August 25, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 63 61 SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 67 FOR RENT--APTS. ; 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.,, - . Ld Wann 1g "r= mgs | Choice Apartments Evanston Attractively Priced GARDENER, 1ST CLASS, DESIRES 5 rooms, 2 bedrms. 1 bath .. position, 25 years' exp. in all branches of gardening. Greenhouses, lawns, trees, shrubs & perennials. John Hay, Highland Park 1079. 61T24-3ftc COLORED CHAUFFER, RELIABLE, sober, 10 yrs. exp. refs. will stay on place. Hseman. Tel. Robert Frison, Atlantic 1934. 61T25-1tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER WISHES pos. steady or by the day. Expert on rock work. Ph. Glencoe 930.- 61TN25-1tc SINGLE MAN WANTS GARDENER and houseman position on private place. Can also care for horses. M. Buch- holzer, 601 Main St. Ph. Wil. 2628. 61LTN48-1tp EXP. CHAUFFEUR WITH REF. DE- sires steady position, handy around house. Call afternoon or evening, Gr. 3661. 61LTN48-1tp 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE COUPLES AND DAY WORKERS OF all nationalities, reliable help furnished. References investigated, prompt atten- tion given. Wayne Employment Agency 1000 Chicago Ave. Ev. Ph. Univ. 4889. 62TNEL25-1tp COUPLE--MAN AND WIFE DESIRES position in private family. Man as butler and houseman, can drive any make of car. Woman splendid cook, good ref. Ph. Gr. 6278. 621.T48- -1tp 63 BOARD AND ROOM EXCELLENT BOARD AND ROOM FOR men or employed couple. Convenient locality. 545 Provident Ave., Winnetka 2795. 63T23-tfc 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE keeping and sleeping room. 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc ATT. LARGE FRONT ROOM IN EX- ceptional home near transp. Unusual opportunity for gentleman who appreci- ates congenial surroundings. Use of piano optional, ref. Ph. Winnetka 3139. 66T25-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FURN. ROOM with private bath and sunparlor. Near transp. Write Wilmette Life A-117. 66L.TN48-1tc LIGHT FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FOR 2; nr. transp. Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1468. 66TN25-1tc PLEASANT ROOM, H. W. HEAT, CONV. to transp. Tel. Winn. 502M. 66T25-1tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, NR. transportation. Tel. Winn. 478. 66T25-1tc LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR rent for 1 or 2. Ph. Winn 1769. 66T25-1tc FOR RENT--ROOM AT 564 PROVI- dent Ave. Tel Winn. 1219. 66T25-1tc LARGE FRONT BEDRM. WITH FIRE- place & 3 windows. Tel. Winn. 2336-- 910 Elm St. 66T25-1tc NICE FURNISHED ROOM FOR REF. lady or gentleman. 733 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 2724. 66T25-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM. PRI- vate family. Gentleman pfd. Tel Winn. 66T25-tfc FOR RENT PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, breakfast if desired. Call Glen. 91. 66N32-1tc PLEASANT ROOM FOR 1 OR2 ADULTS 731 10th St., Wil 66L.T47-2tp FRONT ROOM FOR RENT, GENTLE- man pfd. Tel. Winn. 2669. 