Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 8 Dec 1928, p. 88

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Yaa i ha YL ath oy A RETREAT Er eset tT wd December 8, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 87 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS "3 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES 2 ANTIQUES REFINED GERMAN GIRL, GOOD plain cook, experienced in upstairs work & serving. Address Talk A-220. 60TN40-1tp WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN32-tfc WANTED WASHING TO T AK E home; will call for and deliver. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1391. 60T38-3tp POSITION WANTED BY GERMAN girl as mother's helper. Newcomer. Ph. Kenilworth 392, 60LTN11-1te EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK for Mon. and Tues. Reliable. Tel. Drexel 5660. 60LT11-1tp WTD. WASHING AND IRONING TO take home; will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3246, 60LTN11-1te LAUNDRY MONDAYS AND TUES- days, also dinners. Experienced. Green- leaf 3318. 60LTN11-1tp PRACTICAL NURSING OR CARE OF small children. Phone Wilmette 3772. 60LTN11-1tp EXP. COL. WOMAN DESIRES DAY work. Ref. Ph, Kenwood 7959. 60LTN11-1tp CLEANING BY DAY OR, SERVING. Grace Dahl. Tel. Northbrook 23, 60LTN11-1tc LAUNDRY AND CLEANING FOR Wed. and Thurs. or morning's work. Tel. Univ. 8146. 60LTN11-1tp LARGE NICELY FURNISHED RM. 437 FRANKLIN BUILDING Large second fl. office suitable for doctor or dentist. One small private office, $15 per mo. Best location in town. Ph. Winretka 382. T3LTN9-tfc OFFICE FOR RENT--LARGE SPACE Chestnut St., Winnetka. 66T40-1tec oy main floor, Jdesifable | location. PLEASANT WARM ROOM, 3 BLKS. TO Ri enant can sublet space. station. Tel. Winn. 415 . 66T40-tfc | Ph. Winnetka 201. T3LTN4-tfc FOR RENT--3 WARM FURNISHED | 77 FOR SALE--HOUSES rms. with priv. bathe & kitchenette, for 2 people in nicely located home. Tel. oy . Winn. 729. 66T40-1tc FOR SALE IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR LARGE " FRONT ROOM. WITH OR a distinct bargain in a finely-con- without board, or may be used for structed solid brick, 7 sleeping room, light hskpg. Tel. Winn. 621. 4 bath, east Hubbard Woods home with 66T40-1te trees, plenty of yard, garage adaptable for chauffeur's quarters, extra pantry ROOM FOR RENT, NR. TRANSPORTA- sink, servants' living rooms, etc., please tion. 879 Oak St. Tel. Winn. 652. get in touch with ; a" ssrs0-ito| DUDLEY BRADSTREET FURN. ROOM FOR RENT AT 1073% 522 Center St. Winnetka 806-875 Gage St. Tel. Winn. 3161 evenings. 17T40-1tc 66T40-1tc LARGE FRONT BEDROOM, TEL. A HOME YOU WILL LIKE Winn. 2336. 66T40-1tc | BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL--6 ROOMS, sun porch and sleeping porch. H. W. 2 NICELY FURN. RMS. WITH HOT gas heat; garage. Deep richly land- running water, steam heat; 2 blks. to scaped lot. House in perfect condition station. $3 and $5. Tel. Glen. 1564, and ready for occupancy. Owner leav- 66TN40-1tc ing village. For appointment call FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT AT 975 HILL & STONE Oak St. Tel. Winn. 2103. 66T40-1tp WINNETKA 1544 EXP. COLORED GIRL FOR GEN. hswk 2 yrs, ref. Tel. Univ. 10257. 60LTN11-1tp 1ST CLASS LAUNDRESS WITH REF. for Mon. and Tues. Ph. Univ. 3204-M. 60LT11-1tp MORNING WORK, 9 TO 12. REF. $9 per wk. Ph. Greenleaf 2378. 60LT11-2tp ROOM FOR RENT AT 969 ELM ST. PH. Winnetka 2399. 66T39-tfc NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 or 2. 3 blks. from transp. Tel. Winn. 2992. 66TN37-tfc FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM IN small family; convenient to transporta- tion. Call Winnetka 2301 or 719. 66T40-1tc FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS A POSI- tion. A. O. 629 Main St., Wilmette. 60LTN11-1tp 61 SIT. WANTED--MALE COLORED MAN WISHES POSITION in priv. family as chauffeur and hse- man. 1st class waiter, handy around the house in every way. N. S. ref. Ph. Glencoe 73. 61LTN11-1tp YOUNG SINGLE MAN, EXPERIENCED gardener and houseman, wants posi- tion. Can drive and care for car. Refs. Tel. Winn. 3229. 61LTN11-1tp WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows. Serv- ing and waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT11-1te EXPERIENCED HOUSE AND WIN- dow cleaning, basements white washed LARGE FURNISHED ROOM WITH kitchenette. Tel. Winn, 2424. 