December 22, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 15 Sanitary District Head Sounds Plea for More Economy In strict conformance to the pledges he made to the voters from the plat- form, Howard W. Elmore, new presi- dent of the Sanitary district, declared in his first message to the board of trustees that the saving of the tax- payers' money would be a continuing process during his administration. That the retrenchment will be no flash in the pan, nor grand gesture to be followed by quiet forgetfulness, was made plain by President Elmore in the terse line: "As time goes on I shall probably have specific recommendations as to where savings may be made, and at those times I shall feel free to present my ideas to the Board of Trustees." The new President's message was de- livered at the regular meeting Decem- ber 13. It follows in full: "It would be presumptuous on my part to attempt at this time to outline definite policies which, in my opinion, the trustees of the sanitary district should follow. I have been a trustee of the sanitary district for a very short time and have been president of the trustees for an even shorter time. It will be necessary for me to acquaint myself gradually with the problems which are presented and which must be decided by us. "It seems to me, however, that cer- tain facts are evident. One of these is that there should be a retrenchment in the expenditures to be made by the district to as great an extent as pos- sible considering the work necessary to be carried on by the district. "The board of trustees will soon be called upon to pass its budget. I earnestly recommend that all expendi- tures be eliminated gr reduced where such elimination or reduction is possible without injury to the work to be done by the district during the year 1929. "The work of the district has broad- ened greatly within the last few years, but this should cause us to be all the more careful in carrying out the duties which are imposed upon us. "As time goes on I shall probably have specific recommendations as to where savings may be made, and at those times I shall feel free to present my ideas to the board of trustees. "I feel that the trustees as a body should work for the best interests of their constituents and this can best be accomplished by earnest and painstak- ing efforts on the part of the members of the board. I shall be glad to give freely of my time, of my experience and of such ability as I have to work with the members of the board for the carrying out of the work which we are to do. With the determination to see that every dollar of a taxpayer's money is spent as it should be spent, [ am sure that our pledges to the voters will be fulfilled. "The voters of the Sanitary district have proved to me that they want a business administration for the benefit of the taxpayers of the district. I ask the co-operation of the trustees to that end. TO HAVE TEA DANSANT The Kenilworth club will hold its usual New Year's day "Tea Dansant" from 4 to 7 o'clock. The New Year's eve ball will be held Monday, Decem- ber 31, at the club. Breakfast will be served from 12:30 in the morning until 2. The hostesses are Mrs. John Dix, Mrs. John Wilds, Mrs. Louis Jones. THREE-DAY HIKE Troop No. 13, Kenilworth Boy Scouts, is planning a three-day hike to be taken soon after the Christmas vacation if the weather is favorable. carols. New Trier Xmas Concert to be Given January 20 Christmas program given by the music department of New Trier High school under the direction of Mrs. Marian E. Cotton, which was postponed because of the large number of absentees at the school, is to be presented in the form of a Sunday afternvon con- cert January 20. Several numbers on the original program, which was scheduled for last noon, will be sung, and hymns will be substituted for The annual Sunday after- Highest Grade UPHOLSTERING Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order the Christmas Miss Jane McKinney, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Clegg McKinney H. G. LINDWALL Highest Grade Upholstering Established 1895 of 1215 Tower road, returned home innetka Thursday, December 21, from Brad- 808 Oak Street Ph. Wi M5 ford academy to spend the holidays. Sai = i od --=Y ; SEN 1 ¥ V//, ORDER TODAY! Special Ice Cream Moulds for CHRISTMAS Mrs. Bernitt's the Preferred Ice Cream will again be host to hundreds of north shore residents. Mrs. Bernitt's Ice Cream being home-made, from only the purest ingredients, is known for its goodness and high quality. SPECIAL XMAS MOULDS Santas--Christmas Bells--Stockings Snowballs--Candlesticks ) S OUR SPECIAL XMAS BRICK WL Pistachio Nut, Cherry Ice, Vanilla oes, $C 992 Linden Avenue HUBBARD WOODS TELEPHONE 66 WINNETKA Highland Park EE NT"