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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 Oct 1928, p. 68

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Sol SRR ER RT October 6, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 67 61 SIT. WID.--MALE 87 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 6; FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS EXPERIENCED GARDENER - man wants steady place, or Wh Woy ° Th "0 99 Evanston Apartments Refs. Tel. Winn. 2638 after § P. M. Choice Apartments € aks $14 Sherman Ave. 1m. =... 52.80 -1tp cago Ave., 2 rms. ........ : 941 Chicago Ave., 3 rms. ........ 65.00 EXP. MAN WANTS TO TAKE CARE EVANSTON TOWERS Apartments 1311 Oak Ave. 3 rms, . | . 67.50 of furnace; also hswk. Tel. Winn. 2764. NEAR DAVIS STREET 30 Fit EG TE 72:80 61T31- ™ : ] i A STIS, i es ! lie sat 602 peneTidan a uate) 35 8 z90m Dignity and charm enhanced by large 3813 Ridge 'Ave. 3 3rms ....:-.. 75.00 WANTED, FURNACES TO TAKE| tn school & shopping center imel. in| rooms, commodious closet space, excel-| 2208 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. ...... 77.50 care of, $10 a month ; also odd jobs, 65¢ ° ho a h 250pp ne ran ak i lent room arrangement. Bright and| 729 Seward St. .................. 65.00 a br Box', Winn" "GTI | SENS rentals + soos B8 te $101| Checry, Michents WAR clcettoal rete" | so¢ Seward St, 4 pm i 4 h ' eration, cated a - a ve. TINE, ns 80.00 SINGLE GARDENER WISHES POS. 5.rooms, 3125. in one of Evaustor's' 'most. desirable 1502 a drm... 80.00 wit priv. fam. or residential sections. = = 192951 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. .......... 82.50 Lutz, c/o Fritz Bai i et J UDSON CASTLE Four-room apts.--$95.00 ; Five-room apts. oe Ride eave, 7 rs. ea g 85.00 Highland Park. H. P. 85. 61TN31-1tp | New bldg., 820 Judson Ave. 4 rms. Can-| --$120.00 and $140.00 including refrig-| 2116 Sherman Ave, 4 rms. ........ 90.00 vas walls, elec. ref., tile bath and show-| eration. No concession after Oct. 1st. | 1621 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. .......... 90.00 DN AHIR oR FORTER, ALL | er. Southern exposure. Rental $90. 330 Gaffield Fl, 5 ms. a aia 2.4 (s] re niversity erman Ave, PEAS. sr oy x 2851. 6ILTN2-1tc ABBEY-GARTH B aird&W arner ne, | 200 Seward st, 8 rms... 85.00 HOUSEMAN WISHES POSITION; CAN | 400 Lee St. & 940 Judson A~e. Luxuri- y og ye eer also do cooking and serving, Ph. Uni-| ©OuS and modern 5 rm. apts, 2 baths, AGENTS 1014 Main St., 5 rms, 100.00 versity 3864. 61LT2-1tp woodburning fireplaces, elec. ref. and | 528 Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 | 1125 Davis St., 5 rms. .......... 110.00 ener desirable features. 5 rms, 67TLTN2-1tc | 1305 Oak Ave., 5 rms. ............ 115.00 62 SIT WID.--M $178, 1619 Ridge Ave. 5 rms. .......... 120.00 ALE & FEMALE THE CHURCHVIEW 1009 Grove St., 6 1 Ry BRL SNE 110.00 COMP. COUPLE WISHES POSITION The Rothesa Apts 820 Hinman Ave. § rms. ........ 120.00 cook; chauffeur; butler. Refs. Tel | N- A Cor Vig Aye: & Lake St. A dis- 34 ° JS Ridge ave 8 rms. - J3008 Glencoe 271. oy tinctive W all modern conven- ge Ave FOB. <5. hb . 62LT2-1tp fences and finest appointments. 4, 5 ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS, BEAU- CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEMAN, white, wife good cook. Greenleaf 6213. 62T31-1tp 63 BOARD AND ROOM GENTLEMAN DESIRES HOME . Write Wilmette Life A-156. 63LTN52-tfe 65 WTD.--~ROOM & BOARD HIGH SCHOOL BOY DESIRES BOARD and room with small compensation in return for work in home. Ph. Wilmette 3369 evenings. 65TN31-1te ts, 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS COMFORTABLE WARM ROOM SUIT- able for 1 or 2. Tel. Glenc. 1491, 66TN31-1te PLEASANT FRONT BEDRM. WITH fireplace & 3 windows. 910 Elm St. Winn. 2336. 66T31-1tc LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR 1 or 2. Tel. Winn. 1769. 66T31-1tc FURN. RM. WITH PRIV. LAV. NR. transp. Tel. Winn, 2791. 66T31-tfe S. ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 2. Conv. loctd. to H. Wds. Sta. Bkfst. if desired. Reas. 1073 Gage St. Winn. 2574. 