Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 Oct 1928, p. 67

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3 October 6, 1928 ---- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates 30 cents a line in all three papers. Average of five words to the line No black face type used. 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the NNETKA TALK and Friday b o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 17 DRESSMAKING BIG CUT IN PRICE MORE AUTOMOBILE FOR THE DOLLAR THAN ANY PLACE IN EVANSTON! '26 Oldsmobile Roadster ......... .... $295 Nash Sedan, beautiful car .......... 300 '25 Oakland Coach, new tires ...... $295 '26 Dodge Sedan, driven little ...... $425 '26 Studebaker Sedan, big six $625 26 Oakland Sedan. ....:....«. »<:on x $485 388 ESSEX COMM nis vir «sneer ee $575 26 Oakland Coach, like new ........ $425 '25 Studebaker Sedan ................ $285 '24 Jordan Touring, winter enc. ...... $160 24 Nash Sedan, Tpass. .............. $235 Lake Shore Auto Sales 1010 Chicago Ave. University 59 4LTN2-1tc OUR FALL SPECIALS PRICED RIGHT 1928 Oakland All American 5 pass, sedan, run less than 6,000 miles. $292 down payment. 1928 Master Six 5 pass. sedan, driven less than 8,000 miles. $500 down. 1927 Studebaker Big Six, 5 pass. sedan, $320 down. 1927 Stand. 6 Buick, 2 door sedan. Gold Seal guarantee, $825. 1927, 5 pass. Buick sedan, $370 down 1926, 70 Chrysler sedan, $290 down Will accept old car as cash toward down payment North Shore Buick Co. 1027 Davis St. Univ. 5961-2 4LTN2-1tc GOOD USED CARS 1928 Nash light 6 Sedan .......... $625 1926 Nash light 6 Sedan ............ 325 1927 Buick Sport Touring ............ 575 Suburban Nash Sales Co. 547 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 2707 4LTN2-1tc USED DODGE CAR GIVES THE MOST miles for the least money; let us show you some good buys. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 4LTN2-1te WHIPPET 28, 4 DOOR SEDAN, LOOKS like new, fully equipped, heater, snub- bers, new tires. Act quick on this bar- gain. North Shore Combustion Co., 607 Main St., Wilmette. 4LTN2-1tc 1927 CHRYSLER COUPE WITH RUM- ble seat. Exceptional condition. Also 1926 Hudson Coach. 545 Vernon Ave. Glencoe. 4LTN2-1te ELECTRIC CAR, GOOD COND., WITH or without charger. Call Wilmette 1527. 4LTN2-1tp '28 FORD COACH, equipped, immediate delivery. Call at 607 Main St., Wilmette. 4LTN2-1tec 10 BRIDGE LESSONS AUCTION BRIDGE INSTRUCTION. Short, clear, complete course of how to bid, when to stop, change or double, and how to play to win--10 lessons in your own home. Phone evenings Wil- mette 4474, Mr. Rogers, expert author of Chicago Tribune lessons in bridge. 10LTN2-1tp 16 CLUB MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP IN OLYMPIC GOLF & C. C., $100. Phone Lake View 8018. 16TN31-1te 17 DRESSMAKING TAILORED WASH DRESSES, SPORT and house styles, flannel & broadcloth, varied colors, all sizes. Prices from $3.50 to $8.95. Dresses made to order and promptly del. to your door. Mrs. C. E. Swarts. 425 Chestnut Tel. Winn. 817. 17T31-1tp DRESSMAKING ; CHILDREN'S clothes; all kinds of embroidery a spe- cialty. Call Miss Westerberg. Winn. 2574. 17T31-tfe DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY. Coats relined; children's clothes. Will go out or take work home. Tel. Winn. 2574. 17TLTN1-2tc 20 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING, BLACK soil, manure. Tel. Wil. 891-Y-1. 20LTN51-4tp 25 INSTRUCTION Tutoring ISABEL WARRINGTON HEAPS, formerly of Roycemore Upper School, and her assistants offer individual in- struction in all subjects from first grade, through high school and college. 