Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 22 Dec 1928, p. 63

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4 WINNETKA TALK December 22, 1928 I 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- Classified advertisements will be charged only to Glencoe inclusive whose Residents regular subscribers GLE{COE NEWS. s 15 cents a line in one paper. Rate. 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. of five words to the line. No on all cash with order advertisements Average Central Ave., Wilmette, the WILMETTE LIFE or all th WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 of the district from Evanston to names appear in the telephone directory, or who are to either WILMETTE Bh 5 LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or 25 cents a line in any two papers. black face type used. 10% discount when brought to our office at 1232 or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. " ; $ Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertion, cepted up to Wednesday 65 o'clock for be ac- papers; Thursday 6 o'clock for the 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. rm ----ssss----------ss------sss------------------eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 27 INTERIOR DECORATING ASK ANYONE BEST USED CAR VALUES 1925 2 door Oldsmobile coach, $140 down payment, balance $25 per month. ce 3 1928 Buick 7 pass. sedan .......... $1,550 1928 Buick 5 pass. Deluxe coupe ..$1,450 1928 Buick 5 pass. sedan .......... ,075 1928 Buick 4 pass. coupe ...... $1,200 «927 Buick 5 pass. sedan ..... $975 1927 5 pass. 2 dr. sedan ..... $775 1927 7 pass. sedan ............. $1,200 1927 4 pass. rumble seat coupe $975 1926 2 pass. coupe ............. $575 1928 Oldsmobile cab ......... $825 1925 2 door Oldsmobile coach . $350 1926 Chrysler 70 sedan .............. $700 1929 State License on Hand Trades Accepted--Open Eve. and Sun. North Shore Buick Co. USED CAR DEPT. 1027 Davis St. Wilmette 3750 4LTN13-1tc USED CARS 1826 Jordan Coupe: .. ...... ivcivsves $625 Bho? "Whippat. .........-. oo ees 325 1325 Hup Touring. ..... 0... Vi. 125 Rickenbacker Sedan ................ 275 4vcyl. Bssex Coach .................. 75 Cadillac 5 pass. Coupe .............. 275 HANSON MOTOR CO. 556 Chestnut St. Winnetka 330 4LTN13-1te FOR SALE--1314 7-PASSENGER CAD- illac car in good condition, best offer, Call at Linden Crest Garage, 332 Lin- den Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wilmette 477 for information. 4L.TN13-1tc EE ------------------------------------------ 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. New and repair work. Get our estimate. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL- ways react to the appeal of beauty. A room is attractive when its lamps and shades are in perfect harmony. We study your home and carefully analyze YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St. Greenleaf 816 27LTN13-1te F. S. BRASOR ART STORE Silhouettes. Individual Cuttings by Appointment 1312 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON. Univ. 9179. 27LTN4-16tp ---- 30 LOANS AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE rates, immediate service. Motor Accep- tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. 30LTN4-tfc PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY FOR B---------- 43 REPAIRING & REFINISHING 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS UPHOLSTERING AND MATTRESS renovating, by expert at your home or our shop. In Evanston since 1918. M. Okman. Univ. 5676. 43LTN13-4tp LOST AND FOUND IN GLENCOE--BOSTON mahogany color, legs all dark, collar. Answers to name of Reward. Ph. Glencoe 1271. 55TN42-1tc LOST--WIRE HAIRED SCOTCH TER- rier. All white with brown ears and brown mark on body. Reward. Tel Winn. 133. 