ge 2 won WINNETKA TALK September 22, 1928 FIREPLACE ASKS ACCESSORIES Accessories for the open fireplace have a charm for the lover of crack- ling wood and sizzling cannel coal. Tall matches in a stand beside the fire remove the lighter from danger of soot when lighting the fire. Bellows though rather useless when the fire is laid correctly, have an attraction in the early American room. Andirons and fire sets may be bought in the same period, though many prefer the fire basket as being a little easier to manage, Wilmette 1949 A Sparkle of Sunshine What is it that puts the "sparkle of sun- shine" into the home? Oh, the luxuriant Oriental Rug, of course decorative achievement of all. Our stock includes many beautiful, gorgeously col- ored rugs in a large variety of sizes to meet every need. Rugs Cleaned and Repaired We conduct a perfectly equipped depart- ment of expert cleaning and repairing of Oriental Rugs. lute safety and satisfaction assured. Mestjian Bros. Oriental Rugs--Carpets--Linoleum Expert Cleaning--Repairing--Laying 511 MAIN ST., WILMETTE the crowning Charges moderate. Abso- Inc. University 5050 19409 3 \ W I i Colored Tile, Once History Recorder; Used in Decoration Tiles, used ages ago to record the happenings of mankind, have passed beyond such use into the merely dec- orative. Tiles were used to form characters from which early Chinese works were prints, clay tablets bear- ing historical records were baked, and finally the Egyptians began to use color and glaze the pictures put on tiles. History was painted on the tiles of the fireplaces built by the Camp Fire girls in Community house. For the most part our tiles are used in floor and fireplace as a decorative element. The faience tiles have become popu- lar of late so that decorators have gone far afield looking for designs that show marked originality. Each country has contributed to the designs of tiles, some of which have been copied and are modern repro- ductions of the old, and some of which have gone to the realm of collectiana. The famous tiled Dutch stoves have provided inspiration for decoration of kitchens and baths, while Mexico has provided original motifs for outdoor fountains, swimming pools and well heads. The tile which will be exposed to the extremes of weather comes in duller colors than that which will be protected, long firing necessary to make the tile frost proof dims the colors. Plant Franken's PERENNIALS THIS FALL The beauty of your garden next year de- pends largely upon what you plant this fall. Peonies, phlox, hardy plants, the finest lot of delphiniums we have ever had, if planted now will yield a loveliness of bloom. Whether you have a large estate or a small town or suburban lot our Land- scape Service Dept. will help you make your ground more attractive. Write or phone us for more information. Franken Bros. Bulb Catalog is of value to all garden lovers--Iet us mail you a copy. FRANKEN BROS. Deerfield, Illinois PHONE DEERFIELD 241 you. EVERGREEN EFFECTS Break the severe lines of the house so as to hold it gracefully into its natural relation to the ground itself. Green and cheery, too, during the long winter, and a reminder that springtime and renewed life are ahead. Now is the time to plant Evergreens Phone for our landscape gardener to call on SWAIN NELSON & SONS CO. GLENVIEW, ILL. Phones: Glenview 87 #% 88 Rogers Park 6620 no doubt infested with borers. TREES NEED CHECKING FOR DECAY, DISEASE Priceless Foliage Must Be Pre- served by Constant Care of Health By Thomas J. Lynch The value of trees is never realized until those which have stood for many years around the home show signs of dead tops, broken branches, or be- come decayed at the base, along the trunks, or branches. The first ques- tion is, "why this condition, and could they have been saved if given proper treatment at the proper time?" A tree dies only because it is per- mitted to do so. The dead tops are probably the result of insufficient nourishment, or because the water supply has been cut off by some re- cent change in the landscape or build- ing. The broken branches may have been infested with borers or the crotch may have been split by the wind. The removal of the borers and proper bracing would have saved these trees for years to come. Cavities are formed by the bark being broken. A car may have backed into the tree at some time, perhaps the grading scoop struck it, or a hundred and one different causes may be given. Regardless of these, the minute you bruise the Canbium layer of bark and expose the heart wood, decay is sure to set in unless it is properly treated. Check Trees in Fall Fall is an opportune time to check over the trees and make note of the condition. If the trees on your grounds are yellow, if they have lost their leaves earlier than others in the neighborhood, this is a sign that they are in need of attention. If the oaks have a number of dead leaves on the top or ends of the branches, they are Look over the soft maples and see if they are infected with cotton maple scale. You can easily detect this by its cot- ton like appearance on the branches and twigs. Spraying this fall or early spring will take care of this condition, but all infected trees must be sprayed in order that it be effective. If your trees have a great large top and are double or contain large crotches they should be properly braced and cabled to protect them against the wind. Check them over carefully now for frost cracks on the trunks. Even though these cracks ap- pear to have healed the first cold weather will again split them open. Unless attended to, the large black ants will no doubt begin to destroy the tree next summer. Remove all the dead branches, but be sure that all the cuts are made close to-the trunk and covered with either asphaltum or a pruning compound. Fall is a good time to do the trimming because the grass will soon be brown and the flowers and shrubs will not be in- jured. Watch for Infection If the trees are infected with any of the different scales classified under the sucking insects they should be given a thorough spraying early next spring with either lime sulphur or mulsified oil. Spraying is more to pre- vent than cure and trees properly sprayed at the right season will repay you many times with their dark green foliage. Trees, like human beings, require certain care if they are to reman part of our heritage. Keep them free from dead branches, feed them when they need it, and during the hot seasons ive them a cooling drink of water. hey will repay you a thousand times over with their shade and beautiful foliage in years to come.