58 WINNETKA TALK June 16, 1928 Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 57) 77 FOR SALE--HOUSES A BARGAIN IN PRICE LOCATION QUALITY OF HOME 7 ROOM BRICK ON BEAUTIFUL wooded lot 100x190, all in A-1 condi- tion. Facing park, close to school and transportation. 'W. heat. One-car garage. Offered at the very unusual price of $17,500. Only $3,000 cash re- quired, balance arranged. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 TTLTN38-1tc GLENCOE Lincoln and Crescent Drives NEW ENG. TYPE BRK. HOME. 8-RMS., 3 baths, extra lav., 3 master bedrms., large dressing room, separate servants' quarters, 2-car attached gar.; cor. lot 100x215 to a ravine; beautifully land- scaped, with formal garden; southwest exposure, facing park; 2 blocks east of Glencoe main station. John F. Hahn, Inc. 1617 Sherman Ave., Evanston Greenleaf 2700 TTLTN38-1tc $21,500 Reduced to $18,500 2 YR. OLD BRICK AND STUCCO home with 3-car garage on deep wooded lot. 3 blks. to Hubbard Woods Sta- tion. 5 bedrms., 2 baths (bedroom, toilet and lavatory, 1st fl.) sun porch, hot water heat. Easy terms. Box 11, Hubbard Woods. TTLTN38-1tc 0 ROOM STUCCO HSE., MODERN. H. 'W. heat, dble. garage, in Glencoe. Easy terms. Tel. Glencoe 325JX. T7LTN38-1tp 78 FOR SALE--VACANT WINNETKA ACREAGE ESTATE VERY EXCLUSIVE, ADJOINS EQUAL- ly beautiful estates. Artistically land- scaped, wonderful gardens of shrubs and flowers and an abundance of trees. Really a natural park. Beautiful spa- cious home having 5 baths and separate servants' quarters. You can sell 2 or 3 estates and retain the original home at practically no cost. This is a safe investment. and a de- lightful place to live while it is grow- ing into money. Liberal terms can be arranged. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 T8LTN38-1tc HIGHLAND PARK LAKE FRONTAGE THE CHOICEST PIECE OF FRONT- age left in Highland Park with full riparian rights. 560 feet fof street frontage and 190 feet of beautiful sand beach. Wonderfully situated, only 5 blocks from Central street stations. This property has just come on the market and will not long be available at the very reasonable price asked. Full particulars on request. FRED'K B. THOMAS & CO. 743 Elm Street 'Winnetka 10 8. La Salle St. Chicago T8LTN38-1tc INDIAN HILI, ACREAGE THE LAST LARGE PIECE LEFT adjacent to Indian Hill Club. Over 3 acres in the very exclusive section at a genuine bargain price. FREDK B. THOMAS, Excl. Agents 10 S. La Salle St.. Chicago 78LTN38-1tc FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE lot near Indian Hill station. Price $5,500. Terms. W. A. Schrei, Ph. Ken- ilworth 2640 or State 4744. 78LT38-1tp WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPON- 743 Elm St. Winnetka sible party in Deerfield, lot 60x136, 3 blocks to transp. Write Wilmette Life A-16. 78LTN12-tfc 79 FOR SALE--ACREAGE 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS 5-ACRE TRACTS JUST WEST OF WINNETKA--IN ONE of the most beautiful sections of the North Shore, where land is steadily increasing in value. Highly restricted developments. Call F. H. Ward, Winn. 369. T9TN15-1tp WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St. v- anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc 102 FOR SALE--MISC. 82 SUMMER RESORTS WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for light housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swim- ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 82LTN33-14tp FOR RENT--SUMMER COTTAGE AT Post Lake, near Pelican Lake, Wis. 3 bedrms.; living rm.; Kitchen, screened porch. Good boating and fishing, golf course nearby. Ph. Win- netka 2878. 82LLTN38-1tc 84 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 799 Elm St., Winnetka Meyers Bank Bldg. 84T15-1tc Phone 162 91 WTD. TO RENT--GARAGES WANTED--PRIV. GARAGE; SPACE 1 car. near Rosewood and Dinsmore. Tel. Winn. 2360. 