2 November 10, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 53 LACK OF GOOD HIGHWAYS PROVING COSTLY TO U. S. Millions of Dollars Being Spent By Tourists in Europe, De- clares Charles M. Hayes "American tourists thus far this year have expended a daily average of $3,000,000 in foreign countries, or at the rate of nearly eleven hundred millions of dollars per year," says Charles M. Hayes, of Winnetka, pres- ident of the Chicago Motor Club. "It is not too much to say that at least half, if not more, of that sum would be expended in our own country if we had an adequate transcontinental system of motor routes," Mr. Hayes pointed out. 'Adding the cost of steamship tickets, many of which are on foreign lines, to the above sum gives us the information that we are exporting dollars at the rate of one and one-half billions each year. Plenty of Splendor in U. S. "Every school child knows that Eur- ope can offer nothing to compare with the splendor of our own Grand Can- yon; nowhere else in the world can Yellowstone National Park be dupli- cated, and few mountain ranges on this planet can match the majestic beauty of our Rockies, Ozarks, Alle- ghenies and Adirondacks. Yet large numbers of Americans are more fam- iliar with Eiffel Tower, Piccadilly and Fujiyama than with Mount Ranier, the Mohave Desert or Niagara Falls. "Lack of adequate highways is cost- ing us a huge sum; creation of suffi- cient motor routes will keep tourist money within our own boundaries. We need more roads, and, in metro- politan areas, wider roads." Incidently Mr. Hayes calls attention to the fact that energetic citizens of the corn belt regions have been in- vesting heavily in good roads. "Although their program is by no means completed, the effects are easily discernible in the greatly in- creased facilitation of automobile travel and the happier aspect of the entire landscape," he says. Two States Build on Credit "T'wo states, Iowa and Minnesota, have built considerable of their mile- age on credit, having an arrangement through which the counties issue the bonds and are reimbursed out of cur- rent state road funds sufficiently to create a sinking fund for the payment of interest and amortization. Both states now have more than 1,000 miles of paved highway and many thousands of miles of gravel-surfaced or graded roads. "These states want good roads for their own use, but they also realize the value of tourist travel, with the vast sums spent for amusement, gaso- line, oil, repairs, food, and lodging. "The corn belt has definitely gone 'motorcratic." Six states west of the Mississippi river with a population of 9,600,000 had a registration of 2,500,000 automobiles in 1927, one for every 3.8 persons, as compared with a national registration of one car for each 5.4 persons. The automobile has become standard equipment on the farm, the same as the plow, the mower, and the threshing machine. The census bureau counted 1,111,314 farms in the seven north central states in 1925; the Farm Journal estimates there were 1,165,098 _ automobiles owned on the farms of these same states in 1927. The trucks numbered 111,629." TIRE PRICES REDUCED A price cut of 5 to 7% per cent on all of its first and second line tires is announced by the Goodrich Tire and Rubber company, according to later advices following a first announcement of a smaller price cut yesterday. Prices on its third line were increased 2% per cent. | Canada Now Second | to U. S. in Ratio of | Cars to Population : ; Canada, with one automobile to | every 10.1 persons in 1927, is second | only to the United States in the ratio | of motor vehicles to the population. | And, the automotive industry in the | dominion, is growing at a rapid rate. | In 1926 it ranked as the fifth manu- | facturing activity in the province of | Ontario. A total of 179,054 motor ve- | hicles were produced by Canadian fac- | tories in 1927. During the same per- | iod, 36,630 cars were imported at a | cost of $31,542,416, and parts and ac- | cessories valued at $31,852,100 were | shipped into the dominion. | Eighty-three per cent of the one-day visitors and 56 per cent of the re- mainder entered Canada through On- tario ports. --Upholstering-- Our service includes everything from cabinet work to the final painting. UPHOLSTERING--AIl Kinds of Furniture MATTRESSES--SLIP COVERS Repaired--Renovated--Made to Order ANTIQUES--INTERIOR FURNISHINGS FURNITURE--of all descriptions made to order CABINET WORK HusBarp Woops UpHOLSTERY Co. Mes. 897 Linden Ave. R. Halun HUBBARD WOODS Ph. Winn. 3014 CED; Vy AND FINER MOTOR CAR VERYONE is as- "4 tonished at the prices of the new Nash *"400's". They come in, look at these cars, then frankly say that very smart. High compression motor High Turbulence Lovejoy shock absorbers (exclusive Nash mounting) Salon Bodies : pros -- 3. TT "ila | I] & EWN | ~J FULLY EQUIPPED other cars at the price are not to be put in the same class with the new "400". On appearance alone you'll choose the "400" --Even the lowest priced Stand- ard Six models have the exclusive new Salon Body--low, slender, graceful, The Standard Six motor is a new, high- compression, full-pressure-lubricated, Aluminum alloy pistons (Invar Struts) New double drop frame Exterior metalware Torsional vibration damper -- id you know you could buy a Vash"400; 4-door, Salon Body Sedan for 5, for only '998 DELIVERED (bollow crank pins) chrome plated over nickel Short turning radius World'seasieststeering Longer wheelbase SUBURBAN NASH SALES Phone Winnetka 2707 547 Lincoln Avenue 7-bearing type--with speed and pep that put you ahead, and keep you there. And these Standard Sixes are big, easy riding cars, with longer wheelbases--new tubular- trussed, double-drop frames, low and safe--and 4 Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers as standard equipment. Moreover, they are complete cars with every accessory included in the deliv- ered price quoted above. Come in and see them. The money never bought so fine a motor car before! o Sedans from $930 to $2045, delivered. 8 Coupes, Cabriolets, Victorias from $930 to $1830 delivered ASH 400 Leads the World in Jotor Car Value IMPORTANT FEATURES -- VO OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL 7-bearing crankshaft One-piece Salon Clear vision front Nash Special Design fenders pillar posts front and rear bumpers Winnetka