55T42-1tc 56 HELP WID--FEMALE Pe 35 LOST TER- rier, white Speedy. GENERAL ily. Tel. Winn. 1157. HOUSEWORK, 3 IN FAM- 56TN42-1tc FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room for 1 or 2. Tel. Wilmette 623. 66T42-1tc NICELY FURNISHED, radio & electric plate. Corner Gage & Linden LARGE ROOM, equipped with Very private. in Hubb. Wds. Winn. 2985. 66T42-1te NICELY FURN. RM. FOR 1 or 2; IN Tower Ct. Bldg.,, H. Wds. Tel. Winn. 2420 or call janitor. 66T33-tfe WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, % block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN32-tfc RENT AT 969 ELM ST. 66T39-tfe ROOM FOR Phone Winnetka 2399. EXP. WHITE MAID; 1ST FLOOR work & assist cleaning upstairs 1 morn- ing weekly. Highest wages. 271 Lin- den, Tel. Winn. 1254. 56TN42-1te EXP. WHITE COOK; SMALL FAMILY. Tel. Winn. 1339. 56TN42-1tp GEN. HSWK., PLAIN COOKING ; FOND of children. White. Refs. Tel. Winn. 268. 56T42-1te YOUNG WHITE NURSE GIRL, PER- manent position. Ref. req. Ph. Glen- coe 1049, 56 LTN13-1tc MOTHER'S HELPER, 2 CHILDREN, near "L." Small house; ref, Ph. Wil- mette 1798. 56 LTN13-1tc 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE T al N .S. Employment Agency 1616 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6130 University 934 The oldest and most reliable agency on North Shore. We are in a position to furnish you the most reliable help either male or female. PROMPT SERVICE 58LTN13-1tc SIT. WID.--FEMALE CATERESS IF YOU NEED AN EXPERT CATER- good 1st and 2nd mortgages. Monthly ess Who is ex S E perienced in all kinds of raymenis co Sirgight TORE NIE entertainment including bridge parties vom. Ph Central : 0 -4tP | and banquets, ph. Wilmette 3347. Can assume full charge and give reliable 35 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ref. 60LTN13-tfc SILVER ot SORNET ; ih PRA TcaL] COL. GEN. WORK, OR COOKING. ISA- new, used only 6 months. Price reduced. -1t Tel. Winn. 1538. SBLTNI Ile] Del Perry, Douglas i512 soTez-i0p AMERICAN LADY EXP. IN ALL $250 MAHOGANY VICTROLA WITH good records, $100. Call Winn, 2065. 35LTN13-1te SMALL MAHOGANY PIANO; BEAU- tiful tone, good condition, bargain. 303 Fairview 35LTN13-1te 38 PAINTING AND DECORATING LET BRANDT DO YOUR PAINTING & decorating. Tel. Winn. 185 or Palisade 10481. 38TN34-tfe 17 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING ; CHILDRENS clothes; all kinds of embroidery a spe- cialty. Call Miss Westerberg. Winn. 2574. 17T31-tfe DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING at home. Call Wilmette 1844. 17TLTN13-3te A FORMER COLLEGE TEACHER will tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, Geometry, English, French and r- man. William R. Morrow, 5530 Win- throp Ave., Chicago. Ph. Longbeach 3900. 25L.TN11-4tp TUTORING JANE TRIGGS, B. A. WELLESLEY. Tutoring in grammar and high school subjects. Ph. Wilmette 3588. 25L.T13-1tp INSTRUCTION THOROUGH TRAINING IN FRENCH and tutoring, preparing for college examinations. 25 lessons. $50. Tel. Winn. 2336 25LTN13-1tp 39 PETS kinds of Interior decoration, will make curtains & drapery in your own home. Best refs. P. O. Box 117, Evanston, Ill 60T42-1tp THOROUGHLY EXP. |: CHILDREN'S nurse, shortly disengaged as companion to lady going south; capable; reliable; highest refs. Address Talk A-228. 60TN42-1tp NEWCOMER WANTS ANY KIND OF position in private German speaking family. Freida Johnak. 520 Greenleaf Ave., Ph. Glencoe 436. 60TN42-1tp RED COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, all ages, reasonable. Koepke & Pfing- ston Rd. Ph. Northbrook 84M1. 39T41-2tp FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL RUSSIAN Wolfhound, full pedigree, year old. 917 Vernon ave. Tel. Glenc. 1205. 39TN42-1tp PREFERRED STOCK Exquisite red male chow, 3 mo.; also grown, prize w. Pekinese. Winn, 3085, 688 Center St., Winnetka. 39LTN13-%tc 12 RADIOS 2 BEAUTIFUL ALL ELECTRIC SPLIT- dorf radios; were given to wus for Christmas. Will sell for $100 less than cost. 572 Provident, Winnetka. 