-- November 17, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 63 -- -- a ----.------.s UE HE 62 SIT. WTD.--~MALE & FEMALE 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES 100 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS SMITH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, | 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE; 2 BATHS; FOR q ALE OWNER MUST LEAVE TOWN ON couples, chauffeurs, maids and day $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. Ww acet. of illness. Will sell entire house- workers supplied. Ph. University 6464. 62LTNS-2tp WHITE COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR, GAR- dener; wife cook; 4 yrs. in last place. 69LTN4-tfc SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, LOCATED IN Winnetka. 2 baths, garage. $100 per mo. Tel. Winn. 542, 69TN37-1te N. Shore refs. Tel. Glenc, 123, a 62TN37-1tp [ 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS WELL FURNISHED 8 ROOM HOME, FOR RENT--ONE LARGE FRONT room furnished for light housekeeping, stove heat, 716 Ridge Ave., near Wash- ington, Wilmette. 66LT8-1tc NICE FRONT ROOM, SINGLE BED, private entrance. $5 for one, $8 for two, near transportation. Wilmette 2088. 66L.T8-1tc NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 or 2. 3 blks. from transp. Tel. Winn. 2992, 66TN37-tfc LARGE, LIGHT ROOM FOR 2, equipped with Radio. Very private; 1 blk. from Hubb. Wds. station. Tel. Winn. 2985. 66T37-1tc PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 adults. 731 10th St., Wilmette. 66LT7-2tc NICE COMFORTABLE RM. VERY reas., near transp. Call evenings, Kenilworth 3501. 66L.T8-1tc LG. PLEAS. FRONT RM. FOR RENT for 1 or 2; conv. to transp. Tel. Winn. 1769. 66T37-1tc FOR RENT--COMFORTABELE ROOM, $4 a week. Tel. Winn. 1468. 66T37-1tc Northeast locality, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, breakfast porch, Oil heat. For six months or a year. Call Wilmette 69. TOLTNS8-1te 72 FOR RENT--GARAGES GARAGE FOR RENT AT 610 CHERRY St. Tel. Winn. 1432. 72T37-1te HEATED GARAGE FOR RENT. COR- ner Tower & Lincoln. Tel. Winn, 1845. 72T37-1tp 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES STORE OR OFFICE IN LINDEN CREST Building. Suitable for small shop or professional man. 24x13. Low rent. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. {24 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 T3LTNT7-tfc LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER office, suitable for real estate, doctor or dentist. Will divide. Franklin Bldg. Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 382. T3LTN51-tfe OFFICE FOR RENT--LARGE SPACE SOLID BRICK; 7 SLEEPING ROOMS; 4 baths. Fine home on approximately acre of land within 3 blocks of Hub- bard Woods station may be bought at remarkable reduction as owner has left Chicago and is anxious to sell. House completely redecorated and ready for occupancy. Dudley Bradstreet REALTOR Winnetka 806-875 77T37-1te WINNETKA'S BEST BUY ARTISTIC BUFF BRICK RESIDENCE, tile roof, 4 large bedrooms, 2 colored tile baths, breakfast room; paneled din- ing room; living room 15x30. Electric refrigeration, Hardinge oil burner; at- tached garage, large well landscaped lot. An unusual value at $28,000. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Winnetka 2033 TTLTNS-1te 522 Center St. hold goods of 5 room house. Very reasonable. Good condition. 324 Lin- coln St. Ph. Glencoe 1227. 100L TN8-1tp FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL WALNUT dining rm. furniture, like new, includ- ing oblong table, upholst. chairs & carved silver cabinet. Tel. Glencoe 883. 100LTN8-1te FUMED OAK LIV. RM. CHAIRS AND sec. bookcases, Bee-Vac Electric clean- er, coal H. W. heater. Ph. Wilmette 476. 100L,TN8-1tc [3] FOR SALE--REED BREAKFAST ROOM set consisting of table and six chairs. Winnetka 1763. 100TN37-1te FOR SALE--BRASS BED COMPLETE, solid mah. table, Brunswick phonograph and records. Ph. Winnetka 1190. 100TN37-1tc FOR SALE--REED BABY BUGGY, $5. 4 burner gas stove, good cond., $15. Tel. Winn, 1878. 100TN37-1tc Riparian Right Home FOR RENT---FURNISHED FOR YEAR or less; 7 bedrooms; 3 baths; sun and sleeping porches; 3 acres superbly wooded grounds; convenient to trans- portation. $500 per month. