September 15, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Welfare Center Seeks Help for Colored Women The Educational and Welfare center of Evanston is filling a long felt need in the life of the colored young woman employed on the north shore. This institution was organized and opened June 14, 1928 by Miss Bessie M. Gar- rison, a graduate student at North- western university. Here the industrial or business wo- man finds comfortable rooms with a homelike atmosphere. Here the young woman who is employed along the north shore may come Thursdays and Sundays and find a cordial welcome. Here she may meet her friends and find an uplifting association. Her mail may be sent to her here. The work is meeting the approval of welfare and civic leaders of the com- munity and receiving their co-opera- tion. The center is appealing for a donation of supplies that it may be equipped to render more efficient serv- ice. The present needs of the center are: 10 pillows, 15 comforts and blankets, 30 single sheets, 30 pillow cases, 30 bath towels, 30 hand towels, 10 roller towels, 15 buff colored window shades, 30 inches wide, 6 buff colored window shades, 36 inches wide, 1 buff colored shade, 50 inches wide, 1 dozen cups and saucers, 3 brooms, 2 dish pans, 6 straight chairs, rugs, pails. Contributors are asked to deliver their supplies to 1115 Ayars place, Evanston, or to phone Miss Bessie M. Garrison at Greenleaf 2542. George Dasch Succeeds H. E. Knapp in Symphony To take the place of Prof. Harold E. Knapp who resigned his position of head of the Northwestern University Symphony orchestra, George Dasch has been appointed director. Mr. Dasch is the conductor of the Little Symphony in Chicago and has been in the past a member of the or- ganization he will now direct. Another of his musical activities is the arrang- ing of the Sunday afternoon concerts at the Chicago Art institute. Organization of the orchestra for this year will start toward the end of the month and it is expected that three concerts will be given by the group during the next year. Dudley Crafts Watson to Give Lecture Series Much interest is being shown during these early fall weeks in the lectures to be given by Dudley Crafts Watson under the sponsorship of the North Shore Art league at Winnetka Com- munity House. These lectures are held Monday evenings and the first of the series will be given either the first or the second Monday in October. Mr. Watson has but recently returned after an extensive European trip from which those who attend his lectures will un- doubtedly benefit through his interest- ing experiences. UNIVERSITY CLUB OPENS A dinner meeting at Maillard's, 310 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, at 6:30 o'clock Friday, September 14, be- gan the year's activities of the Woman's University club of Chicago. Mrs. Wood Simons of Evanston is president of the club, Mrs. Harold IL. Ickes of Hubbard Woods is a member of the board, and Mrs. Merle B. Sny- der of Wilmette is recording secretary. Mr, and Mrs. P. A. Wells and their children, who have spent the summer visiting in England, returned last Tuesday to their home at 259 Ridge avenue. IN STUDY CLASS About twenty women are enrolled in a study class being conducted Tuesday mornings at the home of Mrs. A. Mon- tague Ferry on Ridge avenue. The class this week, however, met with Mrs. R. C. McNamara, 267 Ridge av- enue. Furniture Upholstering There's nothing in uphol- stering that we don't know about--and can't do, and do it well. Phone us when in need of this service. CURTAINS AND DRAPES A special department special- izing in quality materials. Expert workmanship. Slip Covers Hi-grade Refinishing & Painting || Upholstering and Cabinet Making Box Spring Mattresses Made and Renovated Furniture of All Descriptions Made to Order All the Work Is Done in Our Own Shop Antique Furniture Repairing a Specialty J. A. ODH Est. 1908 933 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods Phone 235 Winn. Keep Furnishings Free of Summer Dust With the Hoover Dust- ing Tools you can reach every corner, high or low, and remove thoroughly the film of summer dust that sifts in upon wood- work, draperies, uphol- stered furniture, lamps, pictures and bookshelves. And with The Hoover itself and its exclusive cleaning principle "Posi- tive Agitation," you can keep rugs and carpets spick-and-span through all the summer months of open windows and doors. You can now get "Posi- tive Agitation," not only in the de luxe Model 700 but in the popular-priced Model 543 as well. Lib- eral allowance for your old cleaner. ; $2.25 down balance monthly Porter's Electric Shop O:. L. PORTER 797 Elm Street Ph. Winn. 44 DRIVEWAYS Built and Refinished Estimates Free Frang LANDSCAPE of your lawn and garden. us--we know how. LANDSCAPING and Grading Done by Experts Established 1918 Krenn (GARDENER TELEPHONE 2435 WINNETKA With our knowledge and experience--we can help nature in the care A top-dressing of Black Soil, Fertilizer and Lime, properly applied, will make a great improvement. Phone EVERGREENS--SHRUBS--BLACK SOIL--VIGORO FERTILUVIA--LIME Lee Says: WHEN words fail YUH---send her a BOX of Martha WASHINGTON candies. THEY do the work WHEN nothing else WILL. Just call US and tell us WHERE to send it. MARTHA WASHINGTON * * * CANDIES * * * Fresh * Every * Week * kx Xx Xk 70 cents * x * Per Pound Adams Pharmacy Serving You Since 1903 The Rexall Store Phone Winnetka 2 ~ Elm and Linden