66LTN47-tfc 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 3, 4, AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments 2ng outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Wil. 460 STLTN47-tfc 42¢ Linden Ave. EVANSTON TOWERS 664-602 Sheridan Square; 4-5-6 room apts. Elec. Refr. & motor coach service to school & shopping center incl. in rental. A home overlooking lake. Mod- erate rentals. 4 rooms, $95 to $105; 6 rooms, $200; 5 rooms, $125 to $175. JUDSON CASTLE New bldg., 820 Judson Ave. 4 rms. Can- vas walls, elec. ref., tile bath and show- er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. ABBEY-GARTH 00 Lee St. & 940 Judson Ave. ous and modern 6 rm. apts. 2 Haha woodburning fireplaces, elec. refr. many other desirable features. 5 rms., $165-8175. THE CHURCHVIEW N. W. Cor. Oak Ave. & Lake St. A dis- tinctive bldg., with all modern conven- lencta and finest appointments. 4, § 6 rm. apts. with rental from $00 to $190. CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON Church & Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. a newly decorated, all outside rms., 2 RM. APTS. 3541 Prairie Ave. ...:.cs00004s...3 05.00 3 RM. APTS. 3535 Prairie Ave. i... vies rsrecins 1142 Maple Avenue 4 RM. APTS. 2537-39% Prairie Ave., Inador Hil & 72.50 600-Sheridan Rd., Elec. Refr. 85.00 724 Hinman Ave. Elec. Refr. ....85.00 (138 Maple Ave., Lee. Rms. . 822% Forest Ave., Roll-a-w Hleo. ~Rofr. iri sTn 105.00 615 Sheridan Rd., elec. ref., "coach service 1454 Oak Ave., wood burn. firepl., refrigeration $100 534-540 Michigan Ave., elec. ref. $87.50-$100 596 Sheridan Square, furnished ....$150 820 Judson Ave., (Judson Castle) new bldg. elec. ref., in-a-dor 576 Sheridan Square 190. 65 RM. APTS. 6804 Sheridan Rd., elec. refrig. .. 120.00 2637% Prairie Ave. ssssssssnensss 80.00 719-21 Hinman Ave., Lge. 106.00 1136 Maple Ave., lg. rms. ........... 115.00 534 Michigan Ave., elec. refrig. ..$135 1454 Oak Ave., wood-burn. firepl elec. refrigeration ....... Hiab 150-3115 724 Hinman Ave., elec. refrig. $100 720 A. Hinman Avenue .......... 100.00 134 Main Street '......:. 0... 0h. $110.00 570 Sheridan Square ............. $135. Michigan--Lee, new bldg., elec ref. yo sR SER sk Bh $155--$170 Abbey Garth, refrig. included $165-$175 6 RM. APTS. 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms., includ. Rd. 2 3 apt. bldg., unobstructed view .. 420 Church St., 2 baths ........... $140 726 Seward St. (Duplex), inc: gar 32s 744 Hinman Avenue $125.00 717 Hinman Avenue .. 1144 Maple Avenue 1107 Lake Street ........ Michigan Lee Apts. 602 Sheridan Square 7 RM. APTS. 1636 Hinman Ave., 2 baths ERTS $185 916 Michigan Ave., slpg. pch. & sun ert RE EV RIAA EB RE WORE $175 '641 Hinman Ave., 2 baths ......... $190 927 Michigan Ave. Ig. Hy. rm. 225 Michigan Lee, new bldg. .......... 285 OFFT 1718 Sherman Ave., Studio Bldg. $46 up 536-41% Prairie AVE. ......e0.... 50.00 ARAGES 1718 Sherman Ave (heated) ...... Baird & Warner, ts, 328 Davis Street Greenleaf 18565 6TLTN48-1tc 3 & 4 ROOM, FIREPROOF KITCHEN- ette, electric refrigeration, cabinets, stoves, tile bath & shower, ironing boards, breakfast nook, extra roll-out beds, Plenty of closets. Wolff-Griffis Hardware Bldg. Ph. Wil. 183. 67TLTN48-1tc 4 ROOMS & SCRNED PORCH, HEAT & hot water, $50 per mo. Sublease from Sept. 15. Tel. Kenil. 