August 25, 1928 WINNETKA TALK FIFTH GRADE IS ADDED N. K. E. C. Enlarges Children's School and Employs Another Teacher Arrangements have been completed for the addition of the fifth grade to the Children's school of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, which will open for the fall session Wednesday, Sept. 19. Miss Edith Ford, B. A. Iowa State Teachers college, will direct the work of the fourth and fifth grades this year. Miss Ford has had wide ex- perience in the public schools of Montana and has recently been teach- ing with marked success the fourth and fifth grades in the demonstration school of the Iowa State Teachers' college. The Children's school, which opened two years ago with the nursery school, kindergarten and first three grades of the elementary school, is adding one grade each year, and with the opening of the sixth grade in the fall of 1929 will offer preparation for entrance to junior high school. Other additions to the staff are Miss Nellie MacLennan, B. S. Teach- ers college, Columbia university, who will conduct courses in art in the col- lege and teach some of the art classes in the children's school. Miss Marian Case, B. A. University of Colorado, will direct the playground St. John's Church Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue, telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111. Services 12th Sunday after Trinity. 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon. 11 A. M. Second service and sermon. When a Man must choose between two Ways. Hebr. 11, 24-27. Meetings Sunday, August 26 at 3:30: North Shore Zone of the Walther league will meet at Morton Grove. After the services Sunday morning, August 26, there will be a short meeting of the members of the various societies within the congregation, the Ladies' Aid and Missionary, the Senior and Junior Walther leagues and the choirs. The members of these organizations will please take note. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Clarke and children are at Lake Hamlin for the remainder of the summer. Mr. Clarke has just finished teaching at summer school at Harvard university. activities for the older boys and girls. At the request of several parents, the school has added to the afternoon schedule an elective course in religi- ous instruction for boys and girls, be- ginning with the second grade. Establishes New Low-Price Class of Fully Automatic Oil Heat For the Smaller Home The new "CHALLENGER"--a product of eight years practical oil burning experience combined with the latest and best engineering knowledge and fully developed in our own perfectly equipped laboratory-- now takes its place with the other time proven Kleen- Heet burners. See it at our NORTH SHORE FACTORY BRANCH Ralph W. Lapham, Mgr. 705 WASHINGTON ST., EVANSTON, ILL. Telephone Greenleaf 5120 WinsLow Borer & ENGINEERING Co. 844 RUSH STREET, SUPERIOR 4650 Low Down Payment! Balance Monthly--Y ou Will Like It Not Bragging Just a message of truth to Amateur Photographers SCHOOL SPECIAL No matter what your experience has been in .other establishments, we repeat and emphasize, you receive more intelligent attention and coun- sel in amateur photography in the Almer Coe stores than you do elsewhere. Here the photographic men are technical, 2 scientific and above all intensely interested and experienced in every phase of amateur pho- tography. If you are interested in Amateur Motion Picture | Making--Kodacolor, still picture taking, or in simple or complicated problems of picture mak- ing, it would be much to your interest to consult with our people and learn at first hand of the superior service available to you in our stores. The Almer Coe Stores for the past 32 years have been outstanding leaders in the amateur photographic field in Chicago, and are now one of the largest and most successful organizations of stores dealing in Kodaks and all other photo- graphic instruments and supplies. AlmerCoe &Company Scientific Opticians Motion Picture Cameras + Films and Supplies Eastman + Bell & Howell - DeVry 1645 Orrington Ave. University 6804 WARDROBE TRUNKS OU'LL open your eyes when you see our €i play of "Amer- ica's Finest" ward- robes. In smart new colors! Trunk shown here has Cushioned Top which keeps hangers from shifting and safe- guards garments; re- movable shoe box; combination dust cur- tain and laundry bag; device to lock all drawers. Specially priced at $35.00 STANDARD LUGGAGE CO. "40 Years in the Business" 612 Davis Street Greenleaf 822