16 WINNETKA TALK October 27, 1928 > oo T INTERESTING ASSENELY { ¥ Sanitary >ard of Chicago } PIANO INSTRUCTION preseates ig Tey week at the Skokie school. Pictures EARLE B. ARMIL of the work of the Sanitary district Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church of Glencoe Greenwood & Hawthorne avenues | Speaks for Hoover of the were shown and one of the Sanitary I. H. Nauss, Ev. Luth. pastor as . board's representatives explained the -- Am Co work. Sunday, October 28 erican nservatory German services in connection with Holy Chicago Communion at 10 A. M. English services at 11 A. M. Text: 2 Cor. 4: 13. FRENCH CLASSES me Luther, the Greatest Preacher é Theologiz: Since 3 days St. Every Wednesday nd Th ologian Since the AyS 0 Afternoon COMMUNITY HOUSE Announces the opening of a Winnetka Studio 787 Foxdale Avenue Telephone Winnetka 2366 Sunday school every Sunday at 9 A.M. Ladies' Aid meets November 1 at 2 P. M. The regular congregational meeting - takes place November 5 at 8 P. M 1 ---- Congressman Morton D. Hull, out- standing Progressive, expert on legis- lative matters and candidate for reelec- tion for a fourth term, will speak at the Republican rally to be held at the Winnetka Woman's club Friday even- ing, November 2. Country Day School to Give Concert November 2 Friday evening, November 2, at 8:30 o'clock in the school auditorium the music department of the North Shore Country Day school will give a con- A cert for all parents, students and friends of the school. The program will be given by Mrs. Nina Bailey, Miss Esther Wood and Arthur Lander and will include piano compositions of Schumann, Debussy and Franck and songs by Handel, Duparc and Wag- ner, Perfect refrigeration is such a comfort! The General Electric Refrigerator is different from all others--it is truly "yearsahead" in design. All its mech- anism is sealed in an air-tight steel casing, which is up on top, forever safe from dust and difficulties. It never even needs oiling. The General Electric Refrigerator 1s guaranteed to giveyou perfect refrig- b - Planning menus, marketing, enter- taining--these three duties of the home-maker are vastly simplified when she has a General Electric Refrigerator. And more important is the pleasant feeling of security--the absolute knowledge that her family's food is always fresh and wholesome. Even in winter, scientifically correct refrig- eration is vital. Kitchens are warm all the year round, and food, to be wholesome--to be safe to eat, needs to be kept constantly at a tempera- ture below 50 degrees. eration--quietly, automatically and economically! Come in and see this most modern of all refrigerators. You may buy yours either for cash or on deferred payments. GENERAL @ ELECTRIC Refrigerator "Makes it Safe to be Hungry" VIC J. KILLIAN, Inc. Plumbing Contractor -- 874 Center St. at Tower Rd. Phones: Winn. 908-09 ! FLOWERS FOR HALLOWE'EN ! Where will you purchase them? | } May we suggest this floral shop, } where you will find not only the ! cut flowers in season but beautiful potted, growing plants, chrysan- themums, etc. Our flowers will add much to the joys of the oc- casion. Flowers by Wire DESIGNS -- DECORATIONS Ilg's Florist Established 25 Years CENTER ST. AT PINE ¢ TEL. WINNETKA 313 dain