June 23, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 17 Purple Athletes in Final Tryouts for Olympic Games Twelve Northwestern university ath- letes aspiring for positions on the United States Olympic team, made ready this week to journey to their respective tryout centers where the final selections of men are to be made. Coach Tom Robinson will take four swimmers to Detroit this week to par- ticipate in the trials which are to be held in that city. Wally Colbath, Na- tional Collegiate fancy diver, has al- ready won his position on the team at the diving trials held in San Francisco several weeks ago. Al Schwartz, holder of the Western Conference 220 yard free style title, will endeavor to win a place in the 400 meter event. Dick Hinch, a Na- tional Collegiate champion in the back stroke, will compete in the 100 meter back stroke trials. Don Peterson, a freshman who has displayed consider- able ability, will participate in the 200 vard breast stroke event. Eddie Len- nox, sophomore, will also compete in the breaststroke. Four Northwestern wrestlers will participate in the final tryouts to be held at Grand Rapids, Mich., July 4, 5 and 6. Coach Stuteville will go with the men. Ralph Lupton, National Col- legiate 123 pound champion, is con- ceded an excellent chance of making the grade barring injuries between now and the tryouts. George LaFavour, a freshman in the same weight, also shows much promise as does Bob Miller, another freshman who com- petes in the 145 pound division. Another quartet of athletes will go east for the final track tryouts in Philadelphia and Boston July 3 to 7. Rut Walter will compete in the 400 meter trials at Philadelphia July 3 and 4. This event is being held there be- cause the race is to be run in lanes and the track at Harvard is not suited to such running... The other track candidates, Droesemueller and Warne, pole vaulters, and Hermansen, sprinter, will try out at Harvard. It is not cer- tain yet whether the latter two named will make the trip, final decision to rest on their showing in practice during the next two weeks. Two members of the athletic depart- ment will attend the games at Amster- dam. K. L. "Tug" Wilson, athletic di- rector, and Frank Hill, track coach, will both be at the games. Coach Hill will take his track candidates east and will sail with the team on the Olympic boat. Max Woldenberg of 1168 Asbury avenue is away at present. He is in the east where he is at the government camp for chemical warfare where he is spending two weeks. There's a satisfaction in knowing that your comfortable old shoes can be rebuilt and made like new at the-- ANNEX SHOE REBUILDER 3 Carlton Bldg. Wilmette Girl Attends Conference of Y. W. C. A. Miss Katherine Bickham, 429 Ninth street, Wilmette, is one of twenty-two Ohio Wesleyan university women who will attend the annual Y. W. C. A. con- ference, August 17 to 27, at Lake Gen- eva, Wis. The conference at Geneva will be attended by representatives from all of the mid-western states. Mrs. Hermon B. Butler of 715 Pros- pect avenue has left to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. Claude Peck of Mentor, Ohio, for ten days. Boo Corner Wabash Ave. ¥ Monroe St., Chicago July 2 to Hours so. 5 Summer Term seis wm Don't Waste the Summer. Our Graduates Are Working. Send for Our Special Circular, "METRO. FACTS." CHICAGO--State and Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings TRE HUB Henry C.Lytton & Sons Jackson EVANSTON--Orrington and Church and Comfort Kee Co ol Light Weight Summer Suits "Tailored for Smartness for Economy IN OUR EVANSTON SHOP HERE is only one sensible way tocombat the hot weather. That is to dress for it. Here are Suits-- aslightand cool as a breeze. Tailored in the same exacting manner as our year-around clothes, they com- bine comfort, smartness and low price to a remarkable degree. ~ Priced Cool Mohair Suits in $25 to $35. Palm Beach Suits in sers, $22.50. Lined, $18.50. $7.50 to $20. Tropical Worsteds, $25 to $75. Fine Linen Suits, $22.50 Gray and Tan. With 2 Trousers, and Light Patterns. With 2 Trou- D. B. Blue and Tan Coats, Silk White and Fancy Flannel Trousers, Blue, Black, Dark Suiting