Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 8 Sep 1928, p. 62

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Lau ae oat ls \ A \ September 8, 1928 WINNETKA TALK A 58 HELP WTD.--~MALE & FEMALE ee SITUATION WANTED--MALE 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE STU-| WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. dents, to sell the nationally advertised Cleaning woodwork or windows, Serv- ° Evanston Apartments Kitchen Ventilator. No limit to pros-| ing & waiting table. Landscape work QICEe partments FOR IMMEDIATE AND pects. : Every SWner oF an old i new a specialty, Tel. Winn. 1057. voree at OCTOBER 1 OCCUPANCY ome interested. Good commission and -2te " big earnings for young men with EVANSTON TOWERS ne Herma Fase. : aggressive disposition. Here is an| WEST INDIES STUDENT, NEAT, 945 Chicago Ave. .. ... opportunity to more than earn your| wants work after school, wait table, | 564-602 Sheridan Square; 4-5-6 room | .07 C1280 SNC. tuition and expenses. Call Kildare drive car, best ref. Stay at night.| apts. Elec. Refr. & motor coach service 526 Lee EF 1520. Ask for Mr. Breidert. Joseph. Ph. Greenleaf 3244 before 10| to school & shopping center incl in| 50, WF Se, ooo 0 = 58T22-1tc| a.m. SITLE:-1p! - Femial. A Nome overjboking Jake Mod- | 1507: Gag Ave: «ios. HELP CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.| 8 rooms, $200; § rooms, §125 to $175. ER Rage Ae or: etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. e UD 2206 Sherman Ave. WE HAVE POSITIONS FOR IM-|__Winn. 1552. Srrititse JUDSON CASTLE 804 Seward St. mediate placement in the following | POSITION AS BUTLER OR HOUSE- | New bldg., 820 Judson Ave. 4 rms. Can-| 30g Clark St. lines : Maids, waitresses, nurses, stenog-| man wanted by experienced Japanese. | Vas walls, elec. ref., tile bath and show- | 902 Elmwood Ave _ raphers, couples, etc. Come in and see| Winnetka home preferred. Excellent ref. | er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. 2251 Ridge Ave. us for a position. offered. Ph. University 5496. 61T26-2tc ABBEY-GARTH 1319 Oak Ave. ..... 2; E St. N. S. Employment Club WANTED GEN. HOUSE CLEANING, | 0 Lee St. & $40 Judson Ave. Luzurl- Vo ae tt 1618 Sherman Ave., Evanston Univ. 934| window washing, floor polishing, lawn| ous and modern § apts. 2 2118 Sherman Ave. ....... oo LBs LTN50-1tc work and odd jobs. Ph. WI woodburning fireplaces; , elec. refr. 1114 Maple Ave. ......... -tfe other desirable features. 5 rms.,| 830 Gaffield PL. ........ 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE GERMAN MECHANIC DESIRES POS. 7 : "12020 Sherman Ave. EXPERIENCED FRENCH nurse, well recommended, wishes permanent position. Salary $25-$30. Add. Talk A-138. 60TN27-1tp as mechanic or chauffeur. Ph. Wil. 4288, 61LTN50-1tp 64 ROOM MATES HE CHURCHVIEW N. W. Cor. Oak Ave. & Lake St. A dis- tinctive bldg., with all modern conven- 2 ROOM APARTMENT TO SHARE with employed woman; 1 blk. to trans. Tel. Glen. 1421, evenings or Sunday. 64TN27-1tc 65 WANTED--BOARD & ROOM COLLEGE WOMAN OF PRACTICAL experience desires position as tea room or home manager. Fond of children REF. SWEDISH COUPLE, EMPL. WISH room & board in good private home where 2 yr. old daughter can get care while mother works. Add. Talk A-141. 65T27-1tp and enjoys work. Ref. exchanged. Write Wilmette Life A-130. 60LT49-2tp YOUNG, QUIET, NEAT COLORED girl, expert cook, cleaner and laun- dress. Work by week. Reas. wages, good home. Wil, ref. Ph. Victory 6351. 60LTN50-2tc REFINED COLORED WOMAN WANTS work by the day. Excellent laundress and cleaner, can serve. Wil. ref. Ph. Victory 6351. 60LTN50-2tc WANTED -- BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. . 60LTN34-tfc RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES care of children afternoons and eve- nings. Ph. Wilmette 779-R. 60LTN50-1tp WHITE WOMAN WISHES TO CARE for children by day. Tel. Glenc. 793. 60T27-1tc YOUNG GIRL WISHES OFFICE POSI- tion. Tel. Glencoe 793. 600T27-1te EXP. WOMAN WANTS 2ND WORK, upstairs work, or waitress work. Tel. Winn. 2022. 