-- i M -------- December 15, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 25 VOTE SATURDAY TO FILL HIGH SCHOOL BOARD POST Arthur J. Taylor, Prominent Wil- mette Resident, Is Candidate to Fill Vacancy Residents of New Trier township will choose a successor to the late Les- lie F. Gates on the New Trier High school Board of Education at a special election to be held this Saturday. Mr. Gates' unexpired term continues until April, 1930. Arthur J. Taylor, 835 Central ave- nue, Wilmette, has been nominated to fill the vacancy. Mr. Taylor has lived in Wilmette for more than twenty years and is a director of the Wilmette State bank. Two of his sons were graduated from New Trier High school. Mr. Taylor is general manager of the American Slicing Machine company of Chicago. Polls Open From 12 to 5 P. M. The township has been divided into five precincts for purposes of the elec- tion, and polling places will be open from 12 o'clock noon until 5 o'clock. The five precincts are: Precinct No. 1: All that part of New Trier Township High School District within the corporate limits of the Vil- lage of Glencoe, Cook County, Illinois. Precinct No. 2: All that part of New Trier Township High School District within the corporate limits of the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. Precinct No. 3: All that part of New Trier Township High School District within the corporate limits of the Vil- lage of Kenilworth, Cook County, 1llinois. Precinct No. 4: All that part of New Trier Township High School District within the corporate limits of the Vil- lage of Wilmette, east of Ridge avenue and including the east side of Ridge ave- nue, together with the portion of wunin- corporated territory situated in the Township of New Trier to the north of and adjacent to the Village of Wilmette and bounded by Lake Michigan on the east and the corporate limits of the Vil- lages of Kenilworth and Wilmette on the north, west and south--being that territory consisting of 18 acres more or less and commonly known as 'No Man's Land." Precinct No. 5: All of that part of New Trier Township High School Dis- trict not included in the above precincts Nos. 1 to 4, inclusive, the boundaries of which are as follows: On the north, the north limits of the Township; on the west, the west limits of the Township; on the south, the south limits of the Township; and on the east, the west limits of the Villages of Glencoe, Kenil- worth, Winnetka, and Ridge Avenue, Wilmette. Polling Places Following are the polling places in each precinct: Precint No. 1--Cen- tral school, Greenwood and Hazel ave- nues, Glencoe; precinct no. 2--Horace Mann school, Elm and Chestnut streets, Winnetka; precinct no. 3-- Kenilworth Assembly hall, 410 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth; precinct no. 4--Wilmette Village hall, Wil- mette; and precinct no. 5--Village hall in the former village of Gross Point. Injured in Auto Crash at Lake and Tenth Sts. An automobile accident at the in- tersection of Lake avenue and Tenth street, Wilmette, Saturday night about 6 o'clock resulted in the sending of two of the six occupants of the cars which figured in the crash to the Ev- apston hospital. Mrs. R. O. Law, of 24 Warwick avenue, Winnetka, and Fred Smith of 577 Oak street, Win- netka, were the victims. One car driven east on Lake avenue by E. J. Schumacher, of 1414 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, was struck by an- other which Smith was driving north on Tenth street, according to the re- port of the Wilmette police. In the car with Schumacher were Mrs. Law and Mrs. Sanger Brown, of Kenil- worth. F. S. Kaulbach, of 800 Grove street, Glencoe, and John Parker, of 577 Ash street, Winnetka, were riding with Smith. Both cars were damaged. Extend Contract Period for Kenilworth's Plant Upon the request of A. G. Grand- pre, contractor for the new Kenilworth water plant, the board of trustees of that village granted an extension of one month for the completion of the plant. The action was taken Monday night at a postponed meeting of the board. The new water plant is located at Kenilworth avenue and the lake, and is being erected at a cost of $90,- 000. Village Manager F. L. Steed stat- ed this week that it will probably be in operation about January 1, or very soon thereafter. Harry Weese, 141 Kenilworth ave- nue, Kenilworth left Saturday, Decem- ber 1, for Biloxi, Miss.,, where he ex- pects to stay until Christmas. John Wilds, 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth is leaving on Tuesday, December 11, to join Mr. Weese for a few days of golf. RTs z Give FLOWERS oWERS are the one gift acceptable to everyone. Not only do Flowers interpret the enthusiasm of the giver, but they add a bright note to the Christmas spirit itself. Put beautiful Flowering Plants and Cut Flowers on your gift list, and order early. RB] Send Flower gifts out of town. We deliver anywhere by telegraph. JOHN WEILAND Florist Wilmette Store: 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 Evanston Store: 1614 Sherman Ave. University 502-8607 ZERNEEREREEE ERNE EE EEE EEE ARAVA VRRRRARAAD & idcvrb min OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS grace herbst 563 lincoln avenue winnetka