w--- August 4, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 41 Public Forum IN RE MOSQUITOES Editor, WINNETKA TALK: The public accepted the explanation of the "Mosquito Abatement" with doubt. Anyone having common sense knows the drought of the spring re- tarded the breeding of mosquitoes. How could the "Mosquito Abate- ment" be expected to combat this enemy with just a few motor trucks and a few dozen men. We suggest a few motor boats, several airplanes, and vacuum machinery be added to the equipment in order to eliminate this pest properly. We find the 1928 mosquito is quite different from his ancestors, lighting upon his victim in a most silent man- ner, possibly caused by his drinking much oil, and shell-shocked from free use of dynamite. The dynamite method was instru- mental in killing many birds and other wild life in the Skokie, which if we remember right was bought by the Forest Preserve to promote "wild life." Truly yours, A. Burmeister. MORE ABOUT MOSQUITOES Northbrook, Ill, July 18, 1928. Editor, WINNETKA TALK: I shall indeed appreciate the publica- tion of the following in the next issue of your valued medium: The mosquito condition of the Sko- kie and neighborhood sites is certainly to be deplored in view of the recent expenditures of the Mosquito Abate- ment organization on this work. Inso- far as the Skokie itself is concerned, perhaps a few trillion have been eliminated from this mortal existence-- but, what are a few trillions compared to the many brethren still left to chew their way through the homes of the north shore residents? The many pounds of dynamite used in this work during the last couple of months have surely done wonders to lessen the population of some of our beautiful birds residing in the Skokie area; have perhaps made some head- way toward increasing the flow of water in the Skokie Ditch; and un- doubtedly have caused much specula- tion as to whether Cicero had moved a few wards to our beautiful area, or that the wild and woolley West had really moved itself back to what we thought had become civilized. In the past several years, the writer can think of nothing proving itself more effective in the abolition of the mosquito reign of terror than those poor chaps who travel aroundeall day with a tank of oil and kerosene on their backs, feeding our winged enemies a drink which would put the cheapest bootlegger to shame. This method has certainly proved itself ef- fective and starting with the territory immediately surrounding Ravinia park, gradually spread over the entire north shore with unanimous acceptance. To us, it would seem far more prac- tical to widen, deepen and increase the flow speed of the Skokie Ditch by the utilization of a tractor and plow or ditch digger and at the same time em- ploy those aforementioned "sprayers" to keep working the residential dis- tricts, than the method now used. We believe the above suggestion will also tend to alleviate the present heavy drain on the local governmental treasury. Very truly yours, Automobiles Damaged in Center Street Collision In making a left turn at Center and Cherry streets, Tuesday afternoon, a car driven by J. F. Meyer, of 953 Willow street, collided with a car driven by John Walter, of 1044 Dewey avenue, Evanston. The front end of the car driven by Walter was caved in and the front part of the other car also badly damaged. The wind- shields on both cars also were broken, according to the report of Sergeant J. G. Boyd of the local police. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kelly and daughter, Elizabeth, of Kenilworth, are leaving Saturday, August 4, for Leland, Mich. to be gone until school opens on September 12, R= Mrs. Carroll Ridgway has returned to California after spending several weeks in Kenilworth. DRIVEWAYS LANDSCAPING Built and Refinished and Grading Done Estimates Free by Experts Established 1918 Franz Krenn LANDSCAPE (GARDENER TELEPHONE 2435 WINNETKA With our knowledge and experience--we can help nature in the care of your lawn and garden. A top-dressing of Black Soil, Fertilizer and Lime, properly applied, will make a great improvement. Phone us--we know how. : EVERGREENS--SHRUBS--BLACK SOIL--VIGORO FERTILUVIA--LIME "A home Bank for Wirneltka Feople" Teach the Youngsters Thrift! broke." If he saves pennies now . . . he'll save dimes when he's older . . . and dollars when he is a man. for him at this bank. The truest criterion of your financial condition is the ques- tion: '""Are your savings increasing?' posits continually exceed his withdrawals cannot "go Deposit regularly at this bank . . . and watch the totals grow. Deposits made in our Savings Bank on or before August 10th, will draw interest Open an account A man whose de- as of August Ist WINNETKA STATE BANK Jirah D. Cole, Jr., Northbrook, IIL --- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Newton and LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE . z BANKING HOURS = : ing Brook, Mich. Mrs. Newton and Joturdays 8am.to 12-30pm. and 7 lo 8 rm f Alexander Jr. will be gone a month. 258 Be --