June 16, 1928 WINNETKA TALK NORTHWESTERN HOLDS 70TH COMMENCEMENT Diplomas to Be Given to 1,250 Graduates at Ceremony Monday Morning Northwestern university's 70th an- nual commencement will be held in the university gymnasium Monday morning, June 18, bringing to a close over a week's special activities honor- ing the graduates. Approximately 1,- 250 students will receive their degrees during the exercises and honorary de- grees will be conferred on eight out- standing educators and professional and business men, among them several Evanstonians, whose names will not be announced until during the exer- cises. At 10:30 the program will start with the processional of students in caps and gowns, led by the faculty in their gowns. Fdward Price Bell, dean of the foreign staff of the Chicago Daily News, will deliver the commencement address. To Give Baccalaureate The baccalaureate sermon for the graduates will be delivered by the Rev. George Craig Stewart, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church, in the gym- nasium Sunday afternoon at 3, and in the evening at 9 a candlelight song service by the senior class will take place at the gymnasium, which the public is invited to attend. Most colorful of the commencement activities will be alumni day Saturday. Alumni from the earliest classes of the university down to this year's class will assemble on the campus at 12:30 for a parade to the gymnasium. There a luncheon and business meeting will take place with the induction of the senior class into the alumni body. The alumni day baseball game will fol- low at 4 p. m. and a General Alumni dinner will be held at the" Orrington hotel at 6 p. m. Garden Party on the Campus Associate alumnae will entertain parents and friends of the graduates attending commencement at a garden party on the south campus Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6, and the pres- ident's reception from 9 to 11 p. m. at the gymnasium will close the events of Alumni day. Besides, on that day there will be separate meetings of the Liberal Arts, commerce, music, speech and medical school groups. Medics are planning a banquet at the Drake hotel for 7 p. m., and the school of speech will hold an alumni meeting at 5 at Annie May Swift hall followed by a supper and recital. Phi Beta Kappa will hold its annual meeting in the morning at 9. Wardrobe Trunks $25.00--$35.00--$50.00 up Women's Suit Cases $6.00--$12.00 and up Wardrobe Hat Boxes $11.00--$15.00 and up 28 E. NEW YORK . ST. EST. 1859 CHICAGO St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 Services Second Sunday after Trinity 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon 11:00 A. M. Second service and sermon, "New Consecration of Life" Meetings Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30: Evening classes for catechumens. Monday at 7:45: Choir rehearsal. Friday, June 15: Junior Walther league. Now that the pleasant, enjoyable warm weather has set in, and the festi- vals of the church are past, and Chil- dren's Day has come and gone, let us Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Gray, 844 Hibbard road, left last Monday night with their children to motor to Madi- son, Conn., where they will spend the summer. ------ Mrs. W. J. Fisher, 388 Chestnut street, and her family will spend the summer at Gilmore Lake, Minong, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Kirtland ot Wilmette and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Callerman of Winnetka are leaving Tuesday for Lake Placid, N. Y. SUMMER SCHOOL Morning Sessions July 1 to September 1 During the Summer, in addition to our regular Stenographic and Commercial lines, we give short, intensive courses in Gregg Shorthand for high school and college students; also review and speed work for experienced stenographers. Students enter any individual The record of our school justifies us in scliciting the patronage of those who are seeking the very best in business training. Watson Business School 528 Davis St. Telephone University 3806 time; instruction Evanston, Ill. he Grape Nut Custard and Banana Ice Cream FULL THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL "GOOD TASTE" ~_Thereis a HY¥DRoX AgencyNearYourHome \ "For the Friends of Man" Announcing the opening of the new North Shore Animal Hospital in its new location on Church Street, in the first block east of the Evanston Township High School. NORTH SHORE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 1817 Church Street, Evanston Phones University 9416-17-18