42L.TN13-1te A REAL XMAS GIFT A $500 Brunswick Radiola Combination with records, for only $125. In perfect condition. Tel. Winn. 2471 after 6:30 P. M. and all day Sunday to see and hear it. 42L.TN13-1tp $30 FOR RADIO, WALNUT CABINET, battery and tubes. Tel. Winn. 314. 42TN42-1te Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced colored cook. Ph. Wilmette 4066. 60LT13-1tc COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES WORK by day or half day. Catering or chil- dren cared for. Wilmette 2919. 60LT13-2tc PLEASANT WARM ROOM, 3 BLKS. TO station. Tel. Winn. 415. 66T40-tfe FOR RENT--FURN. RM. IN PRIVATE family. Gentleman pfd. Tel. Winn. 1686. 66T42-1tc PLEASANT FRONT RM. FOR 1 OR 2 adults; also single rm. 731 Tenth St. Wilmette. 66L.T13-4tp FOR RENT, 1 OR 2 LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms close to transportation. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66LTN13-1tc LARGE WARM ROOM, PRIVATE bath; garage. Near transportation. Tel. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN13-1tc 67 FOR RENT--APTS. FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, pear transportation. Call Lo Anette LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 4 AND 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 124 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 67LTN2-tfe 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES ATTRACTIVE SMALL COLONIAL HSE. Option buying; nr. splendid schools. Tel. Winn. 3128, 69TN42-1tc 8§ ROOM STONE HOUSE; 2 BATHS; $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. 6ILTN4-tfe 70 FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE, WIN- netka, 7 rooms, 3 baths, garage, Jan. to May. Phone Winnetka 1739. 70T42-1te 78 FOR RENT--STORE & OFFICES OFFICE FOR RENT--LARGE SPACE on main floor, desirable location 221%x17%. Tenant can sublet space Ph. Winnetka 201. T3LTN4-tfe MIDDLE AGED WOMAN FOR HSWK. Tel. Winn. 1985, 60LTN13-1tc COMPETENT COOK & 2ND MAID wish positions together by Jan. 15. Have been many years in last posi- tion. Address Talk A-227. 60LTN13-1tc WILL SERVE DINNERS OR LUNCH- eons. Tel. Winn. 2256. 60LTN13-1te REL. COL. WOMAN WANTS WORK by day. Laundry & cleaning. Tel Winn. 1667 60LTN13-1tc -- 61 SIT. WI'D.--MALE L. B. DURANT--HANDY MAN ESPEC. in window washing; hse. cleaning and scrubbing ; wax floors and all odd jobs. N. 8. refs. Call Glencoe 73. 61LTN13-1tp HOUSEWORK, PAINTING, WINDOW washing and also light hauling. Wil- mette 3039. ' 61LN13-1tp EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WANTS extra driving. Understand any make of car. Glencoe 1244. 61TN42-1te FRANKLIN BUILDING Large second fl. office suitable for doctor or dentist. One small private office, $15 per mo. Best location in town. Ph. Winnetka 382. T3LTN9-tfc 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES GOING EAST OWNER MUST DISPOSE OF GOOD 7 rm. stucco in excellent condition, im- mense porch, h. w. oil heat, weather- stripped, canvased walls, garage, 85 ft. lot, choice S. E. sec. $17,000. GONE EAST Sacrifices Hubbard Woods solid brick ten room English Colonial, 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, 4 porches, 3 fireplaces, 2-car garage, immense beautifully wooded grounds, choice east section. Reduced from $$58,000.00 to $45,000.00. Heinsen Realty Company 720 Elm Street Winnetka Ph, Winn. 254 77LTN13-1te 8 FOR SALE--VACANT WANTED BY COLORED MAN, WORK ; housecleaning or as porter. Ph. Uni- versity 6637. 61LTN13-1t WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows and waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT12-2tp RIPARIAN RIGHT HOMESITE OF APPROXIMATELY 300 feet deep. Close to schools and trans- portation, Owner ill; must sacrifice. ce $20,000. Write Wilmette Life A-229. 78LTN13-1te

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