3868. 67T25-1tp COZY 5 ROOM FLAT, FIRST FLOOR. Heated. Ice box & gas range. Best neighborhood. Reasonable. Call after 6 P. M. Winn. 604-M. 67T25-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 00. 67LTN33-tfc Apartments 722 Clark St., 2 rms., el. ref. 1305 Maple Ave., 2 rms. 1945 Maple Ave., 3 rms. . "$40. 00 1305 Maple Ave., 3 rms., in-a-dor, $75.00 81812 Forest Ave., 4 rms. garage $90.00 1242 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. ........ $75.00 551 Elmwood Ave., "4 TIS. cos serpin i $65.00 1901 Sherman Ave. 4 r. encl. pch., $80.00 ue rove St., 4 rms, el ref., ga- UU ar vik smn aE a ara oe 115.00 738 Ean Ave., 4 rms., el. ref. $95.00 925 Forest, 4 rms., el. ref. $82.50-$87.50 730 Hinman Ave., 4 rms., el. ref. $75.00 624 Custer, 4 rms., in-a-dor ...... $62.50 2131 Ridge Ave., 4 i free gas and Bl, Fel,' ipa iive fran vans 80.00 803 Elmwood, 4 rms., new bldg. . $85.00 1105 Simpson, 5 rm., duplex ..... $80.00 908 Dempster St., 5 rms. ......... $100.00 925 Dempster st, S-rms. ......: $95.-115 1133 Maple, 5 rms. ar nin we elit rd $115.00 834 Washington St., 5 rms. ........ Jus. 00 830 Elmwood Ave., 5 rms. :........ 110.00 931 Forest Ave. 5 rms., el. ref. $115-$125 736 Hinman Ave., 5 rms., el. ref. $120.00 2121 Ridge Ave., 5 rms., el. ref. $105.00 834 Seward St., 5 rms. ............. 80.00 901 Washington St, 5 rms. .... 0 $115.00 928 Chicago Ave., 's rms; Lo 65.0 740 Hinman Ave., 6 rms., el. ref. $155.00 123 Kedzie St., 6 rms., el. ref. 175.00 848 Ridge Ave. 6 rms., sun par. ..$125.00 1947 Maple Ave., 7 rms v SAR as $65.00 John F. Hahn, Inc. 1617 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 2700 67TLTN48-1tc Evanston Apartments Fox IMMED. & OCT. 1ST YCCURANCY 4 Sherman Ave, 1 rm. ...... 2.50 Hb Chicago Ave.,, 2 rms. ........ 60.00 1320 Chicago Ave, 2 rms. cal 65.00 b34 Lee St, 3 TMs. iii... .i.iin 70.00 2110 Sheman Ave. 3 rms. ........ 70.00 2204 Sherman Ave. 3 rms. 72.50 2249 Ridge Ave, 3 rms. ........ 72.50 804 Seward St., 4 rms. ........ 72.50 806. Clark St, ¢ rms. .......... 75.00 1808 Oak Ave. 4 rms. 82.50 125 Davis St., |G Ageing AR 90.00 FEL Ridge Ave., rme Taree 95.00 830 Gaffield Pl, PD rms. ucen.. 75.00 2020 Sherman Ave., rms. sis. 80.00 800 Seward St.,, 5 rms. ......... 85.00 729 Seward St., 5 rms. .......... 90.00 912 Elmwood Ave., 5 PMS... opti 95.00 811 Simpson St., '5 FI0S ou wien 100.00 1305 Oak Ave, 56 rms. ....,..... 115.00 2000 Harrison St., RIB, ovo gre ve 135.00 1116 Maple Ave, 5 rms. ........ 140.00 1019 Grove St., STE... 110.00 845 Ridge Ave., 6 rms. '(Smart & Golee, Inc. 564 Sherman Avenue University 285 67TLTN48-1tc oi | Michigan-Lee Apts. Evanston EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT HOMES. Located in the quiet charm of Evans- ton's unsurpassed residential section. Excellent conveniences and appointments, including wood-burning fireplaces. 