66T31-1tc FIRST CLASS FURN. RMS., HOT WA- ter heat; reas. Tel. Winn. 2022. 66T31-2tp LARGE LIGHT RM. SUIT. FOR 2; AT Gage & Linden. Tel. Winn. 2985. 66T31-1tp SINGLE ROOM NR. TRANSP, CALL eves, 426 Linden Ave. 66T31-1tp COMF. ROOM; 3% BLK. TRANSP. 722 Elm. Winn. 3rd fir. 66TN31-1tp LARGE PLEAS. RM. FOR SINGLE man; nr. transp. Tel. Winn. 415. 66LTN2-1tc NICE RM. ADJOIN, BATH; $5 PER wk. for gentlm. Gd. loc. Tel. Glencoe 727, after 6:30 P., M. 66LTN2-1tc FOR RENT -- 1 OR 2 NICE ROOMS, desirable loc. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 66LTN2-1te LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, hot running water, Ph. Wilmette 3206. 66LT2-1tp LARGE RM. PRIVATE BATH, GAR. near transp. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN2-1tc A ---- 67 FOR RENT--APTS. LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 4 AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette"s most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartment today. Agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 67LTN2-tfe THREE ROOM FLAT, $40 A MONTH. Call Glencoe 1292. 67TN31-1tc 2 ROOM BASEMENT FLAT. 861 OAK St. 67T31-1tp & 6 rm. apts. with rental from $100 to $190. CHOICEST LOCATION IN EVANSTON Church & Hinman. Beautiful 7 rm. apts., newly decorated, all outside rms., $190. 2 RM. APTS. 2541 Prairie Ave. '.....i... x30. 0 $ 55.00 3 RM. APTS. 3535 Prairie. AVe.. cc: consrs iia 60.00 1142 Maple Avenue, large rms. .... 72.50 4 RM. APTS. 2537-39% Prairie Ave., Inador $70 & Viz. 50 724 Hinman Ave. El ig hw Refr. 00 1138 Maple Ave., Lge. Riiwals 4 E pd 822% Forest Ave., Sola -a-way, Bec Raff or eesti $95-$105.00 615 Sheridan Rd., elec. tef., coach LL pein ia Yi $90 1454 Oak Ave., wood burn. firepl., elec. refrigeration RIT EAR $ 596 Sheridan Square, furnished ....$140 820 Judson Ave., (Judson Castle) new bldg. elec. refr., in-a-dor .......... $90 576 Sheridan Sovare TS Fre $95--$105 Michigan-Lee Apts. ................. $140 1505 Oak Ave., a xefrig... con $95-$100 5 RM. APTS. 604 Sheridan Rd., elec. refrig. ... $120.00 2537% Prairie Ave... 0... LLL WT $80 719-21 Hinman Ave., Lge. Rms. ..$105.00 1136 Maple Ave. lg. rms. ........ 115.00 534 Michigan Ave., elec. refrig. ... $135 1454 Oak Ave., elec. refrigeration .... $140 724 Hinman Ave., elec. refrig. ...... $125 720 A. Hinman Avenue, G. E. elec. refrig. 134 Main St., elec. refrig. Michigan-Lee, new bldg. elec. ref. 940-950 Michigan Ave. ........ $155-$170 Abbey-Garth Apts., refrig. included. 940 Judson Ave. $160-$175 1509 Oak Ave., elec. refrig. incl. $125, $140 1111 Lake St., 3rd fl. 2 baths, elec. LE TT ET $175 6 RM. APTS. 540 Sheridan Rd., 1g. rms. garage available, elec. refrig. ... $170.00 911 Sheridan Rd., 2 baths in 3 apt. bldg., unobstructed view, elec. refrig. $225.00 726 Seward St. (Duplex), inc. gar. ki 717 Hinman Avenue $13 1107 Lake Street =... ...... 0... 180-8170 Michigan-Lee Apts. ................. 225.00 7 RM. APTS. 1635 Hinman Ave. 2 baths .... .. $185.00 916 Michigan Ave., slpg. pch. & sun parlor, G. E. elec. refrig. .......... 175 927 Michigan Ave., large liv. rm. $225.00 Michigan-Lee, new "bldg. GHEE TR $250.00 OFFICES 1718 Sherman Ave., Studio Bldg. $45 up STORES 2535-411% Prairie Ave. .............. $50.00 GARAGES 1718 Sherman Ave. (heated) ...... $15.00 Baird&W arner, Inc. 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 6FLTN2-1tc Indian Hill Apartments ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 RM tifully decorated, light and airy rooms, of good size and arrangement. Quiet electrical refrigeration, convenient to lake, shopping, transportation and Lin- coln School. Five-room apts., $90.00- $95.00-$110.00. Six-room apts., $130.00- $135.00. No concession after Oct. 1st. Baird& Warner; Inc. AGENTS 528 Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 67TLTN2-1tc FOR RENT--WILL LEASE MY BEAU- tiful Orrington Hotel apartment at gratifying reduction. Complete hotel service. Kitchenette with electric range. Large rooms and closets. Fur- nished or unfurnished. West exposure. Airy and light. Garage in building. Phone evenings Greenleaf 4660. 