60T27-1tp HOUSEKEEPER, COMP WHITE WO- man, exc. cook, with 103% yr. daughter. N.S. refs. Tel. Pensacola 4884. 60T27-1tp LAUNDRY WORK BY RELIABLE COL. woman, Tues. & Fri. Ref. Tel. Univ. 8146. 60TN27-1tp WANTED----POSITION TO CARE FOR children or will do hswk. by normal school graduate. Write Hazel Honnold, Oakland, IIL 60T27-1tp EXP. WHITE LAUNDRESS WISHES 1 or 2 days a week. Mrs. Walters, 7729 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. 60T27-1tp 1ST CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS work by day. Tel. North Chicago 4836. 60TN27-1tp REFINED WOMAN DESIRES POSI- tion as practical nurse or companion. Exp. with children. Tel. Winn. 2157, mornings or evenings. 60TN27-1tc YOUNG GIRL DESIRES POS. AS Ph. Ravenswood 9564. 60LT50-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TO take home, will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN50-1tp WANTED WASHING AND IRONING to take home. Will call for and de- liver. Ph. Wilmette 765-W. 60LT50-1te WANTED LAUNDRY OR CLEANING by the day. Ph. University 6637. 60LTN50- 1tp 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE nurse girl. 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS ATTRACTIVE LARGE FRONT ROOM in exceptional home, near transp. Un- usual opportunity for gentleman who appreciates congenial surroundings. Use of piano optional. Ref. Ph. - Glencoe 3139. 66LTN50-1tc FOR RENT--2 VERY DESIRABLE furnished rooms. Private bath, suit- able for 2 school teachers or business people. Very reas. Ph. Wilmette 3355. 66L.T50-1tp IN to FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM Winnetka with priv. bath. Close transp. Ph. Winnetka 2010. 66LTNG50-1tc NICELY FURN. ROOM. REFINED married couple or lady, kitchen priv, if desired. Call aft. only, Glen. 976. 66L.TN50-1tc FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room with priv. lavatory. Nr. transp. Tel. Winn. 2791. 66T27-1tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT AT 850 Pine St. Tel. Winn. 2484. 66T27-1tp LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR rent for 1 or 2. Ph. Winn. 1769. 66T27-1tc 1 OR 2 BEDRMS. WITH TILE BATH; with or without brkfst. 265 Lambert Tree rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 3252. 66TN27-1tp LIGHT FRONT BEDROOM, 3 WIN- dows, 4 blks. from depot, also garage. Tel. Winn. 872. 66T27-1tp ROOM FOR RENT NEAR TRANSP. IN lovely location. Ph. Winnetka 1582. 66T27-1tc ROOM FOR RENT AT 565 ORCHARD lane, garage available. Tel. Winn. 951. 66TN27-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 68TN46-tfc FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. MRS. Roth, 544 Center. Tel. Winn. 3218. 66T26-2tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM. PRI- vate family. Gentleman pfd. Tel. Winn. 1686. 66T25-tfc FOR RENT--VERY NICE LGE. FRONT « rm. reas. Ph. after 6:30 or all day Sun. Ph. Wilmette 3206. 66L.T50-1tc FOR RENT--FOUR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms. Ph. Wilmette 969-W. 66L.T50-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE PLEASANT RM. near transp. Ph. Wimette 779-R. 66LTN50-1tp BARITONE WITH INTERNATIONAL reputation is available as church soloist or director of choir, N. 8. district. 7 yrs. soloist in Oak Park church. J. B. Rigg, 199 Sheridan rd. Tel. Winn. 3094. % 61LTN49-2tc YOUNG MAN, 18 YRS. OLD, LOOKING for position for driving, good me- chanic. Tel. Winn. 1336. 61LTN50-1tp \ Fa 3 ATT. LARGE FRONT RM. OR SUITE, priv. bath. Between "L" and lake. Ph. Wil 1297. 66LTN50-1tc BEAUTIFUL FURN. ROOM FOR 2 girls or married couple, 1 block to transp. Ph. Wilmette 1271. 50-1tp 2 RMS. FOR RENT, GENTLEMEN pfd. Tel. Winn. 2669. 66LTNG50-tfc and finest appointments. 4, § & 6 rm. apts. with rental from $100 to $190. CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON Church & Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. br AT newly decorated, all outside rms., $190. 