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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 24 Nov 1928, p. 72

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November 24, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 71 60 SIT. WID.~FEMALE 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS 70 FOR RENT--FURN., HOUSES 8 FOR SALE--VACANT > RESPONSIBLE WOMAN, GOOD NORTH shore refs., wishes to care for old lady. Winn. 2299 after 2 P. M, 60TN38-1tp NICE COZY FURN. ROOM, $5 PER week. Business district. 574 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 2822. 66T38-1tp FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, 5 rm. house, at 422 Woodlawn Ave., Glen- coe. May be seen Sunday. T0LTNI-1tp EXP. BUSINESS WOMAN WOULD like bkpg. or other office work part time. Tel. Winn. 341, 60TN38-1tp WILL SERVE DINNERS. TEL. WINN. 2256. 60TN38-1tp 61 SIT. WTD.--~MALE MARRIED STUDENT (25) WISHES EMPLOYMENT EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS; CAPABLE; RE- SOURCEFUL. WILLING TO DO ANYTHING TO HELP FAMILY BUDGET. PH. GREENLEAF 6694. 61LTN9-1tp IST CLASS GARDENER, GERMAN, LG. PLEAS. FRONT RM. FOR RENT for 1 or 2; conv. to transp. Tel. Winn. 1769. 66T38-1te 2 FURN. RMS. FOR RENT, 3 BLKS. from transp. Tel. Winn. 1065 66T38-1tc LARGE NICELY FURNISHED RM. 437 Chestnut Ave., Winnetka. 66LT9-1tp PLEASANT RM. NR, STATION. TEL. Winn. 415, 66LTN9-1tp ONE NICE LARGE ROOM FUR- nished, call Wilmette 1844. 66TN38-1tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 975 rried, no children, ith good refs., ¥ ae Porn. POSE. | Paul Ahrend, Oak St Ye! 'winn. 2103 Sores i 851 Spruce. Tel. Winn. 3019. 61T38-1tc | 67 FOR RENT--APTS. EXP. JAPANESE COOK WANTS POS. in PY: fam, = S. Tees 1501 HN, Camp LINDEN CREST APTS. bell Ave., Chicago. Tel. Supe Seat; WILMETTE EXPERIENCED HOUSE AND WIN- dow cleaning, basements white washed or painted; also odd jobs. Ph, Wil- mette 2088. 61LT9-1te HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING; also gardening and odd jobs. Wilmette ref. Ph. Kenwood 9892. 61LTN9-1tp WHITE MAN WANTS POS. AS HOUSE- man. Good butler. Tel. Winn. 977. 61TN38-1tp CHAUFFEUR, RELIABLE, EXP., REFS. Will do some hswk. Will travel. Tel. Douglas 8042. 61TN38-1tp NEAT COLORED MAN TO SERVE dinner parties. A-1 N. 8. refs. Tel. Winn. 643. 61TN38-1tp EXP. HOUSEMAN WANTS DAY'S work by the week or day. Williams. Ph. Greenleaf 6287. 61TN38-1tp 'WHITE MAN WANTS HOUSEWORK by day or week, odd jobs. Tel. .North- brook 219-M-2. 61T38-1tp L 62 SIT. WI'D.--~MALE & FEMALE 4 AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments, All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space, Schools, churches, ané shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. INC. QUINLAN & TYSON, 424 Linden Ave. Wil, 460 67TLTN2-tfc Indian Hill Apartments ATTRACTIVE 2-3-4 RM. APART- ments, light and airy rooms of good size and arrangements, convenient to schools and transportation. E.E.StultsRealtyCo 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800-01 67TLTN9-1tc N. S. Employment Agency 1616 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6130 University 934 The oldest and most reliable agency on North Shore. We are in a position to furnish yeu the most reliable help either male or female. PROMPT SERVICE 62LTN9-1tc GERMAN COUPLE--HUSBAND FOR housework and gardening; wife for cooking and laundry. Two adults and child. $150 per month. Winnetka 1130. 621. TN9-1tp WHITE COUPLE WANT POSITION as houseman, butler, chauffeur; wife as cook. Tel. Northbrook 219-M-2. 62T38-1tp SMITH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, couples, chauffeurs, maids and day workers supplied. Ph. University 6464. - i 62LTN8-2tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS LARGE ROOM, NICELY FURNISHED, equipped with Radiola and electric plate. Very private. Corner Gage & Linden in Hubbard Woods. Winnetka 2985. 66T38-1tc WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- zeeping and sleeping room, % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN32-tfe FURN. RM. WITH PRIV. LAV. NEAR transp. Young woman pfd. Tel. Winn. 2791. 66T36-tfc FOR RENT_FURNISHED RM. PRI- vate family. Gentlemen pfd. Tel 'Winn. 1686. 66T33-tfc PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 adults. 731 10th St., Wilmette. 66LTI-1tp LARGE, WARM ROOM NEAR TRANSP. Priv. bath, gar. Ph. Winn. 1543. 