June 9, 1928 WINNETKA TALK MAKE ANNUAL AWARDS TO SKOKIE STUDENTS Henry Stanton Receives Donald Anderson Memorial Medal for All Round Activity Henry Stanton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Stanton, of 698 Blackthorn road, Winnetka, was awarded the Don- ald Anderson memorial medal for ser- vice to his school at the final emblem assembly of the year at the Skokie school yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Henry was chosen by his classmates as the one most worthy of the medal. The Donald Anderson memorial medal fund was established by the pupils, alumni, faculty and friends of the Skokie school in tribute to the spirit of unselfish service, the fine character and true sportsmanship of Donald Anderson. Each year the medal is awarded to the member of the graduating class who in his or her school life has most nearly repre- sented these ideals. Win Service Pins Eight members of the Skokie gradu- ating class received service pins. These eight students were also chosen by their classmates because of their unselfish service to the school, to schoolmates, and to those whom they met in daily life. Those who received the service pin awards were Severt Andrewson, Helen Fulton, Bill Kidd, Page Mergentheim, Pennock Mercer, Paul Nellerstrom, Jack Odell, and Frank Seyl. A large number of service emblems were also awarded on the recommenda- tions of members of the faculty at the school. The following students received departmental service emblems, the word "bar" after the name signify- ing that the student had previously received such an emblem: Evelyn Strom, Arthur Mayer, Lee Hooper (Bar), Marjorie McNie, Lois Mellander, Preissel Happ, Marguerite Doyle, Lorraine Moore, Ada Pancoe, Ralph Sinsheimer, Dick Larkin, Wal- ter Fisher, Vera Anderson, Dorothy Bergh, Margaret Gould, Lewis Kran- ich, Fred Janney, Virginia Land (Bar), Jeannette Weeks (Bar), Sara Jane Haven, Doris Benson, Ameri Edinger, David McDonald, Arthur White, Burdick Clarke, Joe Miller, Dorothy Bolkow, Dagmar Augdahl, ILoretta Anderson, Victor Luensman (Bar), Frances Simon, Edward Orpet (Bar), Kenneth Seyfried, Mary McFadzean, Linda Marchini (Bar), Esther Mills, Ragnhild Jacobsen (Bar), Grace Leonard (Bar), James Schaeffer. All-School Awards Those who received the all-school service emblems were: Jerome Straus, Frances Payne, Bill Nordburg (Bar), Ted Wachs, Dick Otto R. Barnett Heads N. S. MacDowell Society A very interesting meeting of the North Shore MacDowell society was held Tuesday evening, June 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Bartlett, 711 Sheridan road, Win- netka. The earlier part of the eve- ning was given over to the annual business meeting. ~The new officers elected were: president, Otto R. Barnett of Glencoe; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Frank W. Peyraud of Highland Park; second vice-president, Dr. Davies Lazear of Winnetka; re- cording secretary, William R. Shuster of Ravinia; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. S. Brown of Winnetka ; treas- urer, George J. Pope of Glencoe. Fol- lowing the installation of the new pres- ident, Mrs. Laird Bell gave a read- ing from Eugene O'Neill's "Marco Millions." The MacDowell societies, of which there are many throughout the coun- try, are organized primarily to assist in the support of the Peterborough colony in New Hampshire. This col- ony is maintained in commemoration of Edward MacDowell--probably America's foremost composer--and to provide ideal working quarters and environments for artists in all fields who are doing outstanding creative work. Teachers are Guests at Party Given by P. T. A. Horace Mann school teachers were entertained at a farewell party given by the Winnetka Parent-Teacher as- sociation at 6 o'clock Thursday eve- ning. The party was held at the Sheri- dan Shore and Yacht club at the Wilmette beach. This was the last of a series of such parties given by the P. T. A. under the direction of Mrs. Albert Clark, social chairman. Nelson (Bar), Margaret Huddy (Bar), Marshall Turner (Bar). After-school service emblems for athletic work were awarded to the following students on the recommenda- tion of H. P. Clark, supervisor of physical education in the Winnetka: schools : Girls--Marion Barber, Grace Bar- num, Beatrice Levinson, Marie Henkel, Irma Boerema, Linda Marchini, Mary McFadzean, Margaret McKenzie, Elizabeth Olson, Mary Ellen Graham, Virginia Flannery, Ruth Hoagland, Frances Koch, Edith Hirsch, Carolyn Cutting. Boys--March Edinger, Herbert Carl- son, Nat Blatchford, William Kidd, William Nordburg, Stanton Schumann, Lyman Trumbull, George Komen, Bruce Ellison, Robert Walpole, Sam Rockwell, David Stoddard, Robert Runnfeldt, George Lorimer, Thomas Hoehn (teacher). omens mer 1054 GAGE STREET Continuing Our LIQUIDATION SALE! We are offering a 259, to 509% Reduction on all Imports-- Pottery, Brass. Pewter, Bronze and China-- Waste Baskets, Tile Tables, Corner Cup Boards, Etc. 159, Discount On All Drapery Fabrics Painted Butterfly Art Studio HUBBARD WOODS because it's from Peters Market \ A THEN you say to your family, "I got it from Peters Market," it's the same as if you said "It's the very best to be had anywhere." There's a lot of satisfaction in knowing that after you have gone to the effort of preparing a delicious meal it will be delicious in every particular. Those who always want to be sure are regular customers of Peters Market. Choice Steaks, Chops, Roasts and Home Dressed Spring Chickens Peters Market Meats of Quality 734 Elm Street Phones 920-21-22 | | Phone Winnetka 1207 oo == a RT Tongregational Hi Church sm ATRATAATAATAAVARTRATOATAATARTARTAATOATARTAATARTARTRATA" mn i" Sunday, June 10th MORNING-- 9:30 Primary and Kindergarten classes of the Church School. 11:00 Graduation Service of the Church School. Baccalaure- ; ate sermon by Rev. Paul . Hutchinson. i VESPERS-- A 11 5:00 Sermon by Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin, "The Authority of |[FFyIFm Jesus." bi 8