46 WINNETKA TALK August 25, 1928 | How to Keep Car Fit Rattles in the car are often myster- ious. Put a wrench on the bolts on the ends of the bumpers and on the sup- ports which hold the bumpers. And by tightening down both the bumper and bumperette bolts, all the rattles may disappear. Squeaks are annoying. If you have a "canary," put a little oil on the door hinges. Put a little grease on the os Battery Service Recharging Rebuilding Starting Lighting -- Ignition Lubricating ll Your Troubles Quickly Cared For JONES Service Station EDDIE JONES Linden at Scott Tel. Winn. 1848 HUBBARD WOODS Rentals track of the ventilating windshield "spreader." Put a little oil on your bumper connections. In short, see that every place where metal touches metal and friction might produce a squeak, receives a little lubrication. Universal joints are suposed to be one-third full of universal joint lubri- cant. However, perhaps you have just gone on the theory that if one-third full is plenty, completely full is just three times as good--but it isn't. Those universal joints move and flex, and if there is too much grease in them, the grease is forced out through the protecting washer and onto the drive shaft. From that point it is thrown over the bottom of the car by the whirling drive shaft--which is bad. It may work its way up into the lining of your parking brake, which is much worse. Oldsmobile Product of General Motors F alcon Motors 519 Davis St. EVANSTON Univ. 2127 Lacquering of Body Important Feature in Building Dodge That lacquering processes on auto- mobile bodies have kept pace with the car's mechanical improvements is evi- denced by the care in selecting and applying lacquers, according to W. T. Wersted of Winnetka, Winnetka and Glencoe dealer for Dodge cars. "No color is scheduled to enter pro- duction until it is thoroughly tested to withstand all kinds of weather con- ditions," said Mr. McDonald. "Sample colors are painted on slides fitted in a revolving wheel that turns continu- ally, first exposing the lacquers to a violet ray and next dipping them into a water trough, intensifying many times the atmospheric conditions a car encounters. The degree in which the colors break down under this test de- termines their fitness for use on car bodies. "Before entering the lacquering de- partment, every body is smoothed with abrasive wheels mounted on flexible shafts and washed with a volatile sol- vent which removes all oil and grease. The body is then conveyed through an oven which evaporates all traces of the solvent. To complete the clean- ing, the body is washed with an acid solution, rinsed with water and again oven dried. "Next the body is sprayed with a priming of red oxide which is baked on. Three coats of sand surfacer are applied, and each is dried in an oven temperature of 170 degrees. The body is then rubbed down with fine sandpaper. After being washed, dried and inspected, the sanded body is giv- en three double coats of lacquer, each of which is dried by oven. After the third coat, the edges separating the colors are straightened by hand brush- ing. The body is then rubbed down with wet sandpaper to make the sur- face absolutely smooth, after which it is washed and inspected again. A mist of luster coat fluid is then sprayed on to cover minute scratches on the lac- quered surface. Commercial Cars Not Allowed in Yosemite No change has been made in the regulations regarding commercial cars entering Yosemite National Park, the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor club announces. Cars for hire carry- ing commercial licenses will not be ad- mitted to the park. This information was secured from E. P. Leavitt, acting superintendent of Yosemite, following rumors that the government ban on commercial cars had been lifted. A commercial car driven by the owner will be admitted to the park if the owner satisfies the checking rang- ers that the car is being used for a pleasure trip only. Motor buses on educational tours, or commercial tours where a special permit has been se- cured to visit several national parks on one tour, are admitted.on payment of certain fees. TOO MUCH ABUSE OF HORN There are some people who contend that automobile horns should be pro- hibited, and the burden of caution placed on the motorist. This is an ex- treme view, but the reasons that lead to it are plain enough, the abuse of the horn. AUTOS KEEP INCREASING "With automobile registrations in- creasing at the rate of, say, 5 per cent, which was the increase of 1927 over 1926, there will be 1,156,365 more pas- senger cars and trucks on the highways of the nation this year than last. Automobile All FISK Tires WASHING POLISHING GREASING J CHEVROLET j Sales--Service 24-Hour SERVICE --1is one big reason for - Prices Reduced Now Fisk Tire prices are lower than ever before . . . but the same good quality is there to give you additional mileage. you to purchase your CHEVROLET in Winnetka Richardson's 724 Elm Buy Street Now-- FISK Trade Mark Rey. U.S. Pat. Off. Time to Re-tire? (Buy Fisk) 29 x 440 Balloons Heavy Duty $11.25 Regular $8.00 Garage Phone Winnetka 25