5 rooms with 2 baths, $150 to $170 6 rooms with 2 baths, (3 master chambers): ...... J 0 i caive 235 7 rooms with 3 baths, all outside rooms .......... $285 Constructed to meet the requirements of the discriminating. Electrical refrigeration and gas in- cluded in the rent. Located at the southwest corner of Michi- | gan Ave. and Lee St. Representative on premises. Baird& Warner, Inc. AGENTS 528 Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 67TLTN48-1tc 5 ROOM APARTMENT IN HUMPHREY Bldg. 544 Chestnut St. Tel. Winn. 98 67TLTN48-1te ¢ RM. APT., WITH GARAGE. ALL mod. improv. Tel Glencoe 331. Reas. 6TLTN48-1tc 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. IN PRIVATE HOME, CONV. LOCA- tion, a most desirable suite, 3 or more rms., bath & ex. lav, slp. pch., priv. entrance, for Sept. or Oct. occupancy Tel. Winn. 2664. 68TN24-4tc Tel 'Winn. 1910. 7 rooms, 4 bedrms. 2 baths .. " 6 rooms, 3 bedrms. 2 baths ......... 200.00 8 rooms, 4 bedrms. 1 bath 5 rooms, 2 bedrms. 1 bath 6 rooms, 3 bedrms. 1 bath 6 rooms, 3 bedrms. 1 bath E.E 'StultsRealtyCo. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 69LTN48-1tc Conveniently Located MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE, 2 CAR garage, wooded corner lot, 4 blocks to main station, convenient to school. $125 per month. SMITH & BROWN, INC. 736 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 142 69LTN48-1tc FINE 6 RM. HOME, SUN ROOM; GAR.; oil burner. Beautiful grounds and shrubbery, excellent location and neighborhood, conv. to transp. Pos- session Oct. 1st. C. P. RORICK & CO. 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 69LTN48-1tc 0| FOR RENT, BY OWNER: 7 RM. HSE., nice yard, garage, 1 block from school, 3 blocks from station. $100. Call Sun- day at 882 Oak St, Winnetka, or tel. Buckingham 5050, 'Apt. 512, for app't to view. 69LTN4S- -1tp FOR RENT--NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, sunparlor; large lot. 903 Willow Rd., Winnetka. Ph. Kenil- worth 1955. 69LTN48-tfe 7 ROOM HOUSE, H. W. OIL HEAT, garage ; close to schools & station, $125 per mo. 899 Oak St. Tel. Winn. 657-J. €9T25-1tc 7 ROOM HOUSE, CONVENIENT LOCA- tion nr. priv. & public schools, transp. For information call Winn. 1930. 69T25-1tc FOR RENT--IN WEST KENILWORTH, 6 rm. stucco house, 2-car gar. Kenilworth 1178. GIL TN48- -1tp 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT--7 ROOM FURN. HOUSE, nr. schols & station for about 9 mos. TOLTN48-1tc 72 1 FOR RENT--GARAGES 3: Park Ave., Wilmette. -- S-- NEWLY-BUILT GARAGE WITH CE- ment floor; 3 blks. from stations & uptown district on Elm St. Tel. Winn. 2435. 1036 Oak St. FOR RENT -- GARAGE SPACE. 819 T2LTN48-1te e---- 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES Crest bldg. Suitable for notion store or gift shop. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. OFFICE FOR RENT -- LARGE SPACE on main floor, desirable location, 22%x17%. Tenant can sublet space. Ph. Winnetka 201. T3LTN48-1te 76 FOR SALE--GARAGES GARAGE FOR SALE. PH. WINNETKA 502-J. T6T25-1tc "7 FOR SALE--HOUSES Open From 1 to 5 P. M. SUNDAY Baird & Waiasr' 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 TTTN25-1te WINNETKA 2 ADS, AUG. 4 & 11 SOLD OUR "JUN- ior Estate" listing. We have since listed another "Junior Estate" close to all conveniences at only $26,500. Has 100 ft. frontage, beautiful trees and de- lightful home. An unusual opportunity. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Ph. Winn. 2032 TILTN48-1te (More Want ads on Page 64)