50 rion WINNETKA TALK September 29, 1928 Eight Mechanics on Winter Staff at Skokie Garage There is one man who doesn't weep when the cool breezes begin to blow and force folks to don the old over- coat and that man is the garage owner. There is considerable difference be- tween the business of a garage in summer and in winter. For instance, listen to this from Mr. Ramsey, fore- man at the Skokie Motor company garage on Main street in Wilmette: "We're just putting another me- chanic to work in our garage. The cool weather has made it necessary to increase the number of men on the job and now five are kept busy. Our usual summer staff is four mechanics, but in winter we have eight. That just doubles the workers and the work is at least twice as heavy in the winter as in the summer." The Skokie company which is the north shore Ford dealer handles forty cars during the winter and in this con- nection there is an interesting point. FALLS AS BAD AS ACCIDENTS "Truth is stranger than fiction," and in this particular case, statistics recent- ly compiled show us that the average person has as great a chance of being injured through a fall as that of be- ing maimed or injured by automobile. Popular Science Monthly, who made the survey, included over 22,000 accid- ents which occurred outside of indus- try. Of this amount, 6,647 were caused by automobiles, which 4,524 were at- tributed to falls. Persons getting in or out of beds who suffered injuries were 73. Athletes indulging in sports of some kind or other receiving in- juries numbered 4,542. Gasoline Waste Will Soon Be Turned Into a Profit "The oil industry soon will vie with the packing trade, which utilizes all of the pig but the squeal," says a re- cent news item. Formerly what is called "lean gas" has been worthless because of its low gasoline content, and the large quantities of it found in Texas gas fields have never been util- ized. Now a company is erecting a new type of refinery which will extract gasoline from this once wasted pro- duct. This is another example of the pro- gress the oil industry is making in ef- fecting economy in operation and ef- ficiency in production. In the past few years great strides have been made; many by-products that pre- viously were considered so much waste matter have been forced to yield a at any speed. No clashing. light touch on the pedal. bodies assures quietness. DOI ON Nn HW NN. = permanent sheen. I Ea from these fundamental improvements Syncro-mesh transmission permits gear change Security-Plate glass for safety. Chromium plated exterior nickel parts provide value, Duplex four-wheel brakes operate with only a Steering gear handles car with minimum effort. Adjustable front seat places brake and clutch within easy reach of any driver. An even more powerful and smoother-running Cadillac built, 90-degree, V-type Eight. Pneumatic Control principle applied to Fisher CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Ave., Evanston Nw CADILLACS New] A SALLES New ELEETWOODS Buyers Who Prefer To Purchase From Income Will Find G. M. A. C. Terms Convenient and Economical Elegance Honors Are Won in Europe by Graham-Paige Now we have something new for auto- mobiles. Carl Hanson of Winnetka, Graham-Paige dealer, reports that he has received information from the factory that Graham-Paige has achieved new international honors by winning a prize in Switzerland's first international ele- gance competition. The event was held at Lucerne and a Graham-Paige was the only American car to win a prize. Thirty leading makes of European and American automobiles were paraded be- fore the board of judges. First and sec- ond prizes went to custom-built Europ- ean cars; an Isotto-Fraschini (Italian) and a Martigny (Swiss). An eight- cylinder Graham-Paige five-passenger sedan was third, winning the highest award for cars carrying standard pro- duction bodies. In a similar contest at Karlsbad, Czecho-Slovakia, a Graham-Paige took the prize in its class, defeating such European cars as the Skoda, Horch, Isotto-Fraschini, and Tatra, besides other American entries. Mr. Hanson also has received word that Graham-Paige has begun the erec- tion of a mill at Perry, Fla. to supply dimension-cut hardwoods to the Graham- Paige body plants at Wayne, Mich., and Evansville, Ind. The new mill, costing $150,000, will have 50,000 square feet of floor space, with nine dry kilns 20x150 feet. Its production capacity will be 60,- 000 board feet a day. By drying and cutting the wood to dimensions before shipping to the body plants, the new mill will effect a great saving in transportation costs, as these operations eliminate 20 per cent of the weight. Perry is a center of hardwood timber operations in Florida. Why grieve because your Model A has not arrived vet? Model T is a good old car and she'll percolate right snappy for many a day. 'ray for faithful old Model T--she's too good a car to neglect! SKOKIE MOTOR CO. 435 Main St. Wil. 955 AUTHORIZED SERVICE