12 WINNETKA TALK June 9, 1928 Lee Says: WE know of a man WHO will give a large SUM of money to some ONE who will invent A picture taking MACHINE that will make HIM look better than HE does.-- While you ARE working on this INVENTION let us supply YOU with your Kodak and FILMS and also bring in YOUR films for finishing. WE have a photo finisher WHO knows his pictures AND will return your PICTURES better than YOU expected. Each WEEK we will pick out THE best picture TAKEN and enlarge it AND deliver it to THE one taking the PICTURE in a nice NEAT 8x10 frame FREE of charge. TRY us with your NEXT film. : Adams Pharmacy Serving You Since 1903 The Rexall Store Phone Winnetka 2 Elm and Linden Kathleen Air Presents Her Pupils in Recital Miss Kathleen Air of the Columbia School of Music presented her pupils in recital at the Winnetka Woman's club Friday night, June 1. Miss Air was assisted by the violin pupils of Ruth Ray, a member of the faculty of the Columbia School of Music. The following pupils took part: Mary Phyllis Barber, Kitty Lawrence, Mary Ritchie, Jane Cheney, Judy Butler, An- toinette Hearn, Eleanor Cheney, Debby Butler, Miriam Bartlett, Esther Hearne, Polly Spooner, Marjorie Gould, Marjorie Truesdale, Margaret Gould, Leslie Champlin, Mary Divine, Sue Potter, Karen Voss, Fernlee Wein- reb, Dorothy Tatman, Wilfred Bach, Cecelia Lafis, Marion Barber, Betty Maddox, Barbara Burlingham. TO GIVE CIRCLE LUNCHEON The Oak Street circle will be enter- tained by Mrs. C. M. Tipton and Mrs. R. S. Childs at a 1 o'clock luncheon on Tuesday, June 12, at Mrs. Tipton's home. There will be an interesting program in the afternoon, and sewing will be furnished by the work com- mittee. semi-annually. A Dollar Down and the Rest as You Get it! No installment plan is more entirely to the good or more beneficial than that of saving. Instead of having to pay interest your money EARNS in- terest. Think twice before you spend that dollar-- think what it will do for you should you put it on deposit, with interest at 39, compounded BANKING HOURS Daily 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. Saturdays 8 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. Hubbard Woods Trust & Savings Bank 952 Linden Avenue Rubbaid Woods Winnetka Youth to Attend School Camp for Chicago Boys Felix C. Balak, son of Mrs. F. Balak, 395 Rosewood avenue, Winnetka, is enrolled to attend the big camp for public school boys near Mercer, Wis. Final arrangements for the camp, which opens July 2, are being rushed by Major F. L. Beals, the officer of the army who will be in command 'of the camp, from his offices at the Chi- cago Board of Education. Tentage and equipment which are supplied by the United States Government are al- ready on the grounds and the final details of the work on the camp itself are being rushed. The big new mess hall which will seat 600 is nearing completion. The sanitary arrangements are planned to meet the requirements of Dr. Arnold H. Kegel, Chicago's health commissioner, and the Wisconsin State Department of Health. The assignments of the large staff of army officers, teachers and special instructors has been announced. Dr. H. H. Gentles of the Chicago first aid chapter of the American Red Cross will have charge of the camp hospital and he will be assisted by three phy- sicians and a nurse, thus assuring the best of care for the health of the boys in camp. Spruce Street "Gang" Just Can't Be Curbed In one-sided combat, the Spruce street baseball team ran rampant over Fell's Clothiers last Monday by a score of 36-6. Fell's team, rather haughty after defeating all previous challengers, was no match for the slug- ging West Siders, who have not had their slate marred for the last three vears. The Clothiers got away to a fly- ing start in the first inning due to a hit and several errors which netted them two runs. The Spruce Street aggregation, however, quickly solved the twisters which Hoagland was throwing, and the game was put on ice after the fourth inning, which also meant the dismissal of Hoagland. "Moth" McFadzean who took up the burden for Hoagland, was sent to the showers in the next inning when nine men crossed the plate. Pete Luchessi, who was throwing baseballs before many of his teammates were able to talk, and who was labeled as "through" by the Winnetka baseball team, demonstrated that he still pos- sessed some of his old time cunning by allowing only seven hits. Next Tuesday the West Siders will clash with the Triangle club, who ex- pect to turn the tables and do what no other team has been able to do for the past three years. Game called at 7 at the Skokie school. CIRCLES PLAN PICNIC The Pine and Cherry Street circles are giving a picnic for twenty-five little boys and girls from the Chicago Com- mons Tuesday, June 19, at the Lake park. Mrs. Herbert K. Humphrey, who is living in the Beardslee house at 560 Elm street this summer with her familv, left on Thursday evening for the East to attend her class reunion at Vassar. Mrs. Humphrey will be gone a short time and after her return will be here but a few weeks before leav- ine with her father, M. K. Meyer, for Furope. Thev will sail from New York on July 7. --_--_-- Mrs. W. G. Weil, 608 Willow road, returned Tuesday from Burlington, Towa, where she spent the past week.