INNETEKA TALK Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, Illinois. Entered as March 8. 1912, at the post office at Winnetka, Illinois, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Subscription price $2.00 a year. VOL. XVII, NO. 23 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 11, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS BEACH CARNIVAL HERE TOMORROW AFTERNOON Park Board Feature Event Post- | poned From Last Sunday; Relay Cup Swim Feature Unfavérable weather, with a "rough sea," upset plans for the seventh an- nual Winnetka water carnival schedul- ed by the Winnetka Park Board, for Sunday afternoon. The event was postponed until to- morrow, at 3 p.m. It will be held at Lake Front park. The program embraces twenty-three races, including one in which much interest is centered, namely, the Inter- village Relay Championship for the Winnetka Park Board cup, won dur- ing the past two seasons by a Winnet- ka team. Victory this year means permanent possession of the cup by Winnetka. Competing with the strong team which Winnetka will enter, are equally powerful quartets representing Glen- coe and Wilmette. Had the race been held last Sunday, Kenilworth, also would have had a team entered. Ken- ilworth's annual water carnival has been scheduled for tomorrow, and, as a result, those who had contemplated entering the Winnetka relay event will be unable to participate, as the team members will officiate in various ca- pacities in the Kenilworth carnival. Tom Robinson, Official Tom Robinson, swimming coach at Northwestern university, will act as starter and announcer at the Winnet- ka carnival, in which he will be assist- ed by James Allen, beachmaster, and Walter Etzbach, life guard. Attractive medals for first, second, and third places in each event have been provided by the park board. In addition, there will be a competition between swimming relay teams from Glencoe, Wilmette, and Winnetka for the Winnetka Park district cup, which was won bv Winnetka last year and also in 1926. Another victory for Winnetka would entitle the team to permanent possession of the cup. Arrangements are being made to have an adequate number of bleachers on the beach so that all may have comfortable seats. List of Events The list of events is as follows: . 10 yard Swim (Boys 6 to 8) 10 yard Swim (Girls 6 to 8) 40 vard Swim (Bovs 12 to 15) 40 yard Swim (Girls 12 to 15) 15 yard Swim (Boys 8 to 10) 15 yard Swim (Girls 8 to 10) 100 yard Breast Stroke (Open to Boys) 50 yard Breast Stroke (Open to Girls) 20 yard Swim (Boys 10 to 12) 20 yard Swim (Girls 10 to 12) 40 yard Tub Race (Open to Boys) 40 yard Tub Race (Open to Girls) 75 yard Back Stroke (Open to Boys) 1B ek Race (Open to Boys and yirls - Por ApNames 14. Plunge for Distance (Open to Boys) I5. Plunge for Distance (Open to Girls) 16. Greased Pole Contest (Boys and Girls) 17. Fancy Diving (Open to Boys) (3 required dives and 2 optional) 18. Fancy Diving (Open to Girls) (3 required dives and 2 optional) 19. Long Distance Swim (Open to Boys) 213 yards 20. Long Distance Swim (Open to Girls) 213 yards 21. Intervillage Relay Championship Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe (Winnetka, present champions) 22. Exhibition Diving 23. Push Ball contest (Open to Boys and (Continued on Page 6) Wins Scholarship Stoddard J. Small One of the sixteen honor scholar- ships awarded by the University of Chicago to freshmen this year who qualified highest on the basis of per- sonality, leadership, and scholarship, has been won by a New Trier gradu- ate, Stoddard J. Small, son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small of Wil- mette. Alumni, high school princi- pals and university officials assisted in choosing the sixteen students from a list of one hundred applicants. ANNOUNCE SERMON TOPIC The Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will preach at the Winnetka Congrega- tional church this Sunday morning. His topic will be "Giving Religion What Is Left." "Will this piece of printed matter be successful?" is a question that cannot be answered until you answer the question: "Who'll print it?" 2 LLoyp HOLLISTER INC. Printers and Publishers Winnetka 2000 \ LAUNCH TOURNAMENT Skokie Playfield Will Start Second Annual Invitational Golf Match Wednesday, August 22 The second annual invitation tourna- ment will be held at Skokie Playfield golf course, Wednesday, August 22, Those who attended last year will recall, with pleasure, the event, which it was agreed by all was the outstand- ing feature of the Skokie Playfield course throughout the season. If possible, it is proposed that this year's tournament will