91T15-1tp 96 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED--HOUSE, 6-10 ROOMS, EV- ston to Winn. east of tracks. All cash, must be bargain. Give price & loca- tion. Address Talk A-33. 96L/T38-1tp WANTED 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, south or central Winnetka or Xenil- worth. Brick, $35,000 cash; no brokers. Write Wilmette Life A-39. 96LTN38-1tc 99 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES NEW SHIPMENT Hitchcock, Windsor & Fiddleback chairs. Currier & Ives Prints. Glass, rugs, da-beds. 10 rooms full. 808 WASHINGTON ST. (1 Block So. of Main St.) Evanston 99LTN38-1tc 100 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Complete Household Furnishings INCLUDING BEDRM., LIVING RM, dining rm., sunporch furniture; rugs, lamps, pictures, etc. China, glassware and kitchenware; washing machine, mangle, many household appliances and electric devices. Boy's and girl's bicycles. Cadillac tour. car. All very reasonably priced. 1195 Hamptondale Rd., Winnetka. 100LTN38-1tc HOUSEHOLD SALE 1024 CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE Dr. Maude B. Sands is leaving Wil. for permanent residence in Paris. and is offering for sale the entire furnishines of her home, including carpets, Oriental rugs, rare pictures. bric-a-brac. dishes, ete. Sale June 19, 20 and 21. Ph. Wil- mette 1219. 100L'TN38-1te BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN Sanico gas range mah. flat top desk; Oliver typewriter: adding machine: Simmons ivory twin beds, springs and mattresses : work bench ; China cabinet; dining and breakfast tables; kitchen chairs: sanitary couch, ete. 850 Sheridan Rd. Tel. Glencoe 440. 100LTN38-1tc FOR SALE--RUGS, CHAIRS, SEWING machine, mangle. bedroom set, odd china, etc. 243 Warwick Rd. Ph. Kenil- worth 265 for appointment. 100L.'T38-1tc MUST SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL MA- son and Hamlin Grand Piano. Used only a short time. Write Wilmette Life A-20. 100L'TN36-4tc FOR SALE CHEAP--LLOYD LOOM baby carriage, latest style. 1309 Chest- nut Ave., Wilmette. 100LTN38-1te FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED PLUM mohair bed-davenport and chair. Ph, Glencoe 1335. 100T15-1te HANOVIA MERCURY ARTIFICIAL Sun lamp, including goggles and in- structions for operating, $225. Write Wilmette Life A-45. 102TNL15-1tp NEVER BEEN USED $120 PORTABLE Singer sewing machine, electric light for night sewing, $60. Ph. Winnetka 3037. 102T15-1tc FOR SALE--USED 5 RACK STEAM heater dryer with small high pressure boiler. Good cond. Ph. Winnetka 465. 102TN15-1tc FOR SALE REMINGTON TYPE- writer, good condition. Bargain. Ph. Glencoe 1148. 102LTN35-tfp MAN'S DINNER SUIT, SIZE 40-42 Tel. Winn. 1313. 102LTN38-1tc WTD. TO BUY--MISC. BEFORE YOU SELL MEN'S OLD CLOTHING & LADIES' 103 fur coats. Call a reliable dealer and get well paid for it. H. Gordon University 2990 103T15-4tp NOTICE Every property owner in New Trier Township is notified to cut his thistles. Any person not heeding this warning and allowing thistles to go to seed will be prosecuted and fined. JOHN BALMES, Thistle Commissioner. Our Boy Scouts Camp North Shore The temporary summer camp at the Cabin-in-the-Woods in the Boy Scout Reservation in the Forest Preserve west of Glencoe, conducted throughout the summer for the use of north shore troops, patrols, and individual scouts. Dates--Monday, June 11, to Satur- day, August 11. Equipment--It is planned to erect four tent houses, screened, each to ac- commodate eight Scouts and a Patrol Leader--twenty-four Scouts will also be cared for in the Cabin, making a total capacity of fifty Scouts and lead- ers. Camp Staff--The camp will be con- ducted under the supervision of Scout Executive Walter McPeek, and the North Shore Area council camp com- mittee. The camp director will be W. Ted Grant, activities director of the North