December 15, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 35 Design Preliminary Plans for Chicago's Great World's Fair Canals to and through each build- ing; three-speed moving side-walks and escalators for street levels and to the tops of buildings; roofs that will be artistic symphonies, thus to create a deeply pleasureable impression upon visitors arriving by airplane; volcanos of banked searchlights to create brilli- ant illumination; an open air amphi- theater for several hundred thousand people; these are a few of the out- standing features of Chicago's Cen- tennial Celebration determined in a three day conference of the architec- tural commission. Headed by Harvey Riley Corbett of New York, chairman pro tem of the commission, the members came to Chi- cago last week, spent two days behind closed doors, and on the third day presented their preliminary conclu- sions to the Centennial trustees in a conference of both bodies. Besides Mr. Corbett, the commissicn includes Ralph T. Walker and Ray- mond M. Hood, also of New York; Edward H. Bennett, John A. Holabird, and Hubert Burnham, of Chicago; Ar- thur Brown, Jr., of San Francisco, and Paul B. Cret, of Philadelphia. Certify Great Exposition Transcending in architectural beau- ty anything ever before attempted; embracing the very latest develop- ments in transportation, and reflect- ing new and startling developments of science and invention, this preliminary report of the architectural commission certifies a magnificent exposition. Chicago's world famous Art Institute was the gift to the city of the 1893 World's Fair. The Centennial Cele- bration will present another gift in the form of a new and larger building ad- joining the present structure, which will contain the billion dollar master- pieces of the art display. Island No. 1, now being constructed, will contain the great amphitheater, enclosed by the central Hall of Sci- ence; buildings for the collective dis- plays of industry; the progress of wo- men; American Indian and various ethnic groups. The concept having been determined, and the preliminary ground plan drawn and approved, the architectural com mission will proceed with the details. And to this end will seek throughout the world, to complete an achievement that will vividly and adequately reflect the progress of the century that is the lifetime of Chicago. Prize Beefsteaks on Menu of North Shore Line Diners Fifteen Hereford yearling steers from among the prize winning cattle ex- hibited at the 1928 International Live Stock Exposition in Chicago have been purchased by the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee railroad it is an- nounced by P. F. McCall, manager of commissary. "These steers, averaging 1,060 pounds in weight, will be converted into juicy steaks and other choice cuts, which will be served on North Shore line diners between Chicago and Milwau- kee during the Christmas season," said Mr, McCall. "This will give our pa- trons an opportunity to judge for them- selves what fine grades of live stock are being bred in this country and dis- played at the exposition each year." Purchase of the steers was made for the North Shore Line by Armour and company from Allen Newlin and Sons of Hudsonville, Illinois, who have won considerable distinction through their fine breeds of cattle. A special menu is being prepared by the com- misary department of the "Road of Service" for the period during which this prize beef from the world's best live stock will be served. $0000 0000000000000 0000000000000000OGSNIOISES Evanston Shop Open Evenings Until Christmas THE = "HUB Henry C.Lytton & Sons CHICA GO--State and Jackson EVANSTON--Orrington and Church ew Can any man have too many Smart Shirts? Imported Madras Shirts with short pleated bosoms, $5. Starched Collar Attached Madras Shirts, $2.50 to $5. Soft Collar Attached Shirts in plain colors and smart patterns, $1.95 to $5. Shirts with two starched collars to match, $1.95 to $7. French Bosom Madras Shirts with two starched collars, $5 and $7. Austrian Pleated Bosom Dress Shirts, $5. »BUY HIS GIFT AT HIS STORE--THEHUB--EVANSTON 2 00 0000600000000 0606000006000006060600006060000(06668¢ | 0 IoooooooOOOOO OOOO OOOO COO EO EX EX ER XXX Seoooeseccsscs