66LTN9-1tc NICELY FURN. RM. FOR 1 OR 2; IN Tower Ct. Bldg. H. Wds. Tel. Winn. 2420 or call janitor. 66T33-tfc ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR TRANSP. Tel. Winn. 3151, 458 Ridge Ave. 66T38-1tc APARTMENTS TUDOR-PARK BUILDING PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE are now ready for occupancy Walter P. Smith & Co. AGENTS 337 Park Avenue Tel. Glencoe 702 67TLTN9-1te MODERN 4 RM. APARTMENT TO SUB- lease until May 1st, 1929. Rent reas. to right party. Linden Court Bldg. W. W. Hanville, 918 Linden Ave., Hubb. Wds. Tel. Winn. 1699. 67TTN38-1tp FRANKLIN BUILDING Offer a charming apt of liv. room, brkfst. room, kitchen, igidaire, bath, Roll- A-Way bed. "Bargain, $55. Ph. Win- netka 382, 67LTNI-tfc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service. near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 4 RM. apt. 1 block from transp. $75. Tel. Winn. 2689. 67TLTNI-tfc 4 RM. FLAT WITH HEAT AND garage. Tel. Winn. 2871. 67TTN38-1tc EE ---------------------------------------------------- 68 FCR RENT--FURN. APTS. MY LOT 577X134 KENILWORTH GAR- dens $3,500 or will sacrifice my equity of $1400. Write Wilmette Life A-205. T8LTN9-2tp 87 WANTED TO RENT--APTS. 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES STORE OR OFFICE IN LINDEN CREST Building. Suitable for small shop or professional man. 24x13. Low rent. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 T3LTNT7-tfc FRANKLIN BUILDING Large second fl. office suitable for doctor or dentist. One small private office, $15 per mo. Best location in jovh: Ph. Winretka 382. T3LTN9-tfc OFFICE FOR RENT--LARGE SPACE on main floor, desirable location. 22%x17%. Tenant can sublet space. Ph. Winnetka 201. T3L.TN4-tfe 77 FOR SALE--HOUSES Winnetka CHARMING WHITE SHINGLE HOUSE with green blinds, Georgian style; lo- cated on N. E. corner; wonderful trees and landscaping; lot 127x187 ft.; near Sheridan Rd.; spacious solarium; liv- ing room 21x24; large breakfast room or den; 6 bdrms, and 4 baths; canvased walls throughout; 2 car garage. Price $57,000. Exclusive agents. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka 1617 TTLTN9-1tc FASCINATING HOME VARIEGATED TILE ROOF. WOODED corner lot, commanding location. Spa- cious living room, Ship fireplace. Olde wrought iron fixtures. 4 cheery bed- rooms, 2 tile baths, sun room, T. & Lav. Frigidaire. H. W. Heat. 2 car att. garage. Exceptional value at $26,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 77T38-1tc SPECIAL VALUES BRAND NEW 7 ROOM BRICK: 4 BED- rooms; 2 colored tile baths; tile Kkit- So, breakfast nook; hot water heat: $100,000 "buys 213 feet of riparian right frontage and 11 room brick residence alone worth $75,000. Heinsen Realty Company 720 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winn, 254 TTLTN9-1tc North Shore's Best Buv NON RESIDENT OWNER WILL sacrifice fine home, brick English type. 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, billiard room. 2 blocks to lake, 3 blocks to Hubbard Woods station. Priced less than $30,000. Let us show you this. Our best buy. CROSBY REALTY CO. 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTLTN9-1te GLENCOE OWNER LEAVING CITY WILL SAC- rifice. New brick, English type; eight rooms, three baths and lav. Attached two car gar. G. E. refrigeration. Roll screens, cedar closet; large landscaped corner, wooded ravine. Near school and station. Owner on premises. 10 Crescent Drive. Glencoe 1540. 77LTN9-1tp WANTED TO RENT, 4 OR 5 ROOM flat or small house in Glencoe or Hub- bard Woods. Write Wilmette Life A-204. 87TTN38-1tp 96 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED--7 OR 8 ROOM HOME IN East Kenilworth or Wilmette. Must have 2 baths and be under $40,000. Write Wilmette Life A-211. 96LTNI-1te 99 ANTIQUES AT THE LITTLE HOUSE OF INTER- est at 312 South Ave., Glencoe, will be found a new supply of lovely antiques. English tea sets, pair of old English Globes dated 1740, trays, screens, old Sheffield coffee urn, pewter, etc. A few modern gifts of interest. Christmas cards, paper and delicious candy. Ph. Glencoe 732. 99T38-1tp ANTIQUES FOR XMAS, FROM THE east and Europe. Moderate prices. Glanyr-Afon Farm House, Crescent Rd. East. Glen Ellyn, Ill. Phone 188. 