-- September 1, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS BARITONE WITH INTERNATIONAL reputation is available as church soloist or director of choir, N.S. district. 7 yrs. soloist in Oak Park church. J.B. Rigg, 199 Sheridan rd. Tel. Winn. 3094. BILTN49-2tc GARDENER, 1ST CLASS, position, 25 years' exp. in of gardening. trees, shrubs & perennials. Highland Park 1079. DESIRES all branches Greenhouses, lawns, John Hay, 61T24-3tc POSITION AS BUTLER OR HOUSE- man wanted by experienced Japanese. Winnetka home preferred. Excellent ref. offered. Ph. University 5496. 61T26-2tc PRIV. GARDENER, 25 YRS. EXP. here & abroad. Complete chrge. green- hse. grounds, vegetables. N. S. refs. Write S. Tromp, Lisle, Ill. 61TN26-1tp EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR, HSE- man, gardener, white, married. Refs. Ask for Wagner, Wilmette 1913. 61TN26-1tp YOUNG MARRIED MAN LOOKING for position as gardener & hseman. on priv. estate. Good exp. & ref. Address Talk A-128. 61LTN49-1tp 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE COUPLE -- MAN AND WIFE DESIRES position in private family, Man as butler and houseman, can drive any make of car. Woman splendid cook, good ref. Ph. Gr. 6287. 62L.T49-1tp 7 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT PLEASANT ROOM IN small family. Call Winn. 719 or Winn. 2301. 66T26-1tc NICELY FURN. ROOM. REFINED married couple or lady, kitchen priv. if desired. Call afterpoons only, Glen. 66TN26-1tc ROOM FOR RENT AT 879 OAK ST. Tel. Winn. 657-R. 66T26-1tp WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM IN PRI- vate family, near transp. Ph. Winnetka 1687. 66T26-1te ROOM PRIVATE HOME, NR. STA- tions, for quiet person of all day em- ployment. Address Talk A-134. 66T26-1te FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. MRS. Roth, 544 Center. Tel. Winn. 3218. 66T26-2tc LARGE FRONT BEDRM. WITH FIRE- place & 3 windows. Tel. Winn. 2336-- 910 Elm St. 66T26-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM. PRI- vate family. Gentleman pfd. Tel. Winn. 66T25-tfc ROOM FOR RENT NEAR TRANSP. IN lovely location. Ph. Winnetka 1582. 66T26-1tc BLK. TO COMFORTABLE RM. transp. 722 Elm St., 3rd floor. Winn. . = 66 LTN49-1tp 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS New Apartment Homes MORE THAN JUST A PLACE IN WHICH TO LIVE A home that you might well be proud of. Smart in every detail; yet digni- fied in its conservative richness. Com- plete in comfort and convenience. Wood-burning fireplaces, large elec- trical refrigerators. Garages and maids' reoms available. Strikingly beautiful architecture, enhanced by its setting of trees and gardens. Located in one of Evanston's finest residential sections, near Lake Michigan and park. Convenient to transportation, churches, and good schools. Southwest corner of Michigan Avenue and Lee Street, Evanston. Ready for occupancy. Open for inspection. Six rooms (3 master chambers) 2 baths. $235. Seven rooms, 3 baths, $385. All outside rooms. Baird & Warner;Inc. Gr. 1855 67LTN49-1te 528 Davis St. EVANSTON Choice Apartments EVANSTON TOWERS 564-602 Sheridan Square; 4-6-6 room apts. Elec. Refr. & motor coach service to school & shopping center incl. in rental. A home overlooking lake. Mod- erate rentals. "4 rooms, $95 to $105; 6 rooms, $200; 5 rooms, $125 to $176. JUDSON CASTLE New bldg., 820 Judson Ave. 4 rms. Can- vas walls, elec. ref., tile bath and show- er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. ABBEY-GARTH 00 Lee St. & 940 Judson Ave. Luxuri- ous and modern 6 rm. apts. 2 woodburning fireplaces, elec. refr. iL other desirable features. 