16 WINNETKA TALK May 26, 1928 IO EI OO EI OE O Ee A EI O eI 0 MORGAN' 616 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Univ. 2750-51-52-53 Wilmette 835-836 3 Deliveries Daily to Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe melodies. these players represent. By Popular Demand The Hawaiian Singers and Players are held over for a few days AT MORGAN'S Come in to hear them play and sing their enchanting Hawaiian Ask for a taste of these delicious Jams and Jellies that Nectar Marmalade The nectar of the Gods from that fascinating Paradise Jar 35c¢ Guava Jelly Prepared from the curious but appetizing Hawaiian Guava Jar 35¢ Poha Berry Jam Which grows on low bushes and only found on the rim of Kilauea Volcano Jar 40c Pineapple Jam Made right at the Plantation where Pineapples grow Jar 35¢ Preserves--Hawaiian Case of 24 large Jars Assorted $7.98 Shredded Wheat Soap Flakes 1010 ----1 OLX OX OEIOX package American Family, 3 lb. box llc large size 49¢ Walnuts Soap Shelled, regular 95c, lb. American Family 59c 10 bars 56¢ Butter Eggs Finest money can buy Strictly fresh. Every 1b. brick one guaranteed, doz. 47c 35¢ Monarch Peas Sugar can 22¢ Granulated Pure Cane in cloth sack Lux 10 Ibs. 69¢ 3 pkgs. 29¢ Pickles Pecans Nancy Hanks, large jar Shelled, regular $1.25, Ib. 19¢c 89¢c Corn Price's Baking Powder Monarch, White Maine, can can 23c 19¢ Royal Gelatine Pure fruit flavors 3 pkgs. 25¢ Matches large package 25¢ Mushrooms Choice, can 49c¢ OO OI 0 I= O10! Vanilla Extract Monarch, reg. 45c bottle 29c Cookies Golden Bear Butter Wafers 120 to Ib. can 65¢c Oranges Valencia. New California Summer Orange, large size Doz. 89c Monarch Tomatoes Ripe, solid pack, can 19¢ Kitchen Klenzer 4 cans 23c¢ Pineapple Monarch, large can, 35¢ Chili Sauce Monarch's bottle, 29c Morand's Ginger Ale or ROOT BEER 12 qt. btles., $1.49 Monarch Coffee None better at $1.00 a Ib. 3 Ib. can $1.49 | New Potatoes White or Red 10 lbs. for 39¢ Fresh Pineapples Cuban, Red Ripe, each 25¢ | OE OO FCO 0 I 0 = OI O E=--------=1 0X0 S| 100 EO IO =I OI 0 I------JOEJO0 I0IO EOI 0 OOOO OIXOI----------JIO0EJXO0 New Pastor Rev. Vere V. Loper, pastor of the First Congregational church at Min- neapolis, Minn., has accepted the pas- torate of the First Congregational church of Wilmette. He will begin his services at the north shore church September 1. Mr. Loper is a gradu- ate of Grinnell college and the Yale Divinity school. ELECTED TO BOARD ' Ernest G. Ballard, 811 Auburn place, is a newly elected director on the board of the Glenwood Manual Train- ing school. The election of N. C. Mather as president is also announced by the committee. Mr. Mather suc- ceeds the late Edward B. Butler of Lake Forest, who, previous to his death last February, held the presidency for. thirty-one years. Spring Concert at New Trier Pleases Capacity Audience The New Trier Music department gave its annual spring concert Friday evening, May 18, in the school audi- torium. It was an informal affair, with- out programs or ushers, but highly suc- cessful. Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, head of the music department, addressed the audi- ence, explaining the work and aims of the music department, and intro- ducing the other members of the de- partment, Miss Winifred Mickey, Miss Adelaide Jones, and Mrs. Ada Tilly Allen. The first group on the program was the Wilmette Grade school orches- tra, conducted by Miss Katherine Grandquist, a former student at New Trier. This orchestra, composed of children of all ages, many of them very young, played extraordinarily well. Following this Mrs. Allen, voice teacher, spoke on the voice work, and stressed the fact that her object was not so much to develop the voice as it was to preserve it. She illustrated her points with the work of some of her pupils. Edith Clerk, Helen Hutchens, and Lottie Kuenkele were the girls who sang, and the boys were Harold Tarrant, Delma Caldwell, Arthur Van Deursen, and Clifton Darling. Harold Tarrant, who played the part of Blon- del, the king's minstrel, in "Sherwood," which was recently presented at the school, sang Blondel's song, since so many people had expressed a desire to hear it again. After these soloists the Girls' and Boys' Glee clubs sang, first the girls, then the boys, then both together. Miss Pauline Manchester, who re- cently won the contest sponsored by the Society of American Musicians, and received a Mason and Hamlin piano, played one of the Chopin Etudes. Miss Manchester also was a former student at New Trier. The New Trier band concluded the program with several martial numbers with much zest. Permanent relief from work and worry Constant Protection to Health 5% See the newFrigidaires at our display rooms, espe- cially the new Tu-Tone models of exquisite beauty. See the cooling unit which converts any good ice- box into a Frigidaire at surprisingly low cost. All Frigidaire prices are low, and payments can be arranged to suit your budget. Chicago--Stover Co., 313 N. Michigan Ave., 'Whitehall 4955 Hubbard Woods--Stover Co., 956 Linden Ave., Winnetka 1512 Highland Park--Stover Co., 382 Central Ave., Highland Park 150 Evanston--Stover Co., 1681 Sherman Ave., Greenleaf 4480 Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois--At all their offices. FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OF. 2182 GENERAL. MOTORS