AJ September 8, 1928 WINNETKA TALK WANT FOOTBALL FOE Black and White Team of Winnetka Begins Practice, Seeks Opponent for Sunday, September 23 The first football of the season will be played at Skokie Playfield, Sunday, September 23, for which date the Black and White team of Winnetka is now casting about for an opposing eleven that will insure an interesting game. At the meeting Wednesday evening, called for preliminary re-organization of the Black and White organization, 20 well known local players responded for enrollment, and Friday evening of this week was set for the date of the first practice. Hereafter, Captain Les Carlson will have his Black and White squad out for practice each Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evening. Bob Doepel will again serve as line coach and H. P. Clarke will have charge of the back- field training. All of last year's famous line is again enrolled for play, including Bill Blow, Les Carlson, Leif Jensen, George Conner, Harry Porter, J. Eckart, G. Rudolph, E. Flynn and W. Dahl, while in the backfield are num- bered such well known players as Agate Martin, Marvin Baker, Beach Affeldt, F. Wagner, P. Jackett, G. Phillips, W. Rohn, George Spence, Don Lichtenberger and E. Belmont. Never has Winnetka approached the opening of the football season with greater enthusiasm and a better team. Those who know confidently anticipate that the team will exceed the snappy playing which featured the entire Black and White schedule last season. Mrs. E. R. Cogswell, 512 Hawthorne lane, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. E. S. Barker of Boston, as her house- guest. Church School Teachers Attend Conference Today Today and Sunday several teachers of Christ church school will go to Wheaton for a week-end conference for church school workers. Miss Mabel Lee Cooper of New York, the author of "Seven Psychological Portraits," will lead the general conferences. In addition to Miss Cooper's conferences, there will be coaching classes in each of the grades conducted by some ex- pert from the Diocese of Chicago. The conference is under the direction of Miss Vera Noyes, diocesan director of religious education. HOME FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Windes and their daughter, Sallie, arrived home Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Windes went east several weeks ago to meet Miss Sallie at Montreal on her arrival from her trip abroad. Miss Windes' main object of her trip, though she visited various European countries, was to take a four weeks' course in physical educa- tion at the Bertram School of Gym- nastics at Copenhagen. During her stay in this city she was delighted with the cordiality and friendliness of the many people with whom she came in contact. AWAY FOR SUMMER y Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Philbrick and son, Allen, and daughter, Jane, of 928 Elm street are at Montague, Mich. where they spend their summers. Jane, who won the Chicago Wellesley Club scolarship this year will leave directly from there for college. Mrs. Dudley Bradstreet of 772 Wal- den road, who has been on a western trip with her parents this summer, go- ing up the western coast to Vancouver and. returning by way of Banff and Lake Louise, arrived home last week. Our First Dollar Sale Wednesday September 12th For $ Day Only Exceptional Women's On Dollar Day, we will have a rare bargain for the women and children. A display Lines," that we will offer for $1. now we offer these shoes for These shoes are ab- solutely perfect, shoes that will sell for $7 and $8, bu Bargains in Footwear pair of shoes, 'Broken Other Shoes REDUCED $1 This includes our entire stock of shoes that sell for $6 or more. An opportunity for every member of the family to purchase his or her shoes at a SAVING of $1. Remember, all shoes of $6 value, or more will be sold at a discount of Blomdahl & Sundmark Quality Footwear 805 Elm Street Ph. Winnetka 1108 One Big Dollar Day Wednesday, September 12 In Two Stores Winnetka -- Hubbard Woods This is the big clean-up sale of summer merchandise. Items listed represent about one half of real bargains in our two big stores. best selections. 5 yards Linen Towling $1.00 4 Linen Dish Towels ......c." + $1.00 aso 2 De A: $1.00 3 el De Ce $1.00 Women's Rayon Chemise, Shorties and Bloomers, unusual Coos "ere ach 91.00 Women's Athletic Union Suits and Knit Underwear. Values SS each $1.00 Women's Rayon Alpaca and Non-Cling Princess Slips $1.00 Men's 9 oz. Canvas Gloves, hd i $1.00 Boys' Wash Suits, ages 2. to 7; each .. $1.00 Men's Stiff Collars-- "Arrow" Brand; 4 for 25¢ Good Quality Boys' Blouses, 2 for $1.00 Men's and Boys' Sport Shirts-- $1.50 value .......... . Mens and Boys' Shirts, Pe $1.00 Rag Rugs with attractive border, size 24x36; 2 for $1.00 Women's Hosiery, broken lines of thread Silk Hose; values to $2.00; choice pair ......... $1.00 aber Silk $1.00 Remember--Early shoppers enjoy the N 3 yards fine grade Curtain Material 1 in plain and colors .. . Drapery Cloth--36 in. All Silk, Fast Color. Brocade pattern. Colors--gold, blue, mulberry, yard ..... $1.00 3 Jards Dress Prints and cotch Ginghams $1.00 Girls' Bloomer Dresses, sizes 2 to 6. Fine English Prints in fast colors. $1 00 . Choljce ..vvviiiv Women's House Dresses, Aprons and Smocks. Values to Le Women's and Girls' Brassieres, 2 for .. $1.00 Corselettes and Girdles, each ....... $1.00 Men's 2-piece B. V.D. Underwear Suits .. $1.00 Men's Broadcloth, Madras Shires, collar on and $1.00 Men's and Boys' Silk $1 00 . Neckwear .......... Girls' and Boys' Dim- $1 00 . ity Union Suits .... Men's Fancy Socks, values to ru $1.00 Men's and Boys' Summer oe ofl ada $1.00 Odd and ends of German-town Yarns--silk and wool, Zephyrs, etc., 5 balls $1.00 Bed Blankets, size 54x76, white, gray, tan, $1 each"..... AS re vee . Fine Lisle Hose, 3. and 4:for 00 $1.00 ITE Sore. 3 par $1.00 R. H. Schell & Company Hubbard Woods 916 Linden Phone 111 Winnetka 806-10 Elm St. Ph. 900-1 Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Wear, Women's and Misses' Frocks, etc. | Free Delivery Service |