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 254 TTLTNS-1te FIVE ROOM FRAME COTTAGE TO BE removed from present lot by purchaser. Price $250. 931 Willow rd., Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 2828. TTILTNS-1te LOVELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM, on main floor, desirable location. $5 per week; $6 with garage. 927 Ash 221%6x17%. Tenant can sublet space. = St. Tel. Winn, 235. 66T37-1tc Ph. Winnetka 201. T3LTN4-tfc | 78 FOR SALE--VACANT ROOM FOR RENT. 934 ELM ST. TEL. | 76 FOR SALE--GARAGES 4 Winn. 2639. 6TN3T-1tp | Fe Hr PORTABLE GARAGE FOR SALE. 742 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS Elm St. Tel. Winn. 204. 76TN37-1tp LAKE ORES EST! ATE, LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 4 AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 4 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 STLTN2-tfc Indian Hill Apartments ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 RM. APART- ments, light and airy rooms of good size and arrangements, convenient to schools and transportation. E.E.StultsRealtyCo- 460 Winnetka Ave, Wipmetla 1800-01 TLTNS-1tc APARTMENTS in TUDOR-PARK BUILDING PARK AVENUE. LENCOE are now ready for occupancy Walter P. Smith & Co. AG 337 Park Avenue Tel. Glencoe 702 67TLTNS-2tc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service. near transportation. all Wilmette 1800. 67TLTN33-tfc FOUR RM. APT. WITH GAR. ALL improvements. Reas. Ph. Glencoe 331. 67LTNS-1tp FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE 4 BM Ept. 1 block from transp. $75. Tel. inn. 2689. 67TN37-LTNI-tfc FOR RENT--6 ROOM HEATED APART- ment. Call Glencoe 388. 67TN37-1tp 68 FOR RENT--FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT--FURN. APT. H. W. HEAT, near transp. Ph. Wilmette 3082. 6SLTNS-1te 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES GLENCOE FOR RENT--8 RM. COL.; S BDRMS. ; 3 baths; toilet-lav.; h. ht.; .gar,; $175. Highland Park 2418." " 9LTNS-1te 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES Winnetka FOR SALE--CHANCE TO BUY A LIT- tle home you may have already ad- mired in passing; a delightfully cozy looking 7 rm. shingle residence with roof lines blending harmoniously with charming well shrubbed grounds. Big screened porch opening on quiet garden. Oil burner. Vapor heat. Price $22,500. CHARMING WHITE SHINGLE HOUSE with green blinds, Georgian style; lo- cated on N. E. corner; wonderful trees and landscaping; lot 127x187 ft.; near Sheridan Rd.; spacious solarium; liv- ing room 21x24; large breakfast room or den; 6 bdrms. and 3 baths; canvased walls throughout; 2 car garage. Price $57,000. For further information see exclusive agents. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka 1617 TTLTNS8-1te 245 Ridge Avenue BLOCK NORTH HILL ROAD Must Be Sold MOST ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOME. 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, all in best condi- tion. Beautiful lot, 66x132. We solicit an offer on basis of fair land value plus very little for the house. Nothing to compete with this bargain, for a choice small home, in most popular section. P. W. Bradstreet & Son EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 799 Elm St. Phone 162 OVER 3% ACRE OF BEAUTIFUL woods on Maplewood Road, just a block to the lake, and surrounded by the finest estates of Lake Forest. Priced low at $16,500. Terms. Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 714 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 78T37-1tc = 9 FOR SALE--ACREAGE FOR SALE--RADIO TABLE WITH battery compartment, reasonable. 942 Glencoe Rd. 100TN37-1tc FOR SALE CHEAP--A BASE BURNER in good condition. Call evenings, 1111 Oak - St. or tel. Winn. 706. 100T37-1tc 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- nston, I11. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc 102 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD to eat, try some Mansfield, La., Syrup on your hotcakes. If you try it once you will try it twice. For sale by Woodland Grocery & Meat Market. 102T37-1te OIL BURNER, WELL KNOWN MAKE, motor driven, Thermostatic control. Tel. Winn. 1150. 