June 16, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Pastor in Demand for Commencement Season Addresses Dr. Herbert I. Willett, pastor of the Kenilworth Union church, has been giving a series of commencement ad- dresses, baccalaureate sermons, and convocation addresses at high schools and colleges in Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and West Virginia. On Wednesday of last week Dr. Wil- lett gave the convocation address at the University of West Virginia, Mor- gantown, West Virginia. Last Monday he gave a similar address at Hiram college, Hiram, Ohio. This week's schedule includes two high school commencement addresses | --one at Mishawaka, Indiana, Wednes- d day night and another at Racine, Wis, | tonight. Sunday night Dr. Willett will give the baccalaureate sermon at Milwau- kee-Downer college, Milwaukee, Wis. Monday he will be in Ypsilanti, Mich., to deliver the convocation adress to the graduating class of the Michigan State Normal school. The graduating class at Central High school, Grand Rapids, Mich., will hear a commencement address by Dr. Wil- lett next Wednesday. The following week Dr. Willett will go to Cedar Point, Ohio, to give an address at the annual convention of the Ohio State Teachers' association. 4 Pierce-Arrow Offers Service on Flat Rate The Pierce-Arrow Motor car com- pany reports the largest sales month in May in the history of the company, the new model 81 vehicle having at- tracted world-wide attention. The company has an exclusive serv- ice feature connected with the sale of its vehicles in that it extends to the owners of other makes of motor cars the advantages of Pierce-Arrow serv- ice stations where there are to be found the most skilled mechadics in the industry and the most modern and up-to-date. tools and equipment for the servicing of all makes of automobiles. All work is done on flat rate basis so that an owner may know exactly what a job will cost before. going ahead with the work. In this way the motor car owner has all the advantages from the standpoint of expert workmanship. The flat rate prices are used for not only the Pierce-Arrow but for other makes of cars as well, and are much more economical than those found NORDQUIST RANCH Full information regard- ing rates, accommoda- tions and reservations for summer cabins, park trips, or big game hunting trips at the Nordquist L T - Ranch in Wyoming may be secured from MR. F. W. COPELAND Winnetka 2174 or Harrison 3390 Reservations must usually be made a season in ad- vance but occasional cancellations leave space available on shorter notice. : elsewhere where the same grade of work might be obtained. | They, morthy' shore. "dealer of the | Pierce-Arrow company is James G. i Barber, who maintains at 1508 Elm- wood avenue, Evanston, one of the up-to-date service stations, and, unlike the medical profession, these service stations make no charge for consulta- tions. SEARCH FOR MUMMIES H. E. Anthony, curator of the De- partment of Mammals at the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History, and author of "Field Book of North Amer- ican Mammals" (Putnam's), is a mem- ber of the Stoll-McCracken Expedi- tion now on its way to the Siberian Arctic. Mr. and Mrs, A, P. Thoms, 683 | Lincoln avenue, have returned to their | home after spending a week at Atlan- tic City. 2. zz 2 2772 the children especially WINNETKA SANITARY DAIRY 818 OAK ST. LLL LIT ZIT ZI LU EEE PTT TTT TZ TT FZ FZ TE 7 7 ZT LL lr LL 2 ZT LE 7 EEE EE a deri Zi TIE N Drink - - more of it! Milk is your best food-- should have just as much as they want--particularly when it comes from the PH. WINN. 137 PLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LLL LLL TL TLL TLL TLL TTT ddd dd dll Ld ddd 7 D7 Add Color and Comfort to 7, OR furnishing the Sun Room or Porch you can . find nothing finer nor superior than the fam- ous, nationally advertised, Lloyd Loom Furniture. It is specially adapted for that purpose--light, strong, comfortable and colorful. We are showing "+ 7..:the latest designs in a great array of color effects, beauti- SUITES fully upholstered at prices that are actually lower than you "2% 3120 LINCOLN AVE. It's Surprisingly Inexpensive would expect to pay for this type of furniture. Come in 329.00 and let us show you these handsome Lloyd creations in to three and five-piece suites ard individual pieces. $89.00 Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings S. Rosenbaum Co. 810 DAVIS ST. Incorporated EVANSTON CHICAGO STORES: 5228 NORTH CLARK ST.