5 rms., THE CHURCHVIEW N. W. Cor. Oak Ave. & Lake St. A dis- tinctive bldg., with all modern conven- fences and finest appointments. 4, § & 6 rm. apts. with rental from $100 to $190. CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON Church & Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. a newly decorated, all outside rmas., 2 RM. APTS. AVE, sues versesnensned BRD 3 RM. APTS. 2636 Prairie Ave. 1142 Maple Avenue 2541 Prairie 4 RM. APTS. 2537-39% Prairie Ave., Inador $70 5 72.50 600-Sheridan Rd., Bios Refr. 85.00 724 Hinman Ave., Refr. ..856.00 1138 Maple Ave., Leo Ri Rms. ...... 90.00 822% Forest Ave. Roll-a-way, Elec. Refr. .. ....$95-105.00 615 Sheridan R elec. r coach BONVIOE ors ir ne ss Enno SR sis ings $90 1454 Oak Ave., wood burn. firepl.,, elec. Peri ZEraliOn. cnn rts 100 596 Sheridan Square, furnished ....$150 820 Judson Ave., (Judson Castle) new bldg. elec. ref. in-a-dor .......... $ 576 Sheridan Square ........ $95--$105 Michigan-lee Apts. ........ccopuseyes 140 5 RM. APTS. 604 Sheridan Rd., elec. refrig. .. 120.00 2637% Prairie Ave. .......ce..0000 8B. 719- Hinman Ave. Lge. 106.00 1136 Maple Ave., lg. rms. ........... 115.00 534 Michigan Ave., elec. Tetris. ..$135 1454 Oak Ave., wood-burn. firepl elec. refrigeration ....... $14 sou 724 Hinman Ave., elec refrig. 720 A. Hinman Avenue ... $100.00 134 Main, Street "............. casa $110.00 Michigan-Lee, new bldg. elec ret. 940-950 Michigan ANeL aritrs 55-170 Abbey Garth Apts. refrig. EPO. 940 Judson Ave. 165-175 6 RM. APTS. 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms. garage available 911 Sheridan Rd., 2 baths. 3 apt. bldg., unobstructed view ..225.00 726 Seward St. (Duplex), inc. or S13 744 Hinman Avenue 25.00 717 Hinman Avenue 1144 Maple Avenue 1107 Lake Street Michigan Lee Ap 602 Sheridan Soe 7 RM. APTS. 1635 Hinman Ave.,, 2 baths ......... $185 ue Jochigan Ave., slpg. pch. & sun Ee TT Dg, Re BT TEE FOE $175 liv. rm. ..$225 937 Michigan Ave. 1 Michigan Lee, new 2 1718 Sherman Ave. Studio ¢ Bldg. $46 up 2635-41% Prairie Ave. ...........,. 50.00 ARAGES 1718 Sherman Ave (heated) ...... 15.00 Baird & Warner, Inc. 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1856 67TLTN49-1tc 2 TO 4 BATHS Exceptionally luxurious apartments, lo- cated at 1426-30 Chicago Avenue, in the quiet charm of beautiful churches and parks. So elegant, charming, distinc- tive, they merit your inquiry at the earliest possible moment. Victor C. Carlson Org. 509 Davis St, Evanston Greenleaf 500 67TLTN49-1tc FOR RENT -- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67L.TN33-tfc COZY 5 RM. Best nghbrhd. nr. High School. ter 6 P. M. Winn. 604M FLAT, 1ST. FLOOR. HTD. Call af- 67T26-1tp FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM FLAT AT 660 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 202 or 2555. 67LTN49-1tc 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS Evanston Apartments 722 Clark St., 2 rms. el. ref. $62.50 1305 Maple Ave. 2 rms. .............. 