66T40-1tc 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 4 AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. OUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 STLTN2-tfe FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service. or painted; also odd jobs. Ph. Wil- near transportation. Call Wilmette mette 2088. 6ITN40-1tc | Feit Po! GTLTN33-tfo EXPERIENCED MAN, FOR GEN.|5 ROOMS AND BATH, HEATED ; ALSO hswk., cook, butler, chauffer or hseman, | closed-in porch, 2nd floor, $65. 491 City refs. Tel. Mohawk 3439. Address | Madison Ave., Glencoe 1258. 1343 N. Wells St., Chicago. 61TN40-1tp 67LTN11-1tp CHAUFFEUR FOR PRIV. FAMILY, 20 POR. al a eT Unive Tong Yrs last place, Ref otty | $50. Ph. Wilmette 2626. 66LTN11-ltp 5 RM. FLAT, HEATED, AT 37 ALL AROUND HOUSEMAN, PUT Up| [Irevident Ave. -'fel Winn 128% 1 storm windows, wash cars, waxing a STE 11 112 floors. Ph. Univ. 3204-M. 61LT11-1tp | gg FOR RENT--HOUSES HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTS WORK after school and Sat. Ph. Winnetka 9 ROOM STONE HOUSE, 2 BATHS, $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530 T7TLTN11-1te CHOICE EAST LOCATION CENTRAL WINNETKA, 4 BLOCKS TO stores and station, 3 blks. to the lake. White frame residence--9 rooms, 3 baths, ivory woodwork, fireplace, dressing room, sleeping porch. Price, $24,000. Owner open to offer. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. LARGE OLD GILT MIRROR BEAUTI- fully carved, several smaller ones, col- lection of pewter and Sheffield, colorful trays, china tea set, Colonial andirons, lighting fixtures. lustres, pr. of celestial and terrestial globes dated at 1748, also a few modern pieces suitable for Xmas gifts will be found at The Little House of Interest, 312 South ave., Ph. Glencoe 732. 99LTN11-1tp ANTIQUES FOR XMAS, FROM THE east and Europe. Moderate prices. Glanyr-Afon Farm House, Crescent Rd. East. Glen Ellyn, Ill. Phone 188. 99L/TN9-3tp . Er 100 FOR SALE--HSEHOLD. GOODS SOLID MAHOGANY TABLE, 48x34 IN, $25; mahog. rocking chair, leather up- holstery, $10; porch swing, $5; boy's small bicycle (Rambler model), $5; painted floor lamp base, no shade, $5. Tel. Winn, 1227. 100TNLA40-1te WALNUT TABLE WITH CARVED legs, at 3% price. Tel. Winn. 3292, 100T40-1tc 3 PAIR NEW, LINED CRETONNE drapes, $12. Tel. Winn. 3169. 100T40-1tc FOR SALE--RUG, 6x9; SMALL AN- tique table; also library table. Tel Winn. 2844 100T40-1tc FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL WALNUT 4 pe. bedrm. set, will separate, also fire side chairs, baby buggy, vases and pic- tures. Ph. Wilmette 686. 100LTN11-1te FOR SALE IN GLENCOE---HAND- some mah. din. room set, 10 pieces, little used, cost $1,700, sell for $500. Ph. Juniper 9382. 100LTN11-1tp OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT, 2 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 chairs to match... Cheap. Tel. Winn. 77T40-1te 2464. 100L-TN11-1te UPRIGHT MAHOGANY PIANO AS FOR SALE good as new. Price $50. J. Orph, 522 SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- CORNER OF Ashland and Linden. Good design, worth moving. Owner must remove. Will take reasonable offer. 566 Center St., Winnetka. Winnetka 2032. 77T40-1te FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALLER house--11 rm. brick house. Tel. Winn. 1288. 377 Provident Ave., Winn. 77LTN11-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--NORTHBROOK, 6 rms. and bath, water heat, lot 50x180. Take lot as part payment. 1937 Wil- mette Ave. Ph. Wil. 4424. 77LTN11-1tp 8 FOR SALE--VACANT VACANT--WINNETKA HALF ACRE--BEAUTIFULLY WOOD- ed, highly restricted, on private road- way, surrounded by fine homes--close to schools and not too far from trans- portation--to acceptable purchaser only, at lowest price for high-class property in Village. Address Talk A-221. TSTNLTN40-tfc VACANT--125x160 WINNETKA HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAU- tiful lots left of the few remaining in Winnetka. Building restriction. On a quiet drive--no trees but a beautiful outlook at a price at least $30 a foot under anything comparable. Address 61LTN11-1te 69LTN11-1te| Talk A-221, 78TNLTN40-tfc 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE; 2 BATHS;|S80 BUSINESS PROPERTIES HOUSEWORK, PAINTING, WINDOW $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. 