32 WINNETKA TALK May 26, 1928 May 26, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 33 Charmingly Youthful Frocks at $22.50 Tailored--but in' the more feminine manner, with batteries of inverted tucks that make a series of soft stripes and ripples at the yoke, the edge . of the bodice, the sleeves, or wherever theyihappen to be used. FOVNIAIN SQVARE EVANSTON Golf Gloves save the hands and often give a firmer grip $1.75 Natural chamois, with cutoff fingers and plenty of perforations to keep the hands fresh and cool. Wash- PORCH SHADES fils of course. FOVNIAIN SQVARE EVANSTO Chiffon Stockings Sheer as Gossamer The new Gordon Ingrain -- so very clear and fine that they form a mere breath of covering! Lace ~ clocked, more- over, to increase the sheer and lacy effect. : rs ius pair. Matin pits Le te Seine or gio Doan Calfskin golf Glows: (also oe riding SE 5 'and Casino tints. driving) have fingers, perforations, an % grip-stitching in the palm. $3.75. Lord's Special Ingrain Hose | YUDOR : $2.95 A : ; P OR CH Lord's--Gloves--First Floor Flesh, silver, Sri B50 mauve taupe. M oO n t h - E n d S h 0 e SHADES ; The skirts are mostly pleated--though gy mi--as in the case of certain enchantingly ingenuous smocked dresses--are merely gathered into soft folds and tied. Georgettes, crepe de chines. Some prints, too. Lovely flowery prints, developed into very simple and highly-effective models. Unusual, everv one of them, at $22.50 wr Lord's--First Floor will make a room of your porch! Fine $65 Iran Rugs A sheltered, cool place to spend summer evenings, to play bridge on hot after- at $45 noons, and for the children to play when the morning sun is too hot outdoors. 6.6x3.6 Exceptional | | Formerly A New Kind of Underwear | Qe! and Ste Selling to $10.50 A group of beautiful scatter-sized Oriental rugs--silky and heavy-piled. Thin, flat slats through Soft shades of blue and rose--so very which the breezes come Our Month-End shoe sale beginnin this Saturda H ill find Opera pumps of classical line-- Siinmperd 8 ue fat sofe he ey Lacmanize aime Made of ayarn never before used : gmning y ere you wi pera pump ; shut out the sun's glare. with whatever your decorative scheme presents an unusually fine selection of footwear at pumps - with smart buckles--snugly fitting strap- may be. in undergarments -- Bemberg-- great reductions. Every well-dressed woman will slippers--ties or oxfords. All grouped at $5 a pair, . . . recognize it as an opportunity to replenish her regardless of former selling price. Not all sizes in 2 ; "This is one of the untsual specials 'We luxurious, silky , sheer, and so wardrobe with several pairs of smart shoes at out- every style (that's why we are reducing them)-- 3 rest "ide tp $ a offer Foon. time to dme ae many durable they carry with them no standing savings. but all sizes a 3 foot iwide, San > z Evanston and North Shore housewives special washing instructions! a G foot wide, ....:%. 6.40 take advantage of. P 4 Zz 7 feet. vide, En 7.50 > Se hi Sfeet- wide]. Tl 8.50 Even if you're going to be away for the sum- Be sure to see these Augusta Satur day Monday ~-- Tuesday g Foot wider vl ih 7 in mer, it will pay you to secure one of these Bemberg undergarments. 10 feet wide, . iii 11.00 lovely little rugs now. : 3 12 feet wide,' 0. 7 13.50 They are moderately priced, tool Strap-Slippers Oxfords Pumps Ties Patent Suede Lustrous Lilihans, $29 Vetta gers 1g 43 $159 Honey-Beige Kid Calf Satin Tan Grey Combinations : ritine CRs Blorat a > Sans Each with a seven - foot, g 4 : 42 and 44, $2.50 six - inch drop. ; Chemises, Sizes to os $2.50 Boot Shop--Main Floor - ; Lord's--Second Floor East 42 and 44, $2.75 Lord's--Second Floor . Lord's--Thrift Basement