67LTN1-tfp 6 Room Apartment (Equivalent to seven rooms) A REAL HOME, RICHLY DECORATED) Large rooms, sun parlor and large heated sleeping porch, two baths with shower. General Electric refrigerator. Unlimited storage in basement. In a three-apartment building, unob- structed on all sides affording light and air. One block from Lake Michigan. 911 Sheridan Road. Rental $225.00. Available now, Baird & Warner, Inc. Agents, 528 Davis Street, (arent eat 1855. 67TLTN2-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfe 6-Room Apartment A REAL HOME Large rooms; 2 baths; sun porch; elect tric refrigeration ; decorated to suit tenant; in 3 apartment building at 540 Sheridan Road, Evanston. Rental $170. Brick garage available at $15. i Baird& Warner, Inc. 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 67TLTN2-1te NEW APARTMENTS | Reasonable Rentals LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. ALL HAVE bedrooms, rollaway bed in living room. Good closet space and electric refrig- eration furnished. RENTALS $65 TO $80 SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Winnetka 142 67TLTN2-1te Smart & Golee, Inc. University 285 STL TN2-1tc ---- -- 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS SMALL FURN. APT. PRIVATE EN- trance and porch, gar. Wilmette 801. 6SLTN2-1tp FURNISHED 3 ROOM APARTMENT. Call Winn. 112. 68LT2-1tc 1564 Sherman Avenue 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES 6 room Stucco, sun porch, 1 car gar. $90 6 room Brick, 1 car garage ........ 125 7 room Stucco, sun & sl. pch., gar. $175 7 room Stucco, sun & sl: spel; gar. $135 Mr, MeDoug: BILLS REALTY INC. 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 3741 ny 69LTN2-1tc FOR RENT--250 RIDGE AVE. WIN- netka, until May 1st, 1929. 7 room house, 4 bedrooms, 2 porches. $100 per month. Phone Winnetka 1300. 69LTN2-1tc FOR RENT -- NEW 7 ROOM RESI- dence, 2 baths, sun parler, large wood lot, close to. school and transp. $11 per mo. Ph. Owner at Kenilworth 1955, i. I 89LTN2-1tc GLENCOE, 8 RM. STUCCO HSE.; 4 -bedrms., -2 baths; H. W. heat with oil burner; 1 car gar. ; beaut. lot; conv. to school & station. : Poss. Nov. 1st. Tel. Glencoe 561... = 69LTN2-1tc 7 ROOM HOUSE; {CONVENIENT LOCA- tion nr. priv.' & 'public schools, transp. For information call Winn. 1930. ~ 69LTN2-1tc S. BE. WINN. '6 RM. HSE.,, 2 BATHS; oil burner ; "heat. 2 Winn rent, seen by a intmegnt e nn. 3 ¥. app 69LTN2-1tc 7 ROOM HOUSE, 4 BEDROOMS, H. W. 'heat, garage. $150 per mo. Tel. Glen. 1158. 69TN31-1te 8 RMS. SUIT. FOR COMB. BUS. & RES. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. TH 'NL31-2te 8 RM. STUCCO. pr '2'BATHS ; NEW- 1y decorated ; nr. schools & transp. Im- mediate occupancy. Call Winn. 313. } Ss 69TN31-1te FOR NT--FURN. HOUSES 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, ATTRACTIVE- ly furn. H. W. H., garage; near trans, fine location, 3 months or longer. Rent reasonable, Tel. Winn, 1181, 3 70LTN2-1te FURNISHED MODERN 7 RM. RESI- Seven Room Apartment EXCELLENT RESIDENTIAL SEC- tion; large rooms; 2 bath; sun porch; heated sleeping porch ; large, new ; Gen- eral Electric refrigeration; decorated to suit tenant. Rental $175. Heated garage available at $15. ments, light and airy rooms Ap art | Baird &W ar ner, Ine. size and arrangements, convenient to schools and transportation. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800-01 67TLTN2-1tc AGENTS E Greenleaf 18556 67LTN2-1tc TO RIGHT PARTY ; SM. HTD. GARAGE apartment ; with or without car nr. transp. Tel. Winn, 823. GTI -1te 528 Davis St. in North section of Wilmette; H. W. heat; 2 car gar.; available from Nov. 15th to May 1st. Ph. Wilmette 3010. TOLTN2-1te ATTRACTIVE; FURN. HSE. ; baths; 2 car garage. Xo Glencoe ry T0TN31-1te 7 RM. FURN. BUNG. TILL MAY 1ST. 3% blk. from DT x. Rd.; to small respons. fam. 378 "Hawthorne lane. Tel. Winn. 2357. T0T31-2te VERY CHEAP To RIGHT PARTY without children. Dec. 1st to May 1st. ell located 9 rm. Ph Glencoe 623. 70TN31-1tp 'MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 68

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