wh Wh ¥ ~ July 7, 1928 WINNETKA TALK WINNETKA ENJOYS BIG FOURTH OF JULY FETE (Continued from Page 1) 3. Frances Pauline Shipford. Fifty-yard dash--Boys, 9 and 10 1. Bill Martin. 2. Bobby Campbell. 3. Jimmie Bearnard. Fifty-yard dash--Girls, 9 to 11, inclusive 1. Virginia Smith. 2. Vivian Flynn. 3. Betty Barr, Fifty-yard three-legged race--16 and over y- 1. E. Belmont and H. Porter. 2. E. Flynn and P. Runnfeldt. W. Wanger and D. Wanger. Fifty-yvard dash--Boys, 11 to 13, inclusive 1. Earl Weinstock. 2. Edwin Schildberg. 3. Jack Brandl. Fifty-yard dash--Girls, 12 to 15, inclusive 1. Bernice Kassner. 2. Clara Kristoff. 3. Helen Fulton. One hundred-yard dash---Boys, 14 to 16, inclusive 1. W. Wanger. 2. James Flynn. 3. Jack Mehren. Twenty-five yard backward race for mar- ried men 1. L. Stachel. 2. Charles Eastman. 3. George Dahl One hundred-yard dash--Open, pionship of Winnetka 1. Martin Cassell, Jr. 2. David Wanger. 3. Philip Runnfeldt. One hundred-yard relay race--Father and son (Son 10 years or under). 1. E. Wilder and Sandy Wilder. 2. J. Donovan and J. Donovan, Jr. 3. W. Edwards and J. Edwards. One hundred-yard relay race--Father and son (Son 11 years and over). 1. D, Wanger and D. Wanger, Jr. 2, E. Wilder and H. Wilder. 3. T. Kus and W. Kus. One hundred-yard relay race--Father and daughter (Daughter 10 years or under). 1. J. Clayton and Vernie Clayton. 2. T. Faxon and Elizabeth Faxon. 3. H. MacNeill and Jean MacNeill. One hundred-yard relay race--Father and daughter (Daughter 11 years and over). 1. E. Wilder and Nancy Wilder. 2. S. E. Earle and Elsie Earle. 3. TF. Lowry and Mary Ann Lowry. cham- Film Shows Germany's Side of the World War | For the first time since America en- | tered the World's war, a motion pic- ture account of Germany's trials and tribuations during the crucial period between 1914 and the Armistice is to be shown. It is called "Germany's Side of the War" and will have its only showing in Chicago at the Play- | house, 410 South Michigan boulevard, beginning Sunday, July 8 "Germany's Side of the War" is the first authentic, unbiased account of the hardships, the adversities and the forlorn hopes of that country. It de- picts the struggle of Germany's sol- diers on the front; it sums up the at- titude of all the conditions of those who were left behind--it is, in fact, Ger- many's answer to oft-repeated, but always repudiated, attacks which fanatic propagandists would have the world believe. George Eddv Newcomb Dies of Heart Trouble George Eddy Newcomb of Lake For- est, formerly of Poplar street, Win- netka, died suddenly on Friday, June 29, of heart trouble. He was 64 years old. Mr. Newcomb was buried Mon- day afternoon at Rosehill cemetery. Mr. Newcomb was a specialist in real estate law, and was a member of the Chicago Bar association. He was a lineal descendant of Thomas Hooker, one of the founders of Connecticut, and of William Bradford, the second governor of Plymouth colony. He had served the Chicago Mayflower society as historian. Mrs. Frank Barrett of 55 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained as her guest, her sister, Mrs. Edward Williams of Announcing-- the Formal Opening of the ty meats, deliver. 