BR RS RRR... August 4, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 39 Pull Off the Road When Stopping Car on Rural Highway This season of heavy traffic on rural highways brings with it the need for repeating a warning against a prac- tice that causes many avoidable ac- cidents, in the opinion of Charles M. Hayes of Winnetka, president of the Chicago Motor club. The condition to which Mr. Hayes refers is that created by the motorist's failure to pull entirely off the road when chang- ing a tire or making a similar small adjustment or repair to the car, "Many states have a specific regula- tion requiring that the car be driven at least half off the highway in such circumstances," says Mr. Hayes. "Of course, it is impossible to station mo- torcycle policemen in postions to en- force this on every mile of the exten- sive highway system. It is a regula- tion, however, that should need no police enforcement. Based upon a sound principle of safety, the individ- ual car owner should be willing to abide by it under every condition. "With states lifting their speed limits, it becomes more and more im- perative that the car owner who needs to make a roadside repair take the pre- caution to move his car from the path of the fast moving traffic. The motor- ist has been demanding higher speed limits because he knows they are safe, but he defeats their undeniable safety by such practices as this. : "This club and others of the 1065 affiliated with the American Automo- bile association have records of many accidents that are to be attributed di- rectly to the ignorance or carelessness of car owners in this respect. A new season of heavy travel is at hand. Tt 1s up to the individual whether this condition shall maintain throughout another year, The Voters' Columr by Hoyt King This week the Crime Investigators turned the lights into Homer K. Gal- pin's ward, the 27th, and four men are locked up charged with ballot box stuffing. All offenders to date are followers of the Crowe-Galpin-Eller wing of the Republican party. The recount of pri- mary votes reduced by several thous- and the votes for candidates of this faction and found for candidates of the Deneen group several thousand votes that were not counted for them. The court has still to determine, if it can, how many falsely marked and changed ballots were added to the vote given the Crowe-Galpin-Eller candi- dates. The Deneen group secured two ad- ditional ward committeemen through correction of the fraud. It is not known if more may have been counted out. The anomalous situation brought about by the Crowe-Galpin-Eller cap- ture of the majority of the ward com- mitteemen, is that the campaign to elect the men who won nominations in spite of fraud, is to be conducted by the County Central committee, elected by these ward committeemen. On its executive committee are: Ho- mer K. Galpin, chairman: State's At- torney Crowe; Bailiff Bernard W. Snow; and Morris Eller. Each of these has some subordinates in office and followers under indictment charged with election frauds. Members of the State Central com- mittee interested in the success of the Republican ticket are giving grave consideration to the Cook county sit- uation. It is even suggested that a citizens' committee be formed to con- duct the campaign for election of Judge Swanson, Republican candidate for State's Attorney, who promises vigorous prosecution of the men in- dicted for election frauds. Mrs. West and her daughter have been here from California visiting Mrs. George Benson of Kenilworth for a few days. On Monday, July 23, Mrs. Benson entertained at a luncheon for Mrs. West and some of her Chicago friends. Battery Service All Makes Recharging Rebuilding Rentals Starting Lighting -- Ignition Lubricating Your Troubles Quickly Cared For JONES Service Station EDDIE JONES Linden at Scott Tel. Winn. 1848 HUBBARD WOODS Richard Wolfe of Kenilworth enter- tained sixteen guests at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday for her sister, Mrs. Harold C. Coleman, who is moving to Atlanta, Ga. --O-- Miss Doris and Susan Wolfe, daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe of Kenilworth, have been in Milwau- kee for the past week visiting their grandmother. 'VERY QUICKLY WE'LL ) | APPEAR --- WHEN .. YOUR CRY W JE'LL be there shortly I after the trouble starts if you phone for help. Give us full information and we'll come full speed ahead. We know our business and attend to it--STRICTLY. Phone 874 ~ 464 S.J. STEFFENS | 723 OAK ST. WINNETKA, ILL. NOW EFFECTIVE Reduced Prices on all FISK Tires Prices now on FISK TIRES are lower than ever before --and the same good FISK QUALITY that gives more mileage is included with these new Low Prices. 724 Elm Buy Now--At Reduced Prices --Other Tires Reduced in Proportion Street Richardson's Garage Phone Winnetka 25 Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat of, Time to Re-tire? (Buy Fisk) 29 x 4.40 Balloons Heavy Duty $11.25 Regular $8.00