Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 30 Jun 1928, p. 54

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a June 30, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 53 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS 67 FOR RENT--APTS. 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES WOMAN WANTS HOME WASHING TO do. Tel. Winn. 3019. 60T17-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, PRIVATE fam. Gentleman pfd. Tel. Winn. 1686. 66T16-tfc DAY WORK, LAUNDRY, SILK WASH in your home. Winn. 2331. 60TN17-1tc | poopm FOR RENT CONV. TO HUB- bard Woods or Winnetka. Ph. Win- EXP. LAUNDRESS AND DAY WORK. Ph. Wilmette 3150. G0LT40-1tc | netka 1582. 66T17-1tc 61 SITUATION WTD.--MALE PLEASANT RM. FOR LADY OR GEN- LAWNS TO MOW AT 75¢ AN HOUR CARS TO WASH AT $2 (CLOSED); $1.50 (OPEN) (Polishing--vacuum cleaning incl.) By boy earning course in college. Fast reliable work; cars called for and re- turned free! Guaranteed satisfaction. Ph. Kenilworth 1062. 61LT40-1tp WINNETKA RELIABLE. CARETAKERS WILL TAKE COMPLETE CHARGE OF your home. Tel. Winn. 797 or 2759. 61T'16-4tp COL. CHAUFFEUR WITH BEST REFS., also willing to do hswk. and garden- ing. Will go out of town if necessary. Ph. Oakland 3941 or 6385. Chas. Robin- son. 61LTN40-1tp WORK BY HOUR OR DAY--CLEAN- ing, window washing, gardening, yard work or serving. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61TN-2te CARPENTER WORK, SCREENS, pchs., glazed porches, garages, addi- tions--done reasonably. Tel. Winn. 2420. 61LTN39-tfc CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.,, etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Winn. 2864. tleman, conv. to transp. Tel. Winn. 3051 after 6 o'clock. 66T17-1tc EXCELLENT RM. AND BOARD FOR man. 545 Provident Ave., Winn. 2795. 66T17-tfc LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR SINGLE men or couple. Call Winn. 2794. 66 L'TN40-2tc ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED, COME and see. 731 10th St., Wilmette. 66 T40-2tc 2 CHOICE WELL - FURNISHED rooms, single or suite. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 66L.T40-1tc LARGE, LIGHT, WELL-FURNISHED room near lake and transp. Garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66 TN40-1tc 2 PLEASANT ROOMS, LIGHT AND cool. Nr. station. Tel. Winn. 415. 66 TN40-1tn FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH SHOWER in Humphry Bldg. Call Winn. 98. 66LTN40-1tc SINGLE ROOM FOR LADY, 2 BLKS. from transp. Ph. Winnetka 1232. 66 TN40-1tc FURN. RM., GENTLEMAN PRE- fered, nr. transp. 1109 Gage, Hubbard Wocds. 66TN17-1tp FOR RENT--NICE FRONT RM., WITH 61LTN34-tfc beds. Tel. Winn. 3019. 66T17-1tc WHITEWASHING GARAGES, BASE-|RM. FOR GENTLEMAN. CONV. TO ments and storages. Call University transp. Tel. Winn. 2865. 66T17-1tc 1299. 61LTN40-1tp RMS. FOR COUPLE, 3 BLOCKS TO POS. WTD--CHAUFFEUR OR PART station, reas. Winn. 2331. 66TN17-1tc time driver. Call University 6135. 61LTN40-1tp 62 SIT. WI'D.--MALE & FEMALE LAUNDRY, CLEANING, COOKING, care of children, waitress, or garden- ing. Grace and George Dahl. Winn. 1270. 62LTN40-1tp YOUNG GERMAN COUPLE. GARDEN- er, houseman, and butler. Cook and maid. N. S. refs. Write Wilmette Life A-57. 62L/ TN40-1tp 63 BOARD AND ROOM VERY PLEASANT, NEWLY DECOR- ated room with board if desired, in priv. family. Tel. Winn. 621. 63T17-1tc WILL ROOM AND BOARD MEN. Close to transp. 545 Provident Ave. Tel. Winn. 2795. 63T16-tfc 65 WANTED--BOARD & ROOM WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR elderly couple in bungalow or room and bathroom on first floor. Versailles Hotel, Room 701, 53rd and Dorchester, Chicago. 65TN17-1tc 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TIN46-tfc 4 RM. APT. OR FOR SALE, 8 RM. HSE. ; 2 garages, all mod. improv., nr. transp. Reas. terms. Tel. Glencoe 331. 66LTN40-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM WITH PRI- vate bath for 2 men. Opposite Indian Hill Golf Club, near transp. Ph. Ken- ilworth 1160. 66LTN40-1tp YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN DESIRES room in private family, east side, near transp. Write Wilmette Life A-58. 