June 9, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 21: Dorothy Darby, Elizabeth Haack, Ruth Scribbins, Anne Sherwin, Dorothy Tay- lor, Harriet Williams, Mary Keith, Patricia Oliver, Caroline Richards, Grace Clucas, Constance Connor, Alice Flesch, Lillian Gritzbaugh, Ernestine Herman, Louise Hubsch, Betty Johnson, Helen Trelon ne LS ga ES Ss co 0s 00 eee oecscecsaessioonooso00066600000600000600066sccecsssscsssosscssocs , , ) mary Walkey, Emilie Eckart. Honorable Mention--Marian Anderson, Mary Beam, Dorothy Bersch, Wilma Borovicka, Silva Bruns, Josephine Cruschini, Alice Burkhardt, Virginia Bul- livant, Marian Calkins, Jean Crossley, Marie Erickson, Marian Flentye, Janet Healy, Katherine Heinig, Hazel Koll, Clella McKanna, Isabel Macalister, Mary Jane Maloney, Margaret Pick, Helen Reinhardt. Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings TEE) UB Henry C.Lytton & Sons State and Jackson---Chicago : Orrington and Church--Evanston k kk Freshmen Honor Roll--Patsy Boylston, Janet San- ford, Louise Wagner, Martha Wilen, Ethel Jackson, Sara Lindahl, Marion Nettleman, Claire Simon, Florence Stern- berg, Dorothy Winzenburg, Barbara Cooke, Katherine Maxwell, Ethel Ander- son, Amy Clagett, Lois Goldstein, Kath- erine Kruger, Mary Jane Mess, Hthel Pierce, Betty Seery, Anne Tourtellot, Harriett Webster, Josephine Pridmore, Lora Baughman, Jane Ludwig, Theda Childs, Mary Alice Cochran, Victoria Dieball, Mary Ferrarini, Virginia Jen- kins, Ruth Offner, Frances Lutz, Jean Meck, Virginia Rietheimer. Honorable Mention -- Helene Adler, Barbara Ballenger, Anne Boddie, Helen Bratschi, Alice Conhaim, Martha For- man, Phyllis Fuerman, Jean Hall, Mar- jorie Hume, Julia Kane. Honorable Mention -- Sally Kriebel, Helen Maloney, Eleanor Mayer, Mar- guerite McCann, Mary Melvin, Dorothy Miller, Jane Norman, Betty Pence, Vir- ginia Polonis, Marion Popper, Elizabeth Potter. Virginia Preston, Charlotte Spiegel, Betty Steffens, Ruth Tay. HOME FROM COLLEGE Miss Elizabeth Webster, 696 Pros- pect avenue, whose debut was an event of this spring and whose en- gagement to Sturtevant Hinman was announced at that time, returned home from Connecticut college last Wednes- day. Miss Webster will be at home for about two weeks during which time she will be maid of honor at Miss Catherine Hinman's wedding. She will leave the end of the month and is sailing for Europe with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Towner K. Webster, Jr, on July 3. The Websters will be away about three months. J. C. Murray, 433 Cumnor road, Kenilworth has gone to Maine where he will join Mrs. Murray at their sum- mer home for a short vacation spent in fishing. In Our Evanston Shop SITVER. GRAY Swifs You Can't Get More for Your Money Anywhere Than We Offerin These Stylish Suits at 20 Styled and Tailored Exclusively for Us by Sociely SBrand They're the smartest, finest suits we know of for the price. We make that statement advisedly--for we worked for weeks figuring ways and means to give you in this late season fabric idea, the greatest possible value for $50. The enthusiasm with which well dressed men are buying Silver Grays convinces us that you can't An Exquisite Bridal Gift HE bride's desire for lovely appointments for her home can be gratified to the utmost with a gift of Dirigold tableware, or any one of many other useful Dirigold ar- ticles. get more for your money anywhere. Other Society Brand Clothes $45 to $85 Our display of this beautiful ware is a ready haven to her gift-gather- ing friends. We invite your se- lection. Dirigold, HALLMARK JEWELERS 809 DAVIS STREET The Dirigold Corp. Display Salon 70 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago IT'S THE CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNTS [1 Ione eea COO OOOO OGG OOO CC COO OOOO 0