60 1995 Maple ANG, 3 FMS. .......ccosnns 40 818% Forest Ave., 3 rms., garage .:...90 1242 Elmwood Ave., 4 rms. .......... 7% 551 Elmwood Ave.,, 4 rms. ............ 65 1100 Grove St., 4 rms. el, ref. ........ 115 730 Hinman Ave., 4 rms, el, ref. ....75 i Ridge Ave., 4 rms., free gas and el. ref. 1901 Sherman, 4 rms., encl. porch ....80 1119 Maple, 4 rms., sun par, 85 e ec Forest Ave., 4 rms, 803 Elmwood, 4 rms. 828 Reba, 4 rms. ......... 624 Austin St.,, 4 rms. 908 Dempster, 5 rms. 334 Reba, DIB 2. con vss 20s sarads sds 925 Dempster St., 5 rms. ............ 115 834 Washington St; 6 rms. .......... 115 830 Elmwood Ave., 5 rms. ............ 110 931 Forest Ave., 5 rms., el. ref. 125 736 Hinman Ave., 5 rms., el. ref. ....120 2121 Ridge Ave., 5 rms, el. ref. ...... 105 8334 Seward St... 3 rms. ......... 5... 80 901 Washington St.., 5 rms. .......... 115 928 Chicago Ave.,'6 rms." .............. 65 740 Hinman Ave., 6 rms. el. ref. ....155 128 Kedzie St.,, 6 rms., el. ref. ........ 75 848 Ridge Ave., 6 rms., sun parlor ..125 1947 Maple Ave, 7. TMS: .v. cue nase s. 65 | John F. Hahn, Inc. 1617 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Gr. 2700 67TLTN49-1tc Evanston Apartments FOR IMMED. & OCT. 1ST OCC PAN 4 Sherman Ave, 1 rm. ...... 941 Chicago Ave. 2 rms. ........ 60.00 1320 Chicago Ave. 2 TIS. vv ven 65.00 524 Lee St., 3 rms. ...,.. 00000 70.00 2110 Sheman Ave., 3 rms. ........ 70.00 2204 Sherman Ave, 3 rms. .... 72.50 2249 Ridge Ave. 3 rms. ........ 72.50 804 Seward St.,, 4 rms. ........ 2.50 806 Clark St., 4 rms. ......... . 75.00 1809 Oak Ave, 4 rma." .... 0.0.0. 82.50 1125 Davis St.,, 4 rms. .......... 90.00 1617 Ridge Ave.,, 4 rms. ....... +e. 95.00 830 Gaffield Pl, 5 rms. ] 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. ...... 80.00 800 Seward St.,, 5 rms. ......... 85.00 729 Seward St., 5 rms. .......... 90.00 912 Elmwood Ave. 5 rms. ...... 95.00 811 Simpson St., 5 rms. ...... 100.00 1305 Oak Ave, 5 rms. .......... 115.00 2000 Harrison St.,, 6 rms. ........ 135.00 1116 Maple Ave.,, 6 rms. ........ 140.00 1019 "Grove St., 6. .rms.//.... 00k. 110. 845 Ridge Ave, 6 rms. ......... 130.00 Smart & Golee, Inc. University 285 6TLTN49-1tc 564 Sherman Avenue 1519 Hinman Avenue Evanston (JUST SOUTH OF DAVIS) THERE IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE finest apt. bldg. in Evanston one 6 & 7 room unfurn. apt. Elevator service with doorman in attendance will assist you in making you enjoy living at this convenient address. The rooms are all very large. Beautiful colored tile baths are connected with the bedrooms through spacious dressingrooms. The apts. are equipped with incinerators & elec. refrig. Gas and window washing included in the rental. Representative on premises at all times. TLTN49-1te LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 3, 4 AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments have outside Tove which rovide an abundance of and air. Ample closet churches, and space. ED shopping facilities within immediate access. these apartments today. Agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 44 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 6TLTN47-tfc 63 -- : ee 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS Sublease WILL SUBLEASE MY APT. IN GLEN- coe; janitor service, private entrance, 3 blocks from ke, near school and transp. Also will sell attractive furni- ture of the 6 room apt. Ph. Glencoe 1491. 