exceed, in every way, the first annual event of this nature, The course is in excellent condition, the attendance this season has been good, and it is hoped every member will keep the foregoing date in mind and join his fellow members in this sort of a "home coming" affair. The members are asked to bring one or nore guests with them. "wl ighteen holes will be played in the forenoon, and, following lunch at the club house, 18 holes will be played in the afternoon. The entrance fee will be $1.50 for each person. A splendid list of prizes for both members and guests is announced. Those desiring to participate in the tournament are requested to register at the golf shop, as early as possible. Blind Bogey Scores Blind bogey winners last Sunday were as follows: First, 8--Jack McFadzean, C. C. Kidd, N. G. Clark, Mrs. J. H. Brown, C. Waterton. Each received six balls. Second, 8--C. A. G. Kuipers, G. W. Perrigo, O. Martin, C. W. Olson, Jr. Each received four balls. Third, 84--A. A. Cutting, D. R. Ken- necott, J. Holland, F. E. Johnson, J. Laing, Dave FitzGerald, Mrs. C. Waterton. Each received two balls. Fourth--A. Mayer won the extra ball from a toss with L. M. Shaw. A blind bogey tournament is an- nounced for Saturday and Sunday, Au- gust 18 and 19, and on August 25 and 26 will be played the first round in the Park Board cup tournament and also the Winnetka Drug Co. tourna- ment. S. Fell Cup Tournament In the second round of the S. Fell cup tournament, last Saturday and Sunday, H. Carpenter defeated P. Runnfeldt, one up and S. F. McKen- ney beat E. Flynn, 4 and 3. In the third round W. Washburn defeated L. M. Shaw, 4 and 3, placing Wash- burn in the finals. Washburn's playing proved a dark horse event to many of the players, this being his first year at the club. Tells Local Rotarians About Earliest Winnetka William A. Hadley, head of the Hadley Correspondence School for the Blind, with offices at 584 Lincoln ave- nue, Winnetka, gave an interesting talk on the early days of the village, at the Winnetka Rotary luncheon, Friday of last week. Mr. Hadley, it is said, has compiled the most de- tailed and complete history of Win- netka in existence, dating back to the time of the very first settlers here. This history will probably be ready for. publication in WINNETKA TALK in the near future. BUSINESS SHUTS DOWN FOR PICNIC THURSDAY Winnetka Day This Year to Take on Nature of Merchants' Outing at Gage's Lake WINNETKA DAY EVENTS AUGUST 16 9 a. m.--Leave Winnetka. 10:30 a. m.--Ball games and horse- shoe tournament. 12 noon--Picnic lunch. 2 p. m--Foot races. 3 p. m.--Swimming races. 3:30 p. m.--Ball games. Swimming, boating, and dancing. Thursday, August 16, will be a holi- day in Winnetka. All members of the Chamber of Commerce will close their business places, and will motor with their families and employes to Gage's lake, where a big all-day frolic is to be held. It is to be an old-fashioned picnic for the business men of the vil- lage and their associates, taking the place of the usual Winnetka Day cele- bration of former years. ; Robert Doepel and his committee, consisting of Bert Blow, Vic J. Killian, A. Lee Adams, Herbert Paulson, and August Peters has been busy this week making final arrangements for the outing. The members announced the complete program today. How to Get There Those expecting to go to the picnic will leave Winnetka at 9 o'clock next Thursday morning. No special leaving point has been designated, but the committee has suggested the following routes to Gage's lake. 3 1. Take Milwaukee avenue past Libertyville until you pass the Liberty- ville Community Golf course on the right side of Milwaukee avenue, then turn north on the first gravel road straight through to Gage's lake. 2. Go north to Route 20 in Wau- kegan, then west about seven or eight miles until you come to road marked "Decker's Gage's Lake," then north to the lake. It will probably take an hour and a half to go from Winnetka to thé scene of the picnic. Ball games and a horseshoe tournament are scheduled to begin as soon as the picnickers ar- rive at the lake and will occupy the rest of the morning. Lunch hour has been set for 12 o'clock. Each family has been re- quested to bring its own lunch, al- though refreshments can be purchased at the lake if desired. Afternoon Program Foot races at 2 o'clock will in- augurate the afternoon program at the lake. Following is the schedule of races: 1. Boys and girls, eight years and under --25 yards. Boys, eight to fourteen years--50 yards. Girls, eight to fourteen years--50 vards. Married women--50 yards. Unmazzied Jadies--50_ v2 nma adie rds. (Continued on Page 4) Sok we