nea amr WAITER, TO o ka tec 6 re Esecp-e Le AL CAA vi lev b WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1915. LJ ..@lassitied Advertisements.. RATES--10¢ per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion Se per line. Not less than 3 lines. Five words to the line, Copy must be in by Wednesday evening. WiNnTED To BUY. WANTED TO BUY--A DOG KENNEL in good condition. Phone Winnetka 143. 1te WANTED TO BUY--- "House, preforubly 5 rooms; 50 ft. lot; Modern conven- fefices; Winnetka or Hubbard Woods. Address D. M. 4, Winnetka Talk. 6-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT THREE-ROOM HOUSE in exchange for wife's services a few hours daily. Phone 777-J. 1tc FOR RENT--TWO MODERN stores, Linden ave., Hubbard Woods; excellent location for baker or hard- ware; $30 month; two very desir- able offices, Hubbard Woods station, excellent location for doctor or den- tist. 8S. J. Franklin, Hubbard Woods. Phone Winnetka 236. ite = FOR SALE. FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO, Vose & Sons, in fine playing order; $50: also other fine bargains in used pianos. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman ave. Evanston. 6-tf " FOR SALE--SIX SHOP-WORN, AL- most new Singer sewing machines, latest models. Will sell at large reduction. It will pay you to see these machines before buying else- where; get prices. Patterson Bros. 1522 Sherman ave. Evanston. 6-tf FOR SALE--WILLOW CARRIAGE for child 2 years and over, $8. Tele- phone Winnetka 635-1. 1te FOR SALE--TWO FOOT GLASS showcases, Mission finish, and large quantity of shelving. Will sell very cheap. Winnetka Shop Bank Build- ing. Ite LOST. LOST--IRISH SETTER; ANSWERS to name of "Dan"; 1 year old. Call Winnetka 666-W. 1te SITUATION WANTED. SITUATION WANTED -- DRESSMA- ker 15 years' experience; all kinds of fancy work; suits or dresses. Miss Kingsrod, 520 Davis st., Evans- ton. Phone 3189-L. Call after 6 p. m. 6-2tp EXPERIENCED (ENG- lish), wants waiting table work. Phone Winnetka 992. 5-4te. WANTED--SEWING BY THE DAY. Telephone Winnetka 1004. x 5-2tp FOR RENT--ROOMS. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS for ladies; kitchen and laundry priv- ileges; near depot. Tel. 513-W or address M 3, Winnetka Talk. 2tf BOARD AND ROOM. ROOMERS AND BOARDERS TAKEN. Opposite Hubbard Woods depot. Phene Winnetka 992. 3-4tc MISCELLANEOUS. MISS JULIA GASTFIELD, SHAM- pooing, manicuring, facial massage. Recommended by Mrs. G. A. KE. Koh- ler. Phone Winnetka 57. 18tf AND WALL PAINTS PAPER BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TOWN RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE rp Communications Editor Winnetka Weekly Talk, Dear Sir: Some overzealous par- tisans of the Rummler ticket are in- dulging in much "mud slinging" di- rected toward Mt. Simohton, candi- date for President on the Winnetka Ticket, in particular and his associ- ates in general. One of these stories was that Mr. Simonton had been twice called before the Chicago Bar Association and threatened with disb:.rment. The utter falsity of this statement is evidenced by the following letter issued by the Chicago Bar Associa- tion: To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Mr. Harry P. Simonton of the Chicago Bar is a member in good standing of the Chi- cago Bar Association and has been for many years; that at no time during his professional career at the Chi- cago Bar has there been a question raised as to his integrity and profes- sional conduct. Mr. Simonton i8 con- sidered a man of high standing both at the Chicago and Illinois Bars. Respectfully, HUGH O'NEILL, Chairman of the Committee on Griev- ances of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion. | JOHN L. FOGLE, Secretary and Attorney of the Com- mittee on Grievances of the Chi- cago Bar Association. Mr. Simonton promptly located the author of this story and brought suit against him in the Circuit Court for slander to the extent «f $10,000. Another story circulated is that Mr. Simonton was "mixed up" with the "Funke case." The facts are that Mr. Simonton was retained by Daniel Donahoe to Eonguet his geronse in the suit which che of the greatest criminal telals ever held in Cook Countl. Mr. Simonton's connection with the case was that of an attorney for the defense solely. Another misrepresentation too ab- surd to be dignified by a denial is that Mr. Simonton was at one time a "heavy drinking man." The fact 1s Mr. Simonton is strictly temperate and always has been WINNETKA TICKET COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN Coming Events at Community House As this is Good Friday there will be no motion pictures at Community House this evening. There is nothing scheduled for next Friday, but the week after Charles Chaplin, who is one of the funniest men in the "movie" world and one of the most unassum- ing in real life, will fill "His New Job" in Winnetka. Sunday, April 4. Saul's Defeat and Death. The Woman of Samaria. Elisha and the Son of the Shumite. Tuesday, April 6. "Such a Little Queen," with Mary Pickford. Dr. Edwin T. Schildberg Osteopathic Physician Room 6, New Bank Bldg. Hours: 9 to 5 Daily Phone Winnetka 799 @ Geo. Ettingshausen Complicated Clocks and Watches Repaired 1070 North Avenue HUBBARD WOODS Telephone 989 Formerly with Lebolt & Co. RUMMLER and SIMONTON WILL BOTH LOSE their picturesque lawns and gardens if they do not use Vaughan's seeds which areonly to behad in Winnetka at our store, at the same price you would pay in Chicago. We have a large variety of Garden Tools and Lawn Hardware A. J. KARSTEN Hardware and Paints NEW TELEPHONE NUMBERS 998-999