66LTN40-1tp NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent in private home near transp. Lady preferred. Ph. Glencoe 1170. 66TN17-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM FOR young lady or elderly woman. Days call Winnetka 2301; evenings 719. 66T17-1tc PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, CONV. TO transp. Phone Winn. 1322. 66T17-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE COMF. ROOM FOR 1 or 2. Ph. Winnetka 1769. 66TN17-1tc 2 RMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. Call Winn. 1662. 66 TN40-1tp 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 1519 Hinman Avenue (Just south of Davis) THE FINEST APARTMENT BUILDING IN EVANSTON And now something new and distinctive in apartment ac- commodations. In a sub- urban environment at 1519 Hinman Ave. you may enjoy a spacious home made de- lightfully individual with your own furnishings, yet with some of the distinctive features of our finest hotels. The apts. are spacious con- sisting of 5-6-7 rooms. A large luxurious living room 26x17 with Belgian marble wood-burning fireplace, a charming reception room and gallery, dining room of most interesting conception, large master bedrooms with roomy dressing rooms and beauti- ful faience colored tile bath with marble thresholds. All these permit a mode of com- modious effortless living that is sure to solve the problem of your domestic establish- ment. Close to N. W. University, school, churches, shopping centers and excellent trans- portation. Doorman and Otis elevators with uniformed operators will serve you. Now leasing. Rental office on prem- ises. Open evenings. Phone Sheldrake 4821 G7L.TN40-1tc LIVE IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING 2--3--4--5 room apartments in the Lindencrest Bldg. 500-16 Fifth St., Wilmette, for immediate occupancy. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 67TLTN40-tfc New Building THE CHAUMONT APTS. EVANSTON N. E. COR. GROVE ST. AND CHICAGO AVE. Facing Raymond Park 3 & 4 RMS. WITH 1 & 2 CHAMBERS You will appreciate the large, airy rooms that characterize this unusual building which is approximately a copy of a structure erected centuries ago in old Blois in the heart of the Chateau district of central France. Spacious living rooms and chambers with com- plete dinette and kitchenette equipment. The decorative appointments are de- cidedly out-of-the-ordinary, and will appeal to those who wish cheerfulness and the real luxury of a home. Bath- rooms are of generous proportions with colored tile and showers, lighting fix- tures are all specially designed, a liberal number of base plugs provided. The living rooms are equipped with wood- burning fireplaces and have wall beds for that extra guest. Electrical re- frigeration included in the attractive rentals. Inspect these apartments to- day--agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square University 2600 67LTN40-1tc FOR RENT--5 MODERN ROOMS, IN- cluding sun parlor. Nice garden, ga- rage. Reply after 7 P. M. or all day Sun. 325 Washington, Glencoe 1227. 67TLTN40-1tc FOR RENT -- FINE 4 AND 5 ROOM modern apt. Roll-away bed, frigidaire, near transp. Low rent. Franklin Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. 67TLTN38-tfc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67TLTN33-tfc 2 RM. APT. INDIAN HILL APTS, sublet immed. until Oct. 1. Winn. 1800. 67TTN17-1tp FOR RENT--3 ROOM FLAT, HEATED. 716 Ridge Ave., near Washington St., Wilmette. 67LT40-1tc 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT--AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice. and electricity free. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) or tenant eve- nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. 68LTN38-tfp FOR RENT--3 ROOM FURNISHED apt. 819 Oak St., Winnetka. Ph. Win- netka 112. 68L/T40-1tc 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--1 NEW MODERN 6 ROOM house with garage. H. W. heat. On Sherman Ave., Northbrook, 2 blks. from station. Call Winnetka 558 (owner). 69T17-1tc FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, BEAU- tifully decorated. Sleeping porch, breakfast nook. Landscaped. Near transp. Ph. Wilmette 1219. 