986 LINDEN AVE. HUBBARD WOODS MEATS Realizing that the housewives of this vicinity appreciate high quali- we will endeavor to satisfy the most discriminating. Our meats will be only of the highest quality obtainable. Phone Winnetka 813 and we will PH. WINNETKA 813 DELICATESSEN Something new on the north shore . . . Steam Table Service. Our equipment to serve HOT Breaded Broilers, Prime Roast of Beef, Roast of Pork and Roast of Veal, etc., is the last word . and our sanitary kitchen is open to your inspection. We take great pleasure in announcing our open- ing date as Saturday, July 7th. May we expect you to call? Tndiananolis, for about a week. Phones Winnetka 1869--1870 1871--1872 RAPP BROS. 522 Center St. Winnetka, Illinois SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, JULY 7th Miller & Hart Bacon, sliced, 3 Ibs. 95¢ California Hams, Ib. Swedish Wafers, pkg. .......... 29c Imported Rocquefort Cheese, 1b. .49c Fresh Dressed Broilers, Ib. Fresh Dressed Stewing Chickens pound Best Rib Roast Beef, rolled, no bones, no waste, 6 lb. up; lb. ..39¢c Leg Genuine Spring Lamb, 1b. ...39¢ Shoulder Spring Lamb, Willa. 29c¢ Pure Cane Sugar, 10 Ibs. Bown © 69¢ Best Creamery Butter, Ib. ..... 47c Fresh Eggs, dozen ............... 35¢ Best Beef Pot Roast, Ib. ........ 24c T hree slices of Basy Bread a Boneless Veal Roast, Ib. ......... 32c day, . y Fresh Chopped Beef, 1b. ......... 22¢ Helps reduce your weight in Boneless Beef Roast, Ib. ........ 32c nature's way. Shoulder Veal Roast, Ib... od. 8% 25¢ Gold Bond Pure whole wheat Bread, Breast Veal, (pocket), Ib. ...0. 18¢ pound loaf': .. DSA 0 LASOETL NG 20c Leg or Loin Veal Roast, ib. ..i5.0 39¢ Gold Bond Pure Gluten Bread, Breast Veal Stew, lb. .......... 18¢c pound loaf 5 5. U0 le. Cav dee Pork Loin Roast, | FR RPE 3 27¢ Home Made Sponge Cake, each ........ 15¢ Pure Home Made Pork Sausage Meat, s B Roll pound .=.........\........ 0 29¢ weet, Butter Rolls, dozen ........... ... . 35¢ Pork Chops, large cut, 1b. ........ 25¢ Bismark, long Johns, dozen ............. 35¢ Shoulder Lamb Chops, Ib. ........ 38¢c Finger or French Roll, dozen. .......... 35¢ Fresh Spare Ribs, | RSE IRE 1 l4c Potato, Vienna, French Bread, each ..... 15¢ Specials, Monday, July 9 Specials, Tuesday, July 10 American Family or Fels Naptha Batavia Brand Flour, 2415 1b. sack . $1.10 Soap, 10 bars . 59¢ Pillsbury, Ceresota or Gold Medal American Family Flakes, Ige. Pkg. .. 49¢ Flour, 243 Ib. sack ................ $1.19 Chipso, large package ................ 20c Cream of Wheat or Wheatena, pkg. .. 24c Large Ivory Flakes, pkg. .......... .. 22¢ Quaker Oats, small pkg. .... .... 10c Large Ivory Soap, 10 bars ......... ... $1.10 Kellogg Corn Flakes or Post Toasties, Large Gold Dust, pkg. ........ ...... 23¢ Package Fil TL CANON Lo 9c Kitchen Klenser, 10 cans ... .. _ . .. 59¢ Shredded Wheat, pkg. ................. 11c Parson's Ammonia, extra large size, Swansdown Cake Flour, nkg. ... .... . 35¢ 36 "gallon "Jug" '. 0 UAL AVG 59¢ Grape. Nuts, pkg. -...... 5... 5 18¢ Large Lux 30 ol psd 25¢ Quaker Puffed Rice, pkg. .......... ... 15¢ Washing Soda, 3 pkgs. ............... 25¢ Kellogg's 'Pep, 'pkg. ........ oul... 12¢ Veal Pattes, ulb. on... ....0..... 05% 30c Best Lamb Stew, Ib. .................. 29c Best Pork Chops, Ib. uo... 0... 35¢ Specials, Wednesday, July 11 Campbell's Assorted Soup, 12 cans . $1.00 Dew Drop Tomatoes, No. 3 cans, 7 cans $1.00 Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, 8 cans ...... .. $1.00 Sweetheart Little Kernel Corn, 6 cans $1.00 Medallion Green Olives, 10 oz. bottle, 3 hattles =... .. ES ann $1.00 Alola Red Raspberry or Strawberry Preserves, 4 Ib. jar" 77.555 54, $1.00 Sweetheart Sliced Hawaiian Pine- apple, No. 3 tin; 3 cans ............. $1.00 Best : Sirloin Steak, -db.: 2. Live BL 0 45¢ Best Porterhouse Steak, Ib. ...... .... .. 55¢ FREE DELIVERY SERVICE IN KENILWORTH, WINNETKA, HUBBARD WOODS AND GLENCOE SIX DELIVERIES DAILY--9 A. M., 10:30 A. M., 11:30 A. M., 2 P.. M., 3:30 P. M., 4:30 P. M