August 25, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Merchants to Offer Bargains on Dollar Day, September 12 Wednesday, September 12, will be "Dollar Day" in Winnetka, which the merchants throughout the village, in- cluding Hubbard Woods and Indian Hill, announce will be a great bargain day event. The sale is being sponsored by the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce. It will be for one day, only, but real bar- gains are promised. All lines of business are joining in the sale, further details of which are to be given the widest publicity. At a meeting of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce, Tuesday, a committee to determine the date of the "Dollar Day" sale was appointed. This committee, comprising S. Feld, Dog License Ordinance Amended; Owners to Pay For the purpose of correcting ambi- guous wording in the Village dog li- cense ordinance, Trustee William B. Moulton, at the meeting of the Village Council Tuesday evening, introduced an amending clause. The intent of the present ordinance is that anyone owning a dog shall pro- cure a license, but its phrasing that whosoever shall own a dog on such and such a date shall be required to buy a license, brought about an occasional contention by persons who pur- chased a dog after the date specified in the ordinance that they were not required to obtain a license for that year. The amendment makes it clear that anyone owning a dog shall pay an an- nual license, regardless of the time in the year in which he becomes the Village Council Denies Roach Rezoning Petition The petition of Leonard Roach that his property on the north side of Oak street east of Braun Brothers' Oil Co. 723 Oak street, be rezoned from A sisal to C commercial has been denied by the Village council. This action was taken at the meeting Tues- day evening, upon the recommendation of the committee on plats and zon- ing, of which Trustee Doris D. Ben- son is chairman, The matter had previously been referred to the zon- ing commission and the recommenda- tion of the council committee followed its consultation with the commission. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rogers, form- erly of Winnetka and now residents of Daytona Beach, Fla., are spending the month of August with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. F. Davies at Indian Hill, Lud- OFFICERS ON VACATION It is quiet, oh, so quiet at police headquarters these days. Officers Charles M. Bemus and Frank Ray- burn are away on their vacation. Bem- us and his family are visiting relatives over at Logansport, Indiana and Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn are in upper Mich- igan. Mr. and Mrs. IL. B. Hammond, 1427 Scott avenue, returned last Saturday after spending three weeks touring in northern Wisconsin. Their two daughters, Shirley and Phyllis, were with them. "Look Your Best" | Maria's R. W. Rapp, R. H. Schell, Fred|owner of the dog. ington, Mich. Eckart, W. E. Zick, Robert Hymanson and Holly P. Harris met Thursday HeaLtH & REDUCING evening at the office of Secretary B. RADIO MAINTENANCE G. Eberle and selected the date of Wednesday, September 12. . Is My Business BATHS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leslie, 664 Six years' practical experience in REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION A complete line of repair parts and accessories Graf. Lincoln avenue, and their family up- are now under the personal set in a ditch just outside of Cam- bridge, Ohio, on their way to Pitts- burgh where they were motoring to spend their vacation. Mrs. Leslie is in the Cambridge hospital because of a fractured skull, and the rest of the supervision of Miss Mary carried at all times. A family, not being so badly hurt, are Investigate our monthly service contract. M convalescing in a hotel there. g It will Jey wih ri aria --C-- Ks | Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Straus, 