WINNETKA TALK August 11, 1928 When The Day's Been Warm-- . appetites wane. Your folks, out of custom, sit down to the evening meal. Groans and grumbles if the food is hot and steaming. But if there's a cold supper . . . . "You were so thoughtful" . . . . and say, how they'll eat if you serve our delicious-- HOME COOKED MEATS POTATO SALAD BAKED HAM CHICKEN SALAD CORNED BEEF CABBAGE SLAW ROAST PORK HOME MADE PASTRIES ROAST OF VEAL APPLE STRUDEL ROAST OF BEEF BREADED BROILERS ROAST LEG OF LAMB FOR DELIVERY SERVICE CALL WINNETKA 813 986 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods (between Scott Avenue and Merrill Street) A North Shore Beauty Spot Tongregational _ Church Sunday, August Twelfth Morning Worship 11: a. m. Sermon by Mr. Goodwin "Giving Religion What is Left" Herewith a picture of one of the (Photo by Lehle) first north shore rock gardens. Mrs. Carl S. Miner's garden, 344 St. Palos road, Glencoe, is very complete and orig- inal in its design, embracing a water garden as well as a rock garden. Alpine and rock plants and small evergreens of the same character make altogether a very unique and novel efféct. There is also a very remarkable collection of saxifrages. This is among the rock gardens always visited by members of garden clubs from other places. VISITS IN NORTHWEST Miss Jessie Sentney, teacher at New Trier High school, leaves today on a trip to Yellowstone Park, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and other western points. Mrs. J. Endicott Bradstreet of 334 Ridge avenue, has returned from a visit in Louisville, Ky. August Sale of Fur Coats | $125 Values to $245 Choice of Camel Hair Muskrat Caracul | Bonded Seal $125 JAP WEASEL FUR COATS Fine Mink Shade 35% Discount | on all Remodeling and Repairing dur- ing August, A Small deposit holds your coat. M. B. Okean Co. MANUEACTURING FURRIERS 15 years on the North Shore 569 LINCOLN AVENUE WINNETKA 2752 Dad-in-Law of Winnetka Copper Is 3-Star Hombre Officer J. Henry Luensman, of the Winnetka Police department, and Mrs. Luensman had as guests over last week-end at their home in Northbrook, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huston, their son, Charles, and daughter, Rachael, of Orion, Ill, parents and brother and sister of Mrs. Luensman. Mrs. Hus- ton and her daughter will remain in- definitely. Mr. Huston and his son returned home Monday. Mr. Huston is a three ply official in his home town, wearing the insignias of special deputy sheriff in Henry county, con- stable of Western township, and special police officer of Orion. Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Luensman, Sr., of Winnet- ka and Miss Palma Johnson, of Chi- cago, were. also guests at the Luens- man home in Northbrook, Sunday. The Dorcas Society of Winnetka will have its monthly meeting next Tues- day evening, August 14, at 952 Spruce street. Mrs. E. Rovick and Miss M. Vastrand will be the hostesses. --Radio-- Sets Repairs--Accessories RR SX Cameras Projectors--Films --Records-- Releases Thrice Monthly, LEY TINTS 4 TV TY) 2 Carlton Bldg. Winnetka 1840