99L.TN9-3te 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. BOY'S LARGE WAGON, KIDDIE-KAR $2.50; Sideboard, Mahogany finish, col- onial design, roomy but not large, has linen drawer, 2 cupboards, 2 lined silver drawers, $20.00. Mahogany and leather rocker $2.00; Dark Oak Serving table $5.00; Mahogany finish tea cart $3.50; Dark Mahogany Morris chair and cushions $5.00; Strip of green car- pet, 4 yards $3.00; 11 pairs tan Rayon curtains fringed, only laundered once, cost $2.50 per pr. sell for $1.50. Tel Winnetka 551. 100TN38-1te FOR SALE -- INLAID LINOLEUM, large gas range, simple dining room set, kitchen table and utensils, kiddy koop, porch furniture and porch rugs; sewing machine, single iron beds, chiffonier and bureau, fireplace screens, Hoover vacuum cleaner, telephone table and chair. 725 Waverly Road, Highland Park. Phone Highland Park 1436. 100LTN9-1tp ONE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR-- porcelain inside and out, 8 cubic foot content. One Radiola, all electric, cost $600 when new, perfect condition. One Hoffman instantaneous water heater, large size. One Chippendale mahogany China cabinet. Any or all of these articles can be bought at a great sav- ing. Wilmette 1908. 100LTN9-1tc MAHOGANY CHINA CLOSET, 1 MA- hogany side table, 4 Radiant gas heat- ers, 1 mahogany cabinet for pianola rolls, 1 large bird's eye maple bureau, 1 Hoover sweeper. Tel. Winn. 3189. 100T38-1tc FOR SALE--- MAHOGANY DINING room table and 6 chairs, blue uphol- stered seats; Leonard Cleanable re- frigerator; Bookcases with and without doors; Dresser. Immediate sale. Win- netka 1158. 100TN38-1te FOR SALE -- MULBERRY VELOUR davenport, mahogany davenport table, marble bust and pedestal, and b fast room set consisting of rs and six chairs. Winnetka 1763. 100LTN9-1te FOR QUICK SALE--AN AEOLIAN victrola in walnut cabinet; absolutely first-class cond; perfect running order. Call Glencoe 303 Sunday morning. 100LTN9-1te -- 3 WARM FURN. RMS, WITH KITCHEN- nette & priv. bath. In nicely located home. Tel. Winn. 729. 68T38-1tc 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT 1034 Pine St., Winnetka This house is in the very best con- dition, remodeled and redecorated. Located in an excellent section. The rent is very cheap. Owner does not wish to leave house unoccupied this Winter: 4 bedrooms. Phone us about CROSBY REALTY CO. Phone Winnetka 2032 69T38-1tc ATTRACTIVE SMALL COLONIAL house, rent with option to buy, nr. splendid sc Tel. Winn, 31 6ILTNI-1tc ROOM FOR RENT, SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2. Very reas. Tel. Winn. 2848. 8 Roy STONE HOUSE; 2 BATHS; $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. 2 66T38-1tc 69LTN4-tfc ROOM FOR RENT. 969 ELM ST. PH. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, BATH, GARAGE, Winnetka 2399. 66TN38-1tc in Northfield. Tel. Winn. 797. 69T36-4tp FOR SALE UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES AFFORD a buyer an unusual opportunity to ac- quire a Solid Brick, 7 sleeping room, 4 bath, house in A-1 condition on ap- proximate acre at what we consid ANTIQUED GREEN ENAMELED BED room suite, cane paneled twin beds, dressing table & stool, chest of draw- ers, chair. Bargain. Tel. Winn. 1227. 100TN38-1te $10,000 less than it should sell for. DUDLEY BRADSTREET, REALTOR 522 Center St. Ph. Winn. 806-875 77T38-1te hy NO. -- . bung. H. W. heat, large attic, lot 75x328 ft. $11,500, terms. No brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. T7T38-1te 78 FOR SALE--VACANT VACANT SPECIALS FINE WINNETKA CORNER, 65x180 feet, surrounded by new homes. Price $90 per foot. 'Wilmette corner near school and trans- portation, 556x160, at L 3150 per foot. Wooded lots in Hubba Woods and ene Near kk My $90 per 00 CROSBY REALTY CO. 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TSLTN9-1tc ITALIAN TABLE, CARVED LEGS, solid walnut, $40.00. L. T. Lange, 156 Fuller Lane, Winnetka 3292. 100TN38-1te FROM PRIVATE HOME; BEDROOM, dini room, book cases, chairs, etc. Call ilmette 32. 00LTI-1tp SE ---------------------------------- 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, T11. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc EE ------------------------------------------ 102 FOR SALE--MISC. FOR SALE--SIDEWALK BIKE IN good condition. Phone Winnetka 1334. 102TN38-1tp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 72

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