Shore Area council He will be assisted by a leader, who will be particularly responsible for the pur- chase and the preparation of food. There will also be four patrol leaders on the staff throughout the summer. (Note: Scouts 15 years or over and at least Star Scouts are invited to apply for one of these positions). Day's Program--The program will be operated on the basis of periods of one week each, although when the camp is not filled, it will be possible for scouts to come for even shorter periods. Scouts may register for as many peri- ods as they desire up to the capacity of the camp. Inasmuch as there are no facilities at Camp North Shore for swimming, several trips will be taken each week to the Glencoe beach, where there are unexcelled facilities. Barrel shower baths are also planned. Reveille will be at 6:45, the morn- ing will be given over to instruction and test passing--the afternoon will be used largely for strictly recreation and fun activities. Camp fires and night Jummes will be followed by taps at Visitors' Days--Parents are asked to try to arrange their visits to camp. either on Wednesdays or Sunday after- noons. Each Wednesday night a stunt night, particularly for parents, will be held. The first one Wednesday, June 13, will be in the nature of an Indian Camp-fire. June 20 has been set aside for a gala stunt-night. General Day's Program (With Variations) Big idea of the Day 6:30 Reveille 8:30 Instruction 11:00 Exploration--game or hike trip to Lake Inspection Dinner Leadership--own rest. hour Fun Events Free time Dinner Twilight game Camp Fire Taps 12: WwW 00 =D pen =3 Through the Week Features (With Variations) Monday--Night Trailing game Tuesday--Trip to Lake Wednesday--Cook own Luncheon Evening Campfire--stunt night Thursday--Trip to Lake Friday--Overnight hike Saturday--Scoutcraft Day Parent Night Program Each Wednesday June 13--Indian Night June 20--Council Ring--Court of Award June 27--"A Tenderfoot at Camp," a play --gala stunt night July 4--Patriotic night--"The night of noise." Marshmallows July 11--Council Ring--Court of Award July 18--Exhibition night July 25--Circus--pink lemonade watermelon Aug. 1--Council Ring--Court of Award Aug, 8--Corn roast and A Big Event Each Week Bar-B-Q Bean Hunt Treasure Hunt Overnight Red and White War Beach Party-- (Parents invited) Tug of War Overnight Hike to Lake Michigan Many other Events A program for the development in leadership in boys and their advance- ment in Scouting abilities will be con- ducted throughout the summer months at the Cabin-in-the-Woods. Scouts will come for periods ranging from a day to several weeks at a time, many troops will make overnight and week- end trips to the Cabin. This haven of North Shore scouting will be the center of Scouting activities during the summer months. Parents' Nights Fach Wednesday and Sunday night, a program for Parents and Scouts and other visitors will be put on around the Camp fire. This is expected to be- come quite a feature of the week's activities and is being developed under the leadership of Assistant Scout Exe- cutive W. Ted Grant. Court of Award During the summer months the local town courts of award will adjourn, but a combined court of award will be held at the Cabin-in-the-Woods on the second Wednesday evening of each month. Miss Alice Binghurst of Seattle, Wash. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Moody of 124 Robsart road, Kenil- worth. Mrs. Moody is giving a bridge luncheon in her niece's honor Tuesday, June 19. --m On Tuesday of this week Mrs. Ar- thur Ruf of Kenilworth opened her home on Cumnor road for a trousseau tea for her daughter, Phyllis, whose marriage takes place this Saturday evening. ---- Mrs. Alfred McDougal of Kenilworth is entertaining a small group of guests at the opening bridge party of the Mission Hills Country club next Tues- day.