June 16, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 55 LET BANK CONTRACT John Davies of Wilmette Gets General Contract to Reconstruct Wilmette Theater Structure Work of transforming the old Vil- lage theater building in Wilmette into a modern banking institution has been started. The first steps were taken Tuesday of this week by John Davies, who is the general contractor, and from now until the latter part of Sep- tember or early in October, when the reconstruction work has been com- pleted and the First National bank of Wilmette moves from Central avenue to its new home, there will be plenty of activity. While Mr. Davies, who built the Winnetka fire station and many resi- dences here, is the general contractor and will handle the steel and ma- sonry contract, he has associated with him James Wigginton of Evanston. The American Terra Cotta company has been awarded the contract to fur- nish this material which is to decorate the front of the reconstructed building. The contract for the vault door and other equipment has been given to the Mosler Safe company. Martin Jacob- son of Wilmette will look after all plumbing. New Nash Type of Auto Is Coming Out Soon While business and financial circles are stirring with the discussion of re- cent automobile company mergers and proposed consolidations, the deepest mystery cloaks activities in and about a number of the great American auto- mobile manufacturing plants. Persistent rumors of new car models --some fantastic, some based on the fringe of fact--have been afloat for weeks. They whisper that new and revolutionary types of cars are about to be introduced. One of the principal "storm centers" for this speculation surrounds the big Nash Motors plants in Kenosha, Ra- cine and Milwaukee, where all indi- cations point to the introduction within a few weeks of an entirely new type of automobile. For more than a year the highly or- ganized manufacturing forces under the leadership of C. W. Nash, whose mastery of design and mechanical adaptation has been acknowledged in the industry since its earliest days, have been working with unprecedented secrecy. Details of an entifely new Nash motor have been guarded with partic- ular secrecy but information has been received stating that because of its ad- vanced design the new engine will out- perform anything heretofore placed on the market, according to Nash Sales agency, 547 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. W. G. Stacey and Company Announces Realty Sales W. G. Stacey and company reports the following recent real estate sales: The new Kennedy Colonial, 1350 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, to Norman Kraft of the Kraft Cheese company, Chicago; the artistic brick Colonial at 929 Sheridan road, Wilmette, to M. LeRoy Minor of the Erwin-Minor company, Chicago; the attractive stucco, 620 Linden avenue, Wilmette, to Mr. Robert H. Doran; lot on 18th street, Wilmette, to Everett I. Ken- nedy which will shortly be improved with another attractive residence of Mr. Kennedy's own design. Mrs. A. L. Adams, 926 Cherry street, and her two children are leaving short- ly for the Adams' summer home at Cross Lake, Wis, where they will spend the summer. Mr. Adams will join them for short visits. Marian and Henry Schell, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Schell, 808 Elm street, returned from school last week to gpend the summer with their parents. Henry attended Elgin academy this year, and Marian has completed her sophomore year at Wittenberg college, Springfield, Ohio. In addition to her regular school work she taught several gym classes a week, and assisted one of the Spanish pro- fessors. --0-- Mrs F. C. White, 809 Rosewood avenue, left yesterday with her daugh- ter, Marian, to spend the summer on their farm at Brattleboro, Vt. Mr. White will join them for the month of August. NGS Alfred Wallenstein, 'cellist in the Chicago Symphony orchestra, who will be at Ravinia this summer, has taken the Allen house at 1405 Edgewood lane for the season. DRIVEWAYS LANDSCAPING Built and Refinished and Grading Done Estimates Free by Experts Established 1918 Franz Krenn LanDscaPE (GARDENER TELEPHONE 2435 WINNETKA With our knowledge and experience--we can help nature in the care of your lawn and garden. A top-dressing of Black Soil, Fertilizer and Lime, properly applied, will make a great improvement. Phone us--we know how. EVERGREENS---SHRUBS---BLACK SOIL--VIGORO FERTILUVIA--LIME Wherever the service sign is seen, there are men and tools to help your Cadillac and La Salle give you the motoring satisfaction which is universally known as an outstand- ing feature of Cadillac- La Salle superiority --much to your advantage CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY EVANSTON BRANCH 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston LA SALLE SERVICE "Organized, standardized, CADILLAC and. Located here where we can know: your car and the conditions under which you drive, we believe that our service will prove of inestimable value in keeping your car "run- ning sweet." To you, as a car owner, Service suggests three questions: How soon can you have it? How much will it cost? Will it be right? It is our obligation to the Cadillac Motor Car Company, as the local representative of nation-wide Cad- illac and La Salle service, that we answer each of these questions with performance eminently satisfactory to you. localized service"