699 Walden road, left Saturday, Au- Beauty Culture GORDON SHAW | | ELM ST. AT CHESTNUT RADIOTRICIAN (Second Floor) 962 Pine St. Ph. Winn. 1892 h Winnetka 76 James Porters of 1085 Sheridan road, | Winnetka Winn. 2129 Telephone Innetxs 792 at their summer home on Penobscot 1 bay. : | 1869--1870 + RAPP BROS. Winnetka SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th gust 18, for a three weeks' trip east, and plan to spend some time on the coast of Maine. Their young daughter, Lucy, is with her grandparents, the 522 Center St. Winnetka, Illinois Leg Spring Lamb, lb. .......... Bartlett Pears, basket ........... Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lbs. ........ 65¢ Shoulder Lamb, 1b. .............. 35 Seedless Grapes, 2 lbs. .......... he Purée'Lard, 2 Ibs. ............... 29c¢ Canada Dry Ginger Ale, doz.....$1.95 Bananas, dozen ................. 35¢ Beef Tenderloins, larded, Ib. ....59¢ Welsh Grape Juice, qt. .......... 59¢ Honey Dew Melons ...... 39¢ & 49c Best Rib Roast Beef, best cut, Ib.. .42¢c Swedish Wafers, pkg. ........... 29c¢ Fresh Dressed Broilers, Ib....... 43c Veal Roast, boneless, 1b... ........ 35¢ Marshmallows, Angeles, 10 oz. tin, 29¢ Fresh Dressed Stewing Chickens, Veal Roast, shoulder, Ib. ......... 29c Golden Bantam Corn, doz. ...... 25¢ | REE TE Se a Boneless Beef Stew, lb. ........ 28¢c Cabbage; Ib, .cccovns i srs inate vin 5c Fresh Dressed Long Island Duck, Chopped Beef, fresh, Ib. .......... 22¢ Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. .......... 25¢ Ibi sine Bir. on PEs 35¢ White Potatoes, best, peck ...... 29c Michigan Celery, bunch .......... 25¢ Miller & Hart Bacon, sliced, 3 Ibs, $1 Grape Fruit, 2 for .............. 29¢ Fresh Peas, Ib. .....0.. cede e. 19¢ Miller & Hart Hams, whole or Salt. Mitkerel, Ib. - atest tee. is 32¢ Carrots, Beats, bunch ............ 5¢ half, Ib... ........ 000 Ah et 29c Alola F R. 'od Salmon: IIb. tin, 42¢ Cooking Apples, 4 Ibs. .......... 25¢ Best Creamery Butter, Ib. ........ 49 ola Fancy almon, 4-1. Lm, Georgia Peaches, basket ..... 30c-49¢ Fresh-Eggs, doz. ........ +... 39c¢ Iceberg Crab Meat, 61; oz. ...... 35¢ -- Specials for Monday, August 27 Specials for Tuesday, August 28 Specials for Wednesday, Aug. 29 . Walnut Meats, Ib... 5. coc. .5 65¢ American Family Soap, 10 bars ...... 59¢ Pillsbury, Ceresota or Gold Medal Flour, Box of 480 bars .......... LT $4.65 CR RE RR PR ey en, SEC $1.09 Mazola Oil, quart ..................... 49¢c American Family Flakes, Ige. pkg. 49¢ Kellogg' s Corn Flakes, or Post Toasties, Red X Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 pkgs. ..19¢ Argo Starch, 1 Ib. pkg. ............... 10¢ ike. ge Pan wpa I ra id Chase & Sandborn Coffee, 3 Ib. pkg. . $1.65 Keystone Clothes Lines, 50 ft. ........ fic | Post maw Bakr phe. eee | SWders Cabigp, leEgFeTBENIe a American Steel Wool, 3 pkg. .......... 25¢ QuakerPulfed Rice ....................; 14c Sweetheart Asparagus Tips, medium Large: Lux, pkg: 7. 0cveiiaaien.. core. +». 23c Quakes > effed What «vans av rE Jie white, 1b. a . = Baa ; a i 3g 42¢ i r cab ples. cos a vin ave weeth H ineapple.. No. 3 Palmolive Soap, ns bars cont idnde-o- Be Muffets, pkg. = yd ta: "a rw smn 14c Sue et it PP a $1.00 Parson's Ammonia, large bottle ......... 35¢ Quaker Oats, quick or regular, s oy Age 5 Sani Flush, 2 eans .. ..c....-..........- 45c Small Pla, 5... ©... fee castes ce 10c 7 glasses ape Ney) 9 oz, glass. 35c Old Dutch Klenser, 3 cans ............ 25¢ Cream of Wheat, pkg. .................. 24c aa n-ne : Best Veal Stew, he... cous ng. 25¢ Lamb Patties, Ibe... cc... on 138 25c | Best Sirloin Steak, Ib. ............... 55¢ Rib. Veal Chops, Ib. ......:=..-. 2 ....: 35¢ Best Lamb Stew, 1b, ......... . cosamsme 29c Best Porterhouse Steak, lb. ......... .. 65¢ FREE DELIVERY SERVICE IN KENILWORTH, WINNETKA, HUBBARD WOODS AND GLENCOE SIX DELIVERIES DAILY--9 A. M., 10:30 A. M., 11:30 A. M., 2 P. M,, 3:30 P. M,, 4:30 P. M.