102TN37-1tc NOVEL IDEAS IN PARCHMENT shades, boxes, baskets, ivy pots, etc, made to order. Consult Mrs. Weber, at 1179 Asbury ave., Hubbard Wds.s tel. Winn. 1213. 102TN37-1tec SIXTEEN ACRES IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTHFIELD, adjoining the Skokie line. Ripe for subdividing or building with over 600 ft. of frontage on Happ Rd. To close an estate, will sell for $2,500 per acre on reasonable terms. Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 714 Elm St. Winn. 2198 -- 79T37-1tc 87 WTD. TO RENT--APTS. WANTED TO RENT, 4 OR 5 ROOM flat or small house in Glencoe. Write Wilmette Life A-204. 87TN37-1tp 99 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES! ANTIQUES! Antique furniture, Penna. Dutch corner cupboards and sideboards, set of 8 Chippendale chairs--table to match, sewing tables in cherry, curly ma; le and mahogany, Governor Winthro fai desk. Sofas, chairs, old # shire figures, colored goblets and hoe a-brac WASHINGTON ST. a Bhock South of Main St.) Phone University 9890 EVANSTON 99LTNS-1tc INTERESTING EARLY AMERICAN & English antiques at the Little House . vi Interest, 312 South Ave., Glencoe. Glencoe 732. TIT 1eD Aww. 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS TTT37-1te FOR SALE 667 Garland Avenue 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 2 CAR GAR- age on Lot T0x132. Living room, Hall and Dining room, canvassed and at- tractively decorated; 2 sun rooms and sleeping porch. I have taken this home in trade for one of my larger homes, and offer it for sale at $26,000. Liberal terms will be extended to a responsible buyer. Would consider good building lot as part payment. Christy Brown, 736 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 147. TTLTNS-1te FOR SALE--7 ROOM HOUSE, CONV. location, close to public & priv. schls. For information call Winn. 1930. TTILTNS-1te MUST SELL AT ONCE, AT BARGAIN, leaving city. Living rm. table; bench; desk ; chiffonier; chairs; Victrola ; oak glass cabinet and servette ; music cab- inet; floor lamp; electric washer; kitchen table and chairs; folding chairs; dishes; aluminum ware; chil- dren's 'wheeled toys; garden tools. Tel. Glencoe 1262--385 Washington Ave. 100LTNS-1tp AT THE LITTLE HOUSE OF INTER- est, 312 South ave., Glencoe, will be found many objects of interest suitable for Xmas gifts, imported fur slippers, charming bath rugs made by mountain women of N. Carolina. Xmas papers, Xmas cards, etc. Tel. Glenc. 732. 102T37-1tp PINES AUTOMATIC WINTER FRONT for Willys-Knight car. Perf. cond. % price. Tel. Winn. 1385. 102T37-1te A DOLL HOUSE OF 5 RMS. COM- pletely furnished, good cond. Price Call 481 Grove St., Glencoe. 102TN37-1tp FOR SALE--A FIELD'S CARD CLOCK, perfect time, $12. Oak toy shelves, $10. And an old violin, fine tone, $50. Wilmette 3059. 102LTNS-1tc MAN'S BROWN ULSTER COAT, SIZE 40. Worn once, $30. 337 Sheridan road. Tel. Winnetka 2170. 102LTNS-1te $15. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER NO. 5, good condition, $25. Ph. Glencoe 420. 102TN37-1tp FOR SALE--GREY ENAMELED TWIN beds & girl's bicycle. Ph. Glencoe 1230. 102LTNS8-1tc FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY.IN GOOD condition. 851 Spruce St. 102TN37-1tc 103 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WANTED--2ND HAND BABY STROLL- er, Tel. Winn. 71. 103T37-1tc EXCHANGE WALNUT DINING RM. TABLE & 6 chairs; 3 piece walnut bedr.,, box springs & mattress; 1 child's Irge. sized metal bed with sides; gas stove, ice box & kitchen table. Tel. Winn. 3008, 1165 Hamptondale Ave. 100TN37-1tc 3 SMALL ORIENTAL RUGS; SOLID walnut living rm. table; 1 standing lamp & 1 table lamp; 1 tilt top table, black lacquer; for sale, reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1161. 100L/TNS-1te PARTY GWNING HOME IN HUBBARD Woods wants to build on own lot in Winn.. trading in Hubb. Wds. property. Address Talk A-202. 104T37-1tp Mrs. H. M. Anderson Injured in Auto Accident Mrs. H. M. Anderson, of 926 Ash street, suffered painful injuries about her head and body, Wednesday eve- ning, when her car and one driven by David McLellan collided. The acci- dent occurred at Cherry and Locust streets, according to Officer L. E. Barker. Both cars were also consid- erably damaged.