69LTN4-tfe washing and also light hauling. Wil- mette 3039. 61LN11-1tp re ------------------------------ 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE EXPERIENCED WHITE CHAUFFEUR, married, living quarters pfd. Wife will do housework. Highest Winn. refs. Write Talk A-217. 62LTN11-1tp EXP. WHITE COUPLE WANT PERM. position. Tel. Northbrook 39-J. . 82TN40-1tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--BEAUTIFUL ROOM CON- . venient to transportation. Garage if desired. 1436 Forest Ave. Wil. 686. 66LTN11-1te FOR RENT--ROOM. GENTLEMAN preferred. Near transp. Ph. Winnetka 2487. 66TN40-1tp NICELY FURN. RM. FOR 1 OR 2; IN Tower Ct. Bldg, H. Wds. Tel. Winn. 2420 or call janitor. 66T33-tfc i FOR.RENT--FURN. HSES. TO RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FURN- ished brick Colonial home in exclusive Hubbard Woods residential section; large living room, sun room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen down- stairs; 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; 3 baths, paneled walls, oak floors; carpeted throughout; beautiful drapes and furniture; vapor heat; 2-car garage ; landscaped lot 100x175 with shade trees and shrubbery; reasonable rental. Shown by appointment. Phone owner, Wabash 2277. 70T40-1tc {-------- i] FOR RENT--GARAGES NEWLY-BUILT GARAGE WITH CE- ment floor. - 3 blks. from station and uptown west on Elm St. Tel. Winn. 2435 or call at 1036 Oak St. 72T40-1te SPACE IN GARAGE FOR RENT. TEI Winn. 1432. 610 Cherry St. 72T40-1tc FURN. RM. WITH PRIV. LAV. NEAR transp. Young woman pfd. Tel. Winn. 2791. « 66T36-tfc FOR RENT--INSULATED 2-CAR GA- rage, at 842 Oak St. Call Winn. 1469 evenings. T2T40-1tc ELM ST. BUSINESS 1.OT READY FOR DEVELOPMENT. CALL Hill & Stone, Winnetka 1544. SOLTN11-1te 87 WTD. TO RENT--APTS. MIDDLE-AGED LADY, CAPABLE AND refined, would like sm. apt. reasonable. Could give service in return for rent. Best refs. Address Talk A-218. S7T40-2tp 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSE CON- sisting of 4 master bedrms., 2 baths, 2 maids' rms, and bath, in Glencoe re- quired. Immediate possession by re- sponsible people. Lease 1 to 3 years. Phone Glencoe 84. 90LTNI11-1te 99 ANTIQUES BUY DIRECT FROM COLLECTOR rare pieces, English sofa, curley maple table, English card le, walnut arm chairs, other items all perfect cond. 1514 N. Sheridan Rd., Waukegan. Ph. Waukegan 2122, 99LTN11-1tp Laurel Ave., Wil. 100LTN11-1te FOR SALE--ENTIRE FURNISHINGS of 10 room house. 888 Sheridan Rd., Glencoe. Ph. Glencoe 206. 100LTN11-1te VICTOR VICTROLA, MAHOG. CON- sole type. Perfect condition. Tel. Winn. 1894, 860 Spruce St. 100LTN11-1tc UPRIGHT PIANO, MAHOG. VERY reas. Tel. Winnetka 3047. 100LTN11-1tc i -----" 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHOLD. GDS. WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture * store, 1004-6 Emerson St.,, Ev- anston, TI. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN4R-tfc 102 : FOR SALE--MISC. DELICIOUS HOME MADE CANDIES and salted nuts. Distinctive Christmas cards which have just arrived from New York, also Christmas paper, etc. At The Little House of Interest, 312 South Ave., Ph. Glencoe 732. 102LTN11-1tp 1 SINGLE ANTIQUE WALNUT BED; 2 walnut rockers; 1 floor lamp and silk shade: 1 boy's leather jacket, size 14; 1 pr. boxing gloves; 1 set Book of Knowledge; 1 lamb's-wool lined coat, size 18; 2 sm. wicker tables. Tel. Winn. 206, 639 Lincoln Ave. 102T40-1te WALNUT CONSOLE VICTROLA ; FINE gray caracul fur coat and jap mink choulder scarf, like new. Bargain. Tel. Winn. 2416. 102T40-1te FOR SALE--ONE FULL-SIZE DOLL huggy, $2.50; one baby buggy. $5. Tel. Winn. 1892 102T40-1tc ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANNICA FOR sale--handy volume issue, 11th edition. 29 books. $40. Tel. Winn. 3208. 102T40-1te BABY BUGGY AND DOLL HOUSE FOR sale Tel. Winn. 906. 102T40-1te FOR SALE--3 STORY DOLL'S HOUSE with some furnishings, measuring 3x2 ft. Tel. Winn. 264. 102T40-1te TUXEDO SUIT FOR SALE--36 COAT, 31 trousers. Tel. Winn. e 102TN40-1tc FOR SALE--MAN"S OVERCOAT, IM- ported fabric, like new. Size 2R or 40. Tel. Winn. 1155. - 102TN40-1tc FOR SALE--HUDSON FUR COAT, 44 inches long, size 42-44, $50. Also Hud- son fur oget. short, chinchilla fur collar, size 1. Winn. 102TN40-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 88

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