[8 WINNETKA TALK November 24, 1928 APTI OOO 98 1] i ANSLINSL PLN NING) NSN INS 1 Nr ( ® Ed = ® = i bX = ® ={ i = > = =~ i ~~ D IAS Q)[\9/\S/ NSA Wilm's Electric Company Announces the Opening of an EXCLUSIVE Stromberg- Carlson Radio Shop at 1616 CHICAGO AVE. Telephone University 2361 (Opposite the North Shore Hotel ) ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th There is nothing finer than a Stromberg-Carlson Christian Science Churches "Mortals and Immortals" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 18. The golden text was, "This cor- ruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" (I Cor. 15:53). Among the citations which comprised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3 : 26, 28). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages from the Chris- tian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Man is not God, but like a ray of light which comes from the sun, man, the outcome of God, ! | reflects God. Mortal mind and body |are one, and that one is called man; '| but a mortal is not man, for man is Immortal" (p. 250). & Good to eat-- FRESH NUTS |= for THANKSGIVING | =3 You'll want Billy Boy o> ' oQ Big choice nuts-- oF 2 Billy Boy Personals oQ Good to look at-- Have you served Charlotte &oQ Charles Russian Cake, made oQ from the recipe that was oQ kept secret for 300 years-- the cake that delighted the oQ Happify guests-- nobility of Europe?' For a ; oQ true story of engaging in- . % = terest read the history of Q Crisp and delicious-- Charlotte Charles Russian oQ Cake--ask Billy Boy for a oQ copy. oQ Fresh Every Hour oQ BILLY BOY | >s| NUT KITCHEN [3% NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING PHONE GREENLEAF 3006 Open Evenings Till 10--Sundays 1 to 9 519 DAVIS ST. oQ o> | Pneumonia Strikes When Youre Down; Expert's Warning Characterizing pneumonia as a "bully" that attacks victims whose physical resources are already de- pleted from some other cause and pointing out that the prevalence of this diseasé is likely to increase heavily upon the heels of a mild respiratory infection which is now epidemic in Il- linois, Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director, declared in a state- ment issued this week that pneumonia can be prevented on a large scale by the application of reasonable precau- tionary measures. These include go- ing to bed with first symptoms, keep- ing warm and talking your time in convalescing from colds, influenza, measles and the like, favoring the lungs with frequent fresh air baths day and night, satisfying the appetite with enough calories and vitamins, avoid- ing prolonged and too sudden ex- posure to severe weather phenomena, encouraging bootleggers to change their illegal avocation and sleeping enough to produce a refreshed and rested feeling at rising time. "Pneumonia prevalence has doubled in the last sixty days and is likely to increase no less rapidly for the next sixty as cold weather advances with shorter days and the indoor, crowded life that these conditions encourage," Dr. Rawlings said. "In October 848 cases were reported against 589 in September and 344 in August. Last year there were 662 cases in October and 1,484 in December. Present in- dications are that the disease will fol- low its usual course of increasing rapidly in prevalence during the next two months. "Pneumonia rarely ever attacks a person as a primary infection but al- most invariably follows some other ail- ment or disorder which has reduced the physical resources of the body so that resistence against pneumonia breaks down. Thus the present epi- demic of a mild respiratory infectida will pave the way for pneumonia. Baird and Warner Announce Recent Real Estate Deals Baird & Warner, Inc, real estate brokers, report the following sales: William E. Shellman of Wilmette recently purchased Lot 28 in Baird & Warner's Deere Park subdivision. Mr. Shellman is treasurer and a director of the Kar-Lac company of Chicagad manufacturers of electrical appliances. Mr. Petree was the broker. Lot 17 in Baird & Warner's Deere Park subdivision was recently bought by C. Ray Phillips of Winnetka, from Clifford Older. Mr. Petree acted as broker. Four New Trier Graduates Win Harvard Scholarships Seven Illinois boys in the Chicago territory are among those receiving scholarships at Harvard university and four of the seven boys graduated from New Trier High School last June and are members of the class of 32. Dean Vail Jr. 150 Abingdon avenue, Kenil- worth; Frank Watt, II, 415 Cumnor road, Kenilworth; Rollin Simonds and Frank Gilchrist Wilmette; George Pattison Jr., Hubbard Woods; John Kayser, Pocahontas, and Arthur Win- decker Jr., Oak Park, were the seven boys to receive scholarships. Mr. and Mrs. Clive J. Taylor, and Mrs. William J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, motored to Indian- apolis last week and from there to Petersburg, Ill. to visit Mrs. Clive Tay- lor's grandparents.