a -- ~~ mv r . December 15, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 19 |) Winnetka P. T. A. Notes SKOKIE SCHOOL "Christmas Books" was the subject of Miss Jane Olson, Librarian at Sko- kie school, at the Mothers' meeting held last Monday afternoon in Miss Krenwinkle's room. Tea was served by Mrs. Bull and Mrs. Ritchie. The Social committee of Skokie school is sponsoring its second an- nual Christmas luncheon and gift tree, December 21, at Skokie school. Both teachers and committee contribute to the tree and the gifts. Exhibition of Aztec pottery was on this week in Miss Eggbert's and Miss Wilson's rooms, Skokie school. Christ- mas orders for the pottery are also being taken at Horace Mann school. GREELEY SCHOOL On Monday, November 26, Mrs. Wil- liam F. Coale planned a meeting for Miss Hayes' second grade. Miss Press- ler gave a very valuable talk on the meaning and purpose of social ac- tivities in the schools. Tuesday, November 27, a meeting was planned by Mrs. Ralph Snyder and Mrs. Max Murdoch for nursery mothers. Miss Hess talked on toys and books for children of this age. She arranged with Chandler's to send out an exhibit of books to show the parents. Monday, December 10, all the moth- ers of the second, third, and fourth grade pupils were invited to hear two talks on books for children. Miss Ol- son, school librarian, talked of books from a literary standpoiht, and Miss Pressler talked of books to enrich the children's background and the social activities work in the school. Each speaker had brought to school an ex- hibit of the books on which she was to speak, and had prepared mimeo- graphed lists to give the parents. Miss Nechak's sixth grade children gave a program Wednesday, Decem- ber 5, for their parents. They told of the medieval feast which they had planned for the Christmas program. This was followed by a talk by Miss Wygant on books for sixth grade children. She gave the mothers mimeo- graphed lists of books most valuable for these children. Tea was served by Mrs. George Johnstone, chairman of that room. Mrs. J. A. Merrill planned a tea for parents of Miss Baer"s room Mon- dav. December 10. These parents were invited to listen to the talks on books given by Miss Olson and Miss Press- ler, and following that, to meet Miss Baer and discuss the work of that room. TO HOLD SEWING MEETING St. Jude's Household, Order of Martha, will have its regular sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. Alfred Hasner, 123 Euclid avenue, Glencoe, Friday afternoon, December 21. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gray will spend the holidays with Mrs. Gray's sister, Mrs. Thomas Brooks, 439 Wal- nut avenue. Mr. Gray will sing in a month's re-engagement of the "Desert Song." --_---- Mrs. George Keehn, 100 Church street, Winnetka, formerly of Kenil- worth, is visiting in the east. Mrs. Keehn went to New York to spend Thanksgiving with her cousin. ---- Mrs. Claude Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, Kenilworth spent a few days this week in St. Paul, Minn. visiting Mr. Burnham's mother. | RN N EGRECGEES, IFE, Mother or Sweetheart will adore one of these beautiful robes of brocaded silk. IN ROSE -- COPEN -- NILE--FLESH-- GRAY -- ORCHID -- TURQUOISE -- [Pe WITH CONTRASTING TRIMMING v Especially $99 5 Priced T his Store Open Evenings Until Christmas G.L. ZICK & CO. "The Store on the Corner" ELM ST. at CHESTNUT ST. Phones: WINNETKA 631-632 . a