2 RM. APTS. 2541 Prairie Ave. ................3 66.00 3 RM. APTS 2636 Prairie Ave. ........ce00neuee 1142 Maple Avene 4 RM. APTS. 2637-39% Prairie Ave., Inador $70 & 72.60 600-Sheridan Rd., Elec. Refr. 85.00 724 Hinman Ave., Elec. Refr. ....85.00 (138 Maple y Trg e. RMS. 3..... X 822% Forest Ave. Roll-a-way, Elec. Ref: / «.. vuwiis vis ninunsiny alia 95.00 615 Sheridan Rd., elec. ref., coach BON OE aT rc catiins sss rsniinsvimsinvtns $90 14564 Oak Ave., wood burn. firepl., elec. refrigeration ie ven Ais ya $1 820 Judson Ave., (Judson Castle) new bldg. elec. ref., in-a-dor 576 Sheridan Square Michigan-Lee Apts. 5 604 Sheridan Rd., elec. refrig. .. 120.00 637% Prairie Ave. .............. 85.00 719-21 Hinman Ave. 105.00 1136 Maple Ave, lg. rms. ........... 115.00 534 Michigan Ave., elec. relic, $135 1454 Oak Ave., wood-burn. elec. refrigeration ....... OE ADLy150-3175 724 Hinman Ave., elec refrig. ....$125 720 A. Hinman Avenue .......... $100.00 134 Main Street .i...oW.........: $110.00 Michigan-Lee, new bldg., elec re 940-850 Michigan BYE, a 155-170 Abbey Garth Apts., W. B. re- places, refrig. included. 940 Ju@SON AVE, ....... i570 vans 160-175 6 RM. APTS. 540 Sheridan Rd., lg. rms. garage available .............. 170.00 911 Sheridan Rd., 2 baths, elec. refrig., in 3 apt. bldg, obstructed view 225.00 726 Seward St. (Duplex), inc. gar Js 717 Hinman Avenue 50.00 1107 Lake Street ........ sino sis gis Michigan tee Apts. $23. 1635 Hinman Ave., 2 baths ......... $185 ne Jrichigan Ave., slpg. pch. & sun ait Miohigan, Ave: args iV, Fun 1. Michigan Lee, 5 bldg. FFI 1718 Sherman Ave., Studio Bldg. $46 up STORES 2636-41% Prairie Ave. ............ 50.00 ARAGES 1718 Sherman Ave (heated) ...... 15.00 Baird & Warner, Inc. 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1856 67LTN50-1tc 800 Seward St. 729 Seward St. 811 Simpson St. 1014 Main St. 1125 Davis St. 1311 Oak Ave. 1619 Ridge Ave. 1116 Maple Ave. 1009 Grove 845 Ridge 1615 Ridge Smart & Golee, Toe. University 285 67LTN50-1tc LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 3, 4, AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 6TLTN47-tfc 5-6-7-8-9 ROOMS 2 TO 4*BATHS Exceptionally luxurious apartments, lo- cated at 1426-30 Chicago Avenue, in the quiet charm of beautiful churches and parks. So elegant, charming, distine- tive, they merit your inquiry at the earliest possible moment. Victor C. Carlson Org. 509 avis St., Evanston Greenleaf 500 D 67TLTN50-1tc 99¢ Linden Ave. HUBBARD WOODS New 5 Room Apartments 2 BEDRMS., LIVING RM., DINING RM., 1g. kitchen, Frigidaire ; Roll-a-way bed. $100 per mo. Tel. Winn. 1472. 67LTN50-2te 1564 Sherman Avenue SUBLEASE WILL SUBLEASE MY APT. IN GLEN- coe; janitor service, private entrance, 3 blocks from lake, near school and transp. Also will sell attractive furni- ture of the 6 room apt. Ph. Glencoe 1491. 6TTN27-1te COZY 5 RM. FLAT, 1ST. FLOOR. HTD. Best nehbrhd, nr. High School. Call af- ter 6 P. M. Winn. 604M. 67T27-1tp Spanish Court APARTMENTS Between Kenilworth & Wilmette Just West of Sheridan Road 1 Room Apartments Furnished 2 to 5 Room Apartments Unfurnished Rental Office Week Days: 9 to 11--3 to 6 Sundays: 10 to 12--3 to 6 or by appointment Telephone Mrs. Louvia Pittman Wilmette 2920 67LTN50-1tc FOR RENT -- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, Near transportation. Call Wilmette FOR RENT--5 ROOM APARTMENT IN 'Humphiey Building. Call Winnetka 98. 67LTN50-tfe 67LTN33-tfc | FO! FOR RENT--3 ROOM AND KITCHEN- ette, bath, porch; gar. optional. Ph. Kenilworth 3219. 67LT50-1te FOR RENT--5 ROOM FLAT WITH private bath. 2343 Lake Ave. Wilmette. Ph. Winnetka 2757. 8TLTN-1te 4 RM. APT. WITH GARAGE. - ALL mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. Reas. 6TLTN50-1tc ------------------------------------------ 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR UN- furn. in charming priv. home, a duplex apt. consisting of 2 or 3 bedrms., living rm., porch, priv. entrance, kitchenette & breakfast rm. Conv. residence nghbr- hd. Tel. Winn. 2664. R RENT--APARTMENTS FURN. OR unfurnished by the week or month. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or 3345. 6SLTNG50-tfe MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 62

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