814 Ridge Terrace, Evanston; Univ. 4198. 25LTN2-1tc A FORMER COLLEGE TEACHER WILL tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, Geometry, English, French and Ger- man. William R. Morrow, 5530 Win- throp Ave... Chicago. Ph. Longbeach 3900. 25LNT1-2tp 27 INTERIOR DECORATING OUR KNOWLEDGE OF LANDSCAPE WORK IS YOUR PROTECTION! LET US TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. RETURN THIS AD TODAY GAGE, & JORDAN 2016 CENTRAL ST. EVANSTON, ILL. Dear Sirs: You may call at in reference to the following: New Trees New Shrubs Lawn Work Garden Work Transplanting Black Soil Trimming Pergolas Hardy Plants Stepping Stones Very truly yours, De Ten an Ten Ten Lan Tan Ve Pe A Phone Gage & Jordan LANDSCAPE COUNSELORS AND CONTRACTORS 2016 Central St. Greenleaf 2930 27TLTN2-1te 30 LOANS 56 HELP WTD.--FEMALE MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. McKENDRY REALTY CO. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 30LTNbG1-4tp 33 MASON WORK FOR ALL KINDS OF BRICK AND stone work ; lily pools, etc., call Hart- well, Glencoe 1402. 33LTN2-1tp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 PETS FOR SALE--PEDIGREED IRISH SET- ter pups, best American stock. E. T. Coolidge. Ph. Highland Park 892-Y-4. 39LTN1-3tp HOMES WANTED FOR BOSTON bull, poodle and other good dogs. Ph. University 1052. 39LTN2-1te BEAUT. PEKINESE PUPPY. PED. 1014 Oakwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 753-M. 39LTN2-1te 42 RADIOS RADIO, FRESHMAN MASTERPIECE, in burled walnut; console, comp. with Philco eliminator. Real bargain. Tel. Winn, 1028. 42TN31-1tc EE ------------------------------------------------------ 55 LOST AND FOUND FOUND, ENGLISH SETTER. CALL Glencoe 1453 after 7 P. M. 55TN31-1tc FOUND, OCT. 3, MALE POLICE DOG. Owner can have same on proper identi- fication. Tel. Winn. 3147 or Winn. 804. 55TN31-1tc LOST--BLACK CAMEO PIN, WED.; heirloom; reward. Finder please call 'Winn. 556T31-1te LOST--FEMALE BOSTON BULL TER- rier, Tues. P. M.; black & white; very small; no collar. Tel. Winn, 3208. 55T31-1te LOST--CHILD'S BROWN SWEATER, Friday, between Horace Mann School and 1040 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 906. 55T31-1te LOST--FRI. 28TH, LEWELIN SETTER, black & white; ans. to name of Rush. Reward. Tel. Winn. 915. 55TN31-1tp LOST--DIAMOND PIN, SHAPED LIKE a bow of ribbon, at Indian Hill club, GIRL TO WORK AS WAITRESS 12 TO 2 week days. Ph. Wilmette 1580. 56LTN2-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; cooking ; 5 rm. bung. ; 4 in fam. Wages $14, Tel. Winn. 3106. 56LTN2-1tc ------------------------------ 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE RELIABLE COLORED COUPLE; COOK and houseman; small family. Refs. req. Tel. Glencoe 1407. 58LTN2-1te I ---------------------------------------- 60 SIT.~WTD.--FEMALE YOUNG LADY WITH 5 YRS. EXP. AS Nursery School & Kindergarten Direc- tor would like the care of 2 young chil- dren for the winter. An interview can nged by calling Winn. 60. be, astang ? 60LTN2-1tp LAUNDRESS--FAMILY AND BUNDLE washing, clothes dried outside. High grade work. 12 yrs. N. S. ref. Call and del. Ph. Wilmette 2623. 60LT1-2tc RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WISHES PO- sition in Protestant adult family for housework Good ref. Box 12, Deer- field, IIL 60LTN2-1tp EXPERIENCED ENGLISH NURSE DE- sires position Saris ie children. Ex- ef. Ph. nnetka e cellent r SO LTN2-1tp REFINED EDUCATED CHILDREN'S nurse desires ork ol Hous of Jay. x. . 'Write mette e A-166. cellent ref. T Gis gow HOUSEKEEPER, COMP, WHITE WO- man, exc. cook, with 10% yr. daughter. N. S. refs. Tel. Winn. 1513. 