring coat, size 36, $5. Tel. Winn. 3169 mornings. 102LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--$25, OAK DINING TABLE with extension leaves, 6 side chairs, 1 arm chair. Also woman's bicycle. Tel. Winn. 367. 102TN11-1te FOR SALE--SIMPLEX MANGLE, FULL sized, in good condition. Reasonably priced. Ph. Winnetka 1706. 102L'TN34-1tc WILL EXCHANGE $800 EQUITY IN Deerfield for lot 60x136, 3 blocks to transp. What have you? Write Wil- mette Life A-11. 104LTN31-tfc 105 MISCELLANEOUS WILL TRADE LARGE 8-RM. BRICK house, corner lot, practically new, 2- car gar.; oil heat, for east side smaller home, or lot in Wilmette or Winnetka. Ph. Wilmette 1063. 105LTN34-1tp LADY WITH FUNDS WANTS TO make good 1st and 2nd mortgages on north shore property. Low commis- sion. Call Wilmette 2108. 105LTN34-1tc Rotary-Anns to Be Honor Guests at Rotary Party A dinner, entertainment and dance at which Rotary-Anns will be special guests is to be given by the Wilmette Rotary club Wednesday evening, May 23, at the Shawnee Country club. Din- ner will be served at 6:30 o'clock. The evening's program will begin with a regular Rotary meeting with President David Nelson of the local club presiding. Next will follow a musical hour given by the New Trier High school musical organization. Dancing and cards will conclude the activities. Evanston, Winnetka and Highland Park Rotarians have been invited to participate in this Rotary-Ann pro- gram. Harlan-Weber Wedding Is to Be Small Home Affair Miss Ruthlea Harlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith Harlan of 430 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, has chosen to have a simple and small home wedding when she becomes the bride of James Erdman Weber of Bur- lington, Iowa Saturday evening, May 26. A cousin of her father, the Rev. Fred Palmer of Denver, Colo., will read the service before a gathering of rela- tives and a few intimate friends at 8:30 o'clock in the evening. Miss Harlan and Mr. Weber will have only two attendants, the former's sister, Miss Helen Harlan, who is re- turning from a trip Monday, and Clark Pace of Evanston. Mr. Weber and his bride will make their home in Evanston after returning from their wedding trip. Mrs. James Prentiss of Kenilworth spent last week-end in Ann Arbor, Mich., with her son, Bob, who is a student at the University of Michigan. James Prentiss, Jr., has been with his parents in Kenilworth while his wife and baby have been South. ' Teh Mr. and Mrs. John Rygel, 811 Fox- dale avenue, and their children, Jack, Dick, and Nancy Rygel, returned last Sunday from a week's sojourn in Columbus, Ohio. "BAB, A SUB-DEB" I§ TITLE OF SENIOR PLAY New Trier Dramatic Group to Give Edward Childs Carpen- ter Production June 1-2 By M. B. The ever-popular theme the seventeen-year-old is familiar to every- one. It was Booth Tarkington's sym- pathy and appreciation for this often misunderstood individual that produced the novel, "Seventeen." Mary Roberts Rinehart has handled a number of incidents in the natural life of a cer- tain Miss Barbara Archibald in much the same tone as Tarkington treated Mr. William Baxter. The New Trier Senior play this year is a dramatiza- tion by Edward Childs Carpenter of the book, "Bab: A Sub-Deb." The story swings around this young person, who so violently objects to having people refuse to recognize her advanced years--although she is seven- teen years and eleven days old at the time of the first' act, she is willing at any time to imply unblushingly that she has seen the mature age of eighteen some time ago. An epidemic of measles is the reason that Bab's school was closed two weeks earlier than usual. She bounds into the mid-. dle of a quiet, orderly family, with enthusiasms and ideas that are the cause of several predicaments in the comparatively short course of three weeks. of Bab's Troubles Bab, as the sub-debutante sister of the rather sophisticated Leila, has al- ways been "denied the society of the other sex." Bab is regarded by Leila and her parents as a mere child until 'the momentous day she arrives home and startles the family with the news that the "divine passion has not en- tirely passed her by." This is some- thing of an implication in itself, and, taunted by Leila, who suspects that she only wants to impress her family, she decides to get herself a romance. The autograph and picture of a hand- some, if strange (to Bab) lover, help matters along. Love letters addressed to a Mr. Harold Valentine--Bab thought the name very clever to have been invented entirely by herseli-- are at least making a dent in her parents' curiosity. But...! Suddenly one day the supposedly fictitious Mr. Harold Valentine enters in actual flesh and blood! And then complications set in for the bewildered Bab. Select Two Casts There are two casts for this play, both of which are composed entirely of Seniors. "Bab" will be given the evenings of June 1 and 2. North Shore Musical Group to Present Concert June 4 The North Shore Musical society will give its annual concert Monday, evening, June 4, at the Wilmette Woman's club at 8:15 o'clock. The event is open to the public without charge. The artists who will give the pro gram are Electa Austin, pianist; Ann Hathaway, violinist; a trio composed of Eugenia McShane, pianist, Bertha Dubbs, violinist, and Estelle Swigart, "cellist; Dorothy Cordts, contralto, and Olive Ahara and Frances Copthorne, sopranos. Mrs. R. F. Linn, Jr., of 310 Myrtle street, entertained on May 11, at luncheon at her home in honor of her guest, Mrs. George Trayser of New York.

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