69TN17-1tc FURNISHED 8 RM. HOUSE FOR JULY and Aug. Close to transp. Phone Winn. 1028. 69TN17-1tc COTTAGE FOR RENT AT PELICAN Lake. Furnished well and complete for 8. Ph. Winnetka 2679. 69LTN40-1tc 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES TO RENT AT GRAND BEACH, MICH. Beautiful homes completely furnished. Each 6 & 7 rooms 'Near Lake." $600 and up for season. Address Mrs. Crew. Grand Beach, Mich. TOLTN40-1tc A RFAIL BARGAIN RED BRICK COLONIAL HOME AND garage on a completely landscaped lot 69x210. 1st floor contains living room, dining room, kitchen, sun porch, break- fast porch, flag stone terrace. On the second floor are 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, glazed and heated sleeping porch. 3rd floor has maid's bedroom, bath and storage room. The owner is leaving town and has reduced price to $26,500 WALTER P. SMITH & COC. y REALTORS 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 TTLTN40-1te WINNETKA EAST LOCATION 2 BLOCKS TO LAKE, LARGE WOODED lot, 8 room English tapestry brick, un- usually large living and dining rooms, breakfast nook, butler's pantry, lava- tory; large screened porch with awn- ing. House beautifully decorated on canvassed walls; imported fixtures and hardware, oil burner, Frigidaire, 2-car heated garage. This is a beautiful home in a lovely location at $41,000. Terms can be arranged. Crosby & McKendry & Co. 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTLTN40-1tc FOR SALE IN SPLENDID LOCATION IN S. W. 'Winnetka, near Indian Hill Club and Country Day sch., surrounded by fine homes, 7-rm. house, 4 bedrms.; large living porch and slpg. porch; heated by gas; fine trees and beautiful gar- den. Price $18,500. FRANK A. REID REALTOR 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 1300 TTLTN40-1tc "THE THREE GABLES" CHARMING ENGLISH HOME IN HUB- bard Woods; broad lawn and large oaks. Arched doorway; 6 spacious fooms, 2 tiled baths, 2 open porches. Oil heat; att. garage. Price $22,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 714 Elm Street 'Winnetka 2198 TTN25-1te NEW ENGLISH BRICK AND TIMBER TRIMMED STUCCO, AT- tached garage. 7 very large rooms, charming bedrooms, 3 tile baths. Won- derful value in this attractive new house--$23,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 77T17-1te A GOOD BUY ¢§ ROOM HOUSE--SUN AND SLPG. pchs. ; extra lav. on 1st fir.; good loc. in Winnetka. H. W. heat; 2-car gar, size 20x20 all sealed; owner in position to make it easy to finance, small down payment pfd.,, bal. like rent. Priced at $13,000 for quick sale. Tel. Winn. 1430 or 2300. TTTN17-1te HUBBARD WOODS CHARMING NEW BRICK, 7 ROOMS, 2 tile baths, very best location. Every latest feature; beautifully wooded lot; 9-car brick garage. This value cannot be duplicated. Will accept well-located lot in trade plus some cash. Call own- er Winnetka 2032. TTLTN40-1tc IN SOUTHEAST WINN, 6 RM. HOME, HH. W. heat, oil burner, screened porch- es, wonderful trees and shrubbery, 2- car garage, house newly painted, 518 Sunset rd. Phone Winn. 1161. Seen by appointment. TTT17-1te FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOM house, furnished. Sun porch and sleep. porch. Gar. Winn. 1781. 70T1-tfe 77 FOR SALE--HOUSES Near Indian Hill Club Grounds BEAUTIFUL NEW COLONIAL; 4 bedrooms; 3 baths; sun and breakfast porches: hot water oil heat; 2-car ga- rage; ideal location; $42,000. HEINSEN REALTY CO. REALTORS 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 TTLTN40-1te FOR SALE--IN CHOICEST LOCATION in Kenilworth. Large 9 room house. Lot 80x197; all modern convs. Newly decorated. 229 Essex Rd. Call Kenil- worth 1499. TTLTN40-1tc BEAUTIFUL NEW 5 ROOM BRICK veneer bungalow. West of Ridge. H. W. heat. Tile bath and shower. Auto- matic water heater. 2-car garage; lot 50x200; price $14,500. Ph. Wilmette 483. TTLTN40-1tc 1% STORY BUNGALOW, LARGE LOT, shade trees, 5 blks. from station, $7,500 for quick sale, easy terms. Call Winn. 1276. TTTN17-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 54

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