60T31-1tp KINDERGARTEN GRADUATE WOULD like a few more children for her nursery class Jetween gets of 2 &5 e 1. Winn. or " years. te 60TN31-1te EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS STEADY work for Wed. & Thurs. Tel. Winn. 2549. 60T31-1tc NORWEGIAN GOOD PLAIN COOK will be housekeeper for elderly couple, steady, no laundry or heavy cleaning. Write Wilmette Life A-169. 60TN31-1tp LAUNDRY WORK WANTED; TAKE home; will call for & deliver. Best refs. Tel. Winn. 1136. 60T31-1te MRS. D. H BURNHAM WISHES TO recommend Miss Comes as a very cap- able teacher of French & Italian; for 4 appointments and information call Sept: 25, "Reward Tel Wilh, 2000 cl - Winn. '2030. 60T31-1te ar D-- WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. TEL 3 BLE WASTED-TEMALE Winn. 2764. 60T31-1tc WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK.; SM. 4 y EXP. CHILD'S NURSE, CARE OF fam, good Wages. . Tel Win, S005 tte children, upstairs work. Tel. Wil. 3233. EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. Must like children. Good wages. Tel. Glencoe 961. 56 LTN2-1tc MAID FOR PART TIME IN SMALL apartment. Tel. Winn. 969. 56LTN2-1tc GIRL FOR AFTERNOONS AND DIN- ners; also stay several evening a week. Tel. Winn. 2254. 56TN31-1tp NEAT WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. & laundry; sm. fam.; wages $15. Tel. Glencoe 1335. 56TN31-1tc NURSEMAID, WHITE, PROT, TO take care of child and clean; stay nights. Tel. Winn. 2069. 247 Church Rd. 56T31-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR 2ND WORK & assist with children. Refs. req. Tel. Winn, 2671. 56T31-1tc EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR COOKING & downstairs work. Tel. Winn, 1261. 56T31-1te WTD., GIRL FOR CLERICAL WORK, business training prefered. Ph. Win- netka 2019. 56T31-1tc FAMILY OF 3 IN WINNETKA WANT maid for gen. hswk. Tel. Winn. 2430. 56LTN2-1tc PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL- ways react to the appeal of beauty. A room is attractive when its lamps and shades are in perfect harmony. We study your home and carefully analyze YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St., Evanston Greenleaf 816 27TLTN2-1tc EXPERIENCED WHITE 2ND MAID for small family. Tel. Winn. 1377. 56LTN2-1tp WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE- work, family of 3. Wilmette 1129. 56LTN2-1tp WANTED--SEAMSTRESS BY THE day, experienced in making children's clothes. Tel. Winn. 356. 56LTN2-1tc 60TN31-1tp COMP. COL. MAID WANTS PLACE, small family, stay nights, good plain cook, serve table. Laundry optional Neat, clean, willing; best ref. Lillian Somerville. Ph. Douglas 3511. 60T31-1tp WASHING, IRONING AnD CLEANING . 9 niversity . by he da . 60LTN2-1tc WORK HALF DAY MORNINGS, $8 PER week, Ref. Ph, Greenleaf 2378. 60L/T2-1tp EXP. COL. MAID, GEN. HSWK, GD. plain cook, no wash, steady ; refs. Tel. Univ. 7822. 60LTN2-1tp EXP. COL. JAUNDRESS - WANTS k Mon. and " efs. el. nn. 848 > 60LTN2-1te I. SERVE DINNERS. TEL. WINN. Wasse, 60LTN2-2tc COMPETENT SECOND MAID. PH. University 10257. 60TN31-1tp 61 SIT. WTD.--MALE WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows. Serv- ing & waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT2-2te CHAUFFEUR OR HOUSEMAN, RE- liable colored man, 20 yrs. experience, good Mechahle, best teres. Spinks. el. Kenwo A Din 61LTN2-1tp HOUSEMAN AND CHAUFFEUR, 15 yrs. experience, 6 yrs. last place. Refs. Own uniform. Ph. Kenwood 4419. 61LTN2-1tp WILL EXCHANGE RM. & BOARD FOR part time services; ref. req. Tel. Winn. 1028. 56LTN2-1tc EXP. MAN, DAY WK., CLEAN & ALL around man; also take down screens. 61T31-1te Tel. Univ. 3204-M. George

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