67LTN49-1tc 4 RM. APT. WITH GARAGE. ALL mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. Reas. 67TLTN49-1tp a 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR UN- furn. in charming priv. home, a duplex apt. consisting of 2 or 3 bedrms., living rm., porch, priv. entrance, kitchenette & breakfast rm. Conv. residence nghbr- hd. Tel. Winn. 2664. 68TN26-2tc FOR RENT--UNTIL ABOUT FEB. 1ST 7 rm. furn. apartment at 39 E. Schiller St., Chicago. Ph. Winnetka 1910 68T26-1tc 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--509 HAZEL AVE. GLEN- coe; attractive 8 rm. stucco; 5 bed- rooms; 3 baths; lavatory-toilet; hot water heat; 2 car garage; all redec- orated; facing park; 1 block Skokie Club and school. $210. Highland Park 2418. 69LTN49-1tc FINE 6 RM. HOME, SUN ROOM ; GAR. ; oil burner. Beautiful grounds and shrubbery, excellent location and neighborhood, conv. to transp. Pos- session Oct. 1st. C. P. RORICK & CO. 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 69TN26-1tc FOR SALLE-OR RENT A NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL 6 ROOM modern house at Northbrook. 2 blocks from station. Large bedrooms, sun par- lor and tile bath. By owner. Ph. Win- netka 558. 69TN26-1tc FOR RENT, BY OWNER: 7 ROOM house, nice yard, garage, 1 block from school, 3 blocks from station. $100. Call Sunday at 882 Oak St., Winnetka, or tel. Buckingham 5050, Apt. 512, for app't to view. 69LTN49-1tp DECIDED TO RENT Fine home consists of 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, prchs.,, gar. Winnetka's best location, low rent. Ph. Winn. 382. 69TN26-1tc FOR RENT--NEW 7 ROM HOUSE, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, sunparlor; large lot. 903 Willow Rd., Winnetka. Ph. Kenil- worth 1955. BIL TN48-tfe 7 ROOM HOUSE, H. W. OIL HEAT, garage; close to schools & station $125 per mo. 899 Oak St. Tel. Winn. 657-J. 69T26-1tc 7 ROOM HOUSE, CONVENIENT LOCA- tion nr. priv. & public schools, transp. For information call Winn. 1930. 69T26-1tc FOR RENT 8 ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY decorated. H. W. heat. Address P. O. Box 262, Winnetka. 69T26-1tp FOR RENT--IN WEST KENILWORTH. 6 rm. stucco house, 2-car gar. Ph Kenilworth 1178. 69LTN49-tfc 6 RM. HSE. FURN. $150 OR UNFURN. $135; 1 car gar. Winn. 2872. 69LTN49-1tp MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE $60. 657 W. Park Ave., Highland Park. Owner on premises. 69LTN49-1tp SS ------ 70 FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT -- MODERN 6 RM. BRICK home, completely furn., in one of the most attractive sections of Winnetka ; 3 bedrms., 2 baths, large sun parlor, fireplace, H.W. oil heat; dbls. gar. well shrubbed yard; 3 blks. grammar school; 5 blks. N.T.H.S. & Indian Hill elec. & steam transp. Owner leaving city. Possession Sept. 15, Oct. 1. Reason- able rent. Tel. Winn. 2290. TOLTN49-1tc FOR RENT--7 ROOM BUNGALOW, furn. Oct. 1 or Nov. 1. 936 Elm St. Miller. Tel. Winn. 1065. T0T26-1tc FOR RENT: NOV. 1-MAY 1, 7 RM. furn. hse. 3 baths, sun & slp. prches. ; garage; nr. Indian Hill club